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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 5a
May 2, 2013

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Buzz - Bike to Work Month
Escapes: Recreation in Wenatchee, WA
Health Nut: Car-less Commuting
Outdoor News Shorts, From April 2013
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Bike to Work Month
May is finally here! You know what that means - it's Bike to Work Month! There are a variety of events around the Northwest . . .

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Washington is the BEST Bike State!
In honor of the first day of Bike to Work Month, the League of American Bicyclists has released its latest Bicycle Friendly State ranking. Washington comes in first . . .

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Running Chics 
One of our favorite online athletic apparel retailers, Running Chics, is celebrating its fifth year in business - and they show no sign of slowing down . . .
Walk for Jane
This weekend, get ready to walk. The first weekend in May is a walking celebration of Jane Jacobs, a legendary urban activist . . .

Necky Kayaks. A Passion to Paddle.
Necky Kayak The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. What's the fun in that?
Savour the experience of getting there. Our paddlers are as distinct and different as our many kayaks. Both become one with a balance of agility, speed, balance and maneuverability. Find your perfect mate. Visit us on the world wide web, and discover a whole new world to explore. What are you waiting for?
Escapes: Recreation in Wenatchee, WA
More than just apples, Wenatchee is also the Center of the Universe for Outdoor Recreation
By Carolyn Price

Outside the back door of Arlberg Sports is the 10-mile Apple Capital Recreational Loop Trail. Down the road in Cashmere lie some of the most epic downhill mountain biking trails in the state.
        Read more . . .  
Health Nut: Car-less Commuting
By Kelly Turner
Run or bike to work: save money, save the planet and get in shape. It sounds like there's no down side, so why aren't we all actively commuting? . . .
Buzz: Outdoor News Shorts
Inflatable SUP
Ready to ride the SUP wave? Sure, but hauling around a big board can be cumbersome. Unless, that is, you can deflate it and roll it up for transport like Tower Paddleboard's new inflatable board... Also: Bogs, Golazo! energy drinks, Virtual Racing, TevaSphere, Osprey and more!  

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