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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 4b
April 18, 2013

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Vote for our BEST Cover - and Win! Also: our NW Cyclist bike winner and more NW news!
NW Cyclist: Resources
Castle Rock Rocks! A bike park for the people
It's Time to Haul Ash! with Redhook
The 31st Annual Beat The Bridge Run
Upcoming Events
Vote for our BEST Cover - and Win!
In honor of Outdoors NW's 25th anniversary, we've selected several of our favorite covers from over the years. Check out the gallery on our Website and vote for your favorite in the Comments section. A random winner will be chosen to receive a very cool hammock from our friends at Eagles Nest Outfitters (ENO)!

Will it be the Barbie and Ken Cover? How 'bout legendary climber Ed Viesturs? Seattle's original mountain bikes cops from the 80s? Or our Eco cover that's green...really green? While you're browsing, you might also enjoy the captions below each photo that tells a bit of the background and set-up for each photo.

It's hard to believe we've been around for 25 years - here's to another quarter century! . . .

Click here to vote . . .

Flower power bike winner!
Congratulations to Richard Luetkenhaus who was the lucky winner of the hippy-dippy flower power Electra cruiser bike featured on the cover of the 2013 NW Cyclist!

Read more . . .

Mt. Bachelor clears appeal period 
It looks like the Mt. Bachelor Ski Area Improvement Project is going forward! No appeals were filed with the Deschutes National Forest during the 45-day appeal period . . .
        Read more . . .    

Outdoors NW skiing snowboarding Stevens Pass Stevens Pass extends season
The snow just won't quit. Stevens Pass got another late-season dump that dropped nearly two feet of snow in a 48-hour period . . .
  Portland's "Cheers to Belgian Beers" is this weekend!
Raise your glass for Belgian brews! Here's your chance to try over 50 Belgian style beers, all brewed in Oregon . . .

North Cascades Pass opens
SR 20, the North Cascades Highway, opened on Tuesday, April 16 at 1 p.m. Washington State Department of Transportation road crews started work clearing the pass . . .

NW Cyclist: Resources
A selection of resources to keep your gears turning
Compiled by Hilary Meyerson

A selection of resources to keep your gears turning. Compiled by Hilary Meyerson. Street closures, maps, stolen bikes, reporting potholes, favorite blogs, tweeters and other bikey stuff . . . 

    Read more . . .  
Castle Rock Rocks! A bike park for the people, by the people
By Hilary Meyerson
Looking for your inspirational bike story of the day? Look no further than the Castle Rock Bike Park. This amazing bike skills park in Cowlitz County in southwest Washington is the definition of a grass-roots effort.
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It's Time to Haul Ash!
Redhook commemorates the eruption of Mount St. Helens with the Haul Ash bike ride.  Ride round trip from Woodinville to Fremont along the Burke-Gilman Trail.  Once in Fremont, you can quench your thirst with a cold Redhook at the LTD Bar & Grill.  Celebrate your trek back at the brewery with live music, beers and tasty BBQ.

    Read more . . .

The 31st Annual Beat The Bridge Run
The 31st Annual Nordstrom Beat The Bridge To Beat Diabetes\Benefiting JDRF   
Sunday, May 19, 8 a.m. 

Start on Montlake Blvd. Finish on Husky Stadium East Practice Field, University of Washington

Visit for details and to register online, form a team and view the event schedule.

To register by phone, contact JDRF at (206) 838-5153.

     Visit Beat The Bridge Now . . .
Upcoming Events
phone: (206) 418-0747
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