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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 4a
April 4, 2013

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
San Juan Islands celebrate National Monument status, Ski Dazzle, Tap Water Challenge
New Balance Footwear & Apparel Sale
The Helmet Law Debate
It's Time to Haul Ash!
Mountain biking is growing among women and girls
Cycle Northern Idaho
Necky Kayaks. A Passion to Paddle
Upcoming Events
Iceberg Point, Lopez Island, San Juan Islands San Juan Islands celebrate National Monument status
Washington residents celebrated on Monday,  April 1, with some of the officials who made their new National Monument status possible . . .

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Ski Dazzle comes to Seattle this fall!
In what is expected to energize Seattle snow enthusiasts, longtime Ski DazzleŽ snow-show promoters have recently purchased the existing Seattle Ski Fever Show from promoters Dan and Rebecca Schindler.

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Tap water challenge Tap water challenge  
It seems like bottled water isn't winning too many supporters in the Northwest. Mount Rainier National Park Superintendent Randy King issued a statement last week . . .
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Conquer the Hill 5k Edmonds Conquer the Hill 5K
It's not too early to plan for a May run - especially when it's in conjunction with a Health and Fitness Expo. The City of Edmonds Parks and Recreation is holding its Conquer the Hill 5k on May 18.

New Balance Footwear & Apparel Sale

Gear up for Spring during our Spring Sale at New Balance Portland & Seattle. Save up to $20 on select shoes. Plus save up to 20% on apparel & up to 15% on socks, insoles & accessories. Receive a FREE foot scan in store. Sale ends April 14th!
The Helmet Law Debate
cycling helmet law debate PRO. By Bob Freeman. Bicycle helmets save lives.
CON. By Aaron Goss. Helmet regulations and laws discourage bicycle riding.
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It's Time to Haul Ash!
Redhook commemorates the eruption of Mount St. Helens with the Haul Ash bike ride. Ride round trip from Woodinville to Fremont along the Burke-Gilman Trail. Once in Fremont, you can quench your thirst with a cold Redhook at the LTD Bar & Grill. Celebrate your trek back at the brewery with live music, beers and tasty BBQ.
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Hitting the Dirt
Kat Sweet Mountain biking is growing among women and girls
By Anne-Marije Rook
In July of last year, 60 women ripped through Duthie Hill Park in Issaquah, Wash. for the Northwest's first two-day women-only freeride event. 
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Cycle Northern Idaho
Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes
By Jamie Lynn Morgan

Scenery, wildlife, and 72 miles of high-mountain splendor is what you get when you ride the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes in North Idaho. It is one of the many popular bicycling opportunities in the Panhandle that also includes the Centennial Trail, the Route of the Hiawatha, miles of single track trails . . . 

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Necky Kayaks. A Passion to Paddle.
Necky Kayak 
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. What's the fun in that?
Savour the experience of getting there. Our paddlers are as distinct and different as our many kayaks. Both become one with a balance of agility, speed, balance and maneuverability. Find your perfect mate. Visit us on the world wide web, and discover a whole new world to explore. What are you waiting for?

     Visit Necky Kayak Now . . .
Upcoming Events
phone: (206) 418-0747
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