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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 7, Issue 3b
March 21, 2013

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Buzz: Washington State parks go mobile, TAP Campaign launches on World Water Day, Celebrate Urban Nature
E-bikes: Hill-flattening roadsters
NW Kids: Make Snowshoeing Magic
Health Nut: Working out on Vacation
Sports Medicine: Nordic Skiing
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Washington State parks go mobile
The Washington State Parks and Recreation launched its first mobile app yesterday on March 19, the 100th anniversary of the Parks and Recreation Commission . . .

TAP Campaign launches on World Water Day    
World Water Day, a date that was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993, is scheduled for March 22 . . .

Celebrate Urban Nature
Seattle Parks and Recreation and EarthCorps will team up to host the fourth annual Celebrate Urban Nature event March 30 at Seattle's Magnuson Park . . .

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Hill-flattening roadsters coming into their own 

Story and Photos by Hilary Meyerson
Quick-what's the best-selling electric vehicle in the world? It's not a car-it's a bicycle. Welcome to the future. E-bikes look like regular bikes, but have a battery pack for an extra assist. You still have to pedal, but you can commute to work without needing to take a shower.

NW Kids: Make Snowshoeing Magic
By Amy Whitley
The first time we snowshoed as a family, the powder lay five feet deep. My then-five-year-old sank to his waist while navigating the fresh snow, rolling into tree wells deep as caverns . . .

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Health Nut: Working out on Vacation
By Kelly Turner
Traveling is all about packing a bag and setting out on an adventure with no itinerary, no appointments and no schedule. Vacations are a time to relax and take a time out from your daily responsibilities. In the spirit of that, your workouts are usually the first to go . . .

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Sports Medicine
Nordic Skiing Provides Full Body Benefits
The New Year is upon us, bringing excitement of what is to come and inspiring us to set work and personal goals, and of course, Resolutions. If your list is representative of most Americans, chances are it includes exercising more and losing weight . . .
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phone: (206) 418-0747
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