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Hot Chocolate 15K - Seattle, March 3rd
Will Run for Chocolate The Hot Chocolate 15/5k is coming to the Seattle Center on March 3. Join your fellow runners and chocolate lovers for America's Sweetest Race! Enjoy an amazing post-race party with a finisher's mug of hot chocolate, chocolate fondue and other chocolate treats! All participants will also receive a technical hoody sweatshirt. Benefiting the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
This event will SELL OUT, register early!
For more info, visit:
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Winter Running
Get off the indoor hamster wheel Story and Illustration by Colin Hayes You're a runner. Winter is approaching. Looks like you'll be spending a few months on the indoor treadmill. The heck with that. Get off the hamster wheel and get outdoors . . .
Winter Running Gear
 | Fitsok Jewelpop socks
Shoes and Accessories for Winter Running By Outdoors NW StaffCheck out these gear reviews from our November/December issue of Outdoors NW magazine to help keep you running through the cold winter months . . .