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Outdoors NW E-Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 11a
November 8, 2012

Thank you for subscribing to Outdoors NW Online. Depend on Outdoors NW to deliver timely outdoor news and event information.

In This Issue
Buzz -- Our November/December issue, Stevens Pass, Bike frame contest winner
NW Beachcombing 101
Sports Medicine: Winter Ski Prep
Northwest Winter Festivals
Warren Miller's Flow State
Upcoming Events
Buzz -- Outdoors NW November/December issue, Stevens Pass, and our Davidson Bike Frame contest winner!
Outdoors NW magazine cover
Read all the Buzz . . .

Our November/December issue is here!
Get ready for winter!  Our November/December issue is out, and it is our best running issue ever . . .

Stevens Pass logo Stevens Pass is a Green Hero
Congratulations to Stevens Pass! Seattle Business magazine recently honored Stevens Pass Mountain Resort as the winner of the Recreation Category in the list of 50 outstanding sustainable organizations . . .

bike fram winner photo Winner Winner!
Congratulations to Paul Nelson, the winner of the Davidson frame that was the prize in one of the great contests here at Outdoors NW . . .

NW Beachcombing 101
glass float
Photo courtesy of the Lincoln City Visitors and Convention Bureau.
More Japanese flotsam expected this winter
By Heather Larson

Spending time on a sandy or rocky beach, smelling the salty air and listening to the waves crash in the distance often leads to searching nooks and crannies for treasures. We all like to think of beachcombing as something done on pristine beaches-for shells, crabs, sand dollars, jelly fish, kelp and a variety of other items brought in from the sea . . . 

Sports Medicine: Winter Ski Prep
ski prep exercise image

Getting to the Core of Winter Ski Prep
By Therapeutic Associates, Inc. 
As winter approaches, it is time to get fit for ski and snowboard season! Here are three exercises that will help strengthen your core and legs and improve your coordination . . .

Northwest Winter Festivals
Bend, Ore. Winterfest image
2012 Winterfest in Bend, Ore.
By Hilary Meyerson
Sure, summer usually gets top billing for festivals, fairs and frivolity under the sun. However, winter makes a strong showing this year with lots of Northwest Winter Festivals and Carnivals. Put on your down coats and pull on the snow boots and hit these great winter gatherings . . .

Warren Miller's Flow State:
Warren Miller Flow State image
Photo by Alex Witkowicz, courtesy of Warren Miller Entertainment.
Where the Mountain meets the Mind 
Warren Miller's Flow State is coming to kickoff the winter sports season for the 63rd time, connecting audiences with inspiring mountains and sensational athletes from around the globe. You won't see ski or snowboard action of this magnitude anywhere else. Flow State...where the mountain meets the mind.

Upcoming Events
phone: (206) 418-0747
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