Tip of The Month
Make A New Year's Revolution
By Tiffany Dahlberg
What are your goals for 2014? Many people create New Year's resolutions that fade by February: consider a New Year's Revolution instead. Instead of making promises to do more or less of this or that, revolutionize the way that you approach life and business by focusing on the 20 percent of actions that will get you 80 percent of the results.
Consider these three possibilities;
1) Reinvent the way you plan and manage projects. Ready2ACT wants to help you improve your project success by giving you our e-book titled, "Six Steps to Improve your Project Management." Click here for your free and easy download of this 8 page book.
2) Revolutionize a core business function.
One of our clients submitted a large proposal to a government RFP. In the past, if they didn't get the contract they accepted defeat and moved on to the next opportunity. Two weeks ago they decided to move from a passive sales approach to an active approach: fighting for business that they thought they would lose to a competing bid. By writing a letter to the customer explaining why they were the best choice, and educating the customer on the product, my client won the business. This organization had consulted with Ready2ACT to help them make their cultural revolution, and it paid off!
We have all heard of the benefits of regular exercise and now there is new research that gives you yet another reason to do it. Russell Clayton of the Donald R. Tapia School of Business has published an article on "How Regular Exercise Helps You Balance Work and Family" The good news is by making time to exercise you actually get more quality time at both work and at home. Exercise not only benefits you, but also has huge impacts on your family, friends, and co-workers - contributing to their health and happiness as well.
We'd like to hear about your revolutions. Contact us to share your stories of success. Happy New Year Revolutions!