
TipTip Of The Month : Make Your Dreams Come True
Photo by Joseph O'Leary


What does it take for you to move from dreaming to doing? Do you have ideas that inspire you then quickly shoot them down by thinking negative thoughts like, "it's too hard; no one will buy that; I don't have enough money, time, brains..." and the list goes on? Are you your own worst enemy to living a life of your dreams?

My friends climbed Longs Peak and sent the beautiful picture above. I was inspired by their accomplishment of reaching 14,259 ft and their reward of the vista earned through hard work. As someone who risks altitude sickness at 10,000 ft, I personally admire the strength, endurance, and determination that come with doing something "hard." Climbing "14ers" (as Coloradans call mountains over 14,000 ft tall) is a dream of many people, yet only some of them actually fulfill that dream.

As children who believed in Santa Claus, when we wanted something, we asked for it. We dreamed of having this "thing." We focused our attention on what we wanted and didn't worry about how it would happen. If we wanted a bike, we asked Santa for a bike, and didn't worry about details and logistics.

If there's something that you love, dream about, or gives you positive energy, I encourage you to ask for it by telling people. Just sharing your passion with others starts to direct energy towards achieving it. When you are clear about what you want, the how starts becoming more obvious, and when you tell people about your desire, then they may get enrolled and start wanting to help you achieve it. The next thing you know, your dream transforms into a realistic, achievable goal.

I have a new idea for Ready2ACT. I want to leverage the value of play and the creativity it produces with the needs and opportunities of businesses. My vision is to create experiences for leaders to have fun together then work on business issues. Ready2ACT would design a customized hands-on event. It would blend play with work, so participants would benefit from their relaxation to gain insights, ideas, and actions that improve their company's bottom-line, productivity, and work environment.

Now that I've shared the idea with you, I'm keeping the dream alive and leaving the details to sort themselves out instead of letting them kill my excitement. If my friends worried about all the details of climbing a 14er as soon as the idea popped in their heads, they would never have entertained the idea long enough for it to become a reality. Try it yourself: Share your dream. Make it come true.


I've enrolled you in my new idea, and I'd like to hear your dreams too. Please share them with me.

Congratulations To Our Newest PMP's!


Congratulations to Kirk Jones of Newmont Mining and Tibebe Woldeyesus of National Renewable Energy Lab who just earned their PMP� (Project Management Professional) certifications from the Project Management Institute!

"Given the right circumstances, from no more than dreams, determination, and the liberty to try, quite ordinary people consistently do extraordinary things."


- Dee Hock, founder of VISA International


Denver Workshops


Are you interested in earning your PMP?  Check out our classes listed below:


Essential Project Management

November 26, 2013


Essential Business Analysis

November 27, 2013


Comprehensive Project Management

December 16-19, 2013


Comprehensive Project Management with PMP Prep

December 16-20, 2013


PMP Prep 

December 20, 2013

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Tiffany Dahlberg - Ready2ACT