Indie Communication
November 12, 2013

Dear IndieCommerce Store,


Many IndieCommerce users have expressed a desire to add digital audio to their store's product lineup. In response, the IndieCommerce team at ABA has been looking for a potential digital audio partner whose product will integrate well with our Drupal installation.

As you can imagine, the platform upgrade scheduled for 2014 will delay our ability to add an integrated digital audio service. However, as you may not know,

Baker & Taylor offers digital audio content via its e-commerce platform for use on its Acoustik Player. 


What's more, Baker & Taylor can fashion a white label site, exclusively for digital audio, that can be featured as a link on your IndieCommerce homepage.  


We're interested in recruiting test stores that would agree to try the Baker & Taylor digital audio service for 6 months, after which we'll assess the IndieCommerce platform upgrade and appropriate next steps for a possible integration.   


For more information on Acoustik, please visit the links below:

Please let me know if you're interested in participating in this test and I'll pass along your information to Baker & Taylor.  


Be sure to include the following in your message:

  • Your name, or the name of the person we should contact
  • Store name & URL
  • Preferred telephone number
  • Preferred email address 
  • Best time of day to reach you 

All best,


Neil Strandberg  

Neil Strandberg | Director of Member Technology | (800) 637-0037 x 7527