
New Winter Boots! (Watch the short 30 second video!) 

On our recent missions trip to Ukraine, we were able to buy a new pair of boots for each child at Living Pearl Children's Home that needed them!

This is a very necessary item in Ukraine during the winter!Global Impact New Winter Boots!  



UKRAINE MISSIONS TRIP By Denise Monson, Office Manager & Partner Support, USA

Denise with Max and Maksym
Denise with the two Max's - ages 9 and 11 - that live at Living Pearl.

I recently had the incredible opportunity to travel to Ukraine and visit Global Impact's Living Pearl Children's Home which is just now celebrating its one year anniversary! It was quite an awesome experience, one I will never forget. I was able to meet the directors-Pastor Sasha and his wife Aloyna-and see what an amazing job they and the staff are doing with the home and the children there. They truly have the heart of a father & a mother for these kids. It was such a blessing to get to spend time with the kids and see that although they have come from some very terrible circumstances, they still have so much love to give! Now they are in this loving home where they are part of a big family, being well cared for and nurtured! What an impact on these children's futures! They are on a new path now, Praise God!  



Ukraine missions trip 2012-2
Our team (Kelly, Amy, Pastor Sasha, Denise & Nancy) buying some much needed items for the home like pillows and towels. 
Ukraine missions trip 2012-3
Amy sorting through the blankets that were given in the USA for us to deliver to the kids. All 17 children received their very own blanket!
Ukraine missions trip 2012-4
Ukraine missions trip 2012-5


(ABOVE) Staff trainings were an opportunity to minister to the staff and volunteers, pray for  them and encourage them in this very important work they are doing. Amy taught on the power of forgiveness, Kelly shared how she uses the keys of Heart to Heart to raise her daughter who is adopted from China and Nancy and Denise taught parenting skills.




ukraine missions trip 2012-6
Amy having lunch with the kids. Our team ate the same meals each day that the kids ate and they were delicious!
New toys for the kids! The orphanage did not have very many toys at all and the ones that they did have were old or broken.

Ukraine missions trip 2012-8
The staff, directors, children and our Global Impact team at the party we threw in their honor!

New Towels! (Watch the short 60 second video!) 
The staff were so happy to have new towels that
they went and hung them up right away!

Global Impact New Towels for Living Pearl Children's Home

What a difference!
Ukraine missions trip 2012-9

What a difference Living Pearl is making in their lives!

Dasha's first day at Living Pearl (left) and this summer, 3 years old!


Would you be interested in supporting the costs of running the orphanage either monthly or with a one time donation?

If so, please contact the office at 1-866-424-5622

or click here to give online:

paypal donate button 

ukraine missions trip 2012-10

A sincere THANK YOU to everyone

who gave blankets, bedding and

finances that enabled us to purchase

many items that the home needed

like a new washing machine,

a bunk bed and hand dryers

for the bathrooms!



Your generous hearts have

touched many lives! 


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TEL & FAX: 1-866-424-5622