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Dr. Mercola Supports 
K-Laser Therapy!

Benefits of Yoga
And the Different Types
The Beginning of Yoga
The earliest signs of yoga appear in ancient Shamanism. Evidence of yoga postures were found on artifacts that date back to 3000 B.C. Traditional Yoga seeks to provide plausible answers to such profound questions as, "Who am I?", "Whence do I come?", "Whither do I go?," and "What must I do?" These are the sorts of questions that, sooner or later, we all end up asking ourselves. Deep down, we all are philosophers, because we all need to make sense of our life.
In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word yoga means "spiritual discipline". People often associate yoga with the postures and stances that make up the physical activity of the exercise, but after closer inspection it becomes clear that there are many more aspects of yoga.
The 5 Basic Principles
Modern yoga is based on five basic principles that were created by Swami Sivananda.
  • Proper Relaxation 
  • Proper Exercise
  • Proper Breathing
  • Proper Diet
  • Positive Thinking and Meditation
The core components of general yoga include:
Poses. Yoga poses, also called postures, are a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility. Poses range from lying on the floor while completely relaxed to difficult postures that may have you stretching your physical limits.
Breathing. Controlling your breathing is an important part of yoga. In yoga, breath signifies your vital energy. Yoga teaches that controlling your breathing can help you control your body and quiet your mind. 
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises,controlled breathing and relaxation. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. Not only does practicing yoga tone your body and refresh your mind, it also improves your immune system, helps lower your stress level, and provides so many more health benefits. 
Main Benefits of Yoga
  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces chronic back pain
  • Improves posture
  • Increases mobility and flexibility
  • Helps to reduce risk of injury
  • Improves fitness
  • Lowers blood sugar in diabetes
  • Reduces blood pressure 
  • Decreases risk of heart disease 
  • Improves pulmonary functions  
  • and more!
Types of Yoga
  1. Vinyasa - This is the most common type of yoga in America. This type includes a lot of movement and "flow" from one position to the next. Vinyasa focuses on breath-synchronized movement. There are 12 poses. 
  2. Hatha - This is a classic form of yoga, and is slow-paced and geared towards beginners. It is gentle and focused on meditation and breathing. 
  3. Bikram - (Hot Yoga) This yoga takes place in a high-temperature room, anywhere between 95 - 107 degrees on average. It's typically includes a series of 26 poses, and is goof for patients that have tight muscles and do not mind sweating. 
  4. Lyengar - This yoga uses different types of props to help with strength-training, and standing poses are emphasized and are help for long periods of time. This yoga is good for physical therapy patients.  
  5. Ashtanga - This is a form of power yoga, and is known to be physically demanding. Ashtanga is fast paced and intense, and includes lunges and push-ups. 

For more types of yoga, click here!


Yoga and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care and yoga are both holistic and  forms of alternative medicine. They work in harmony to increase proper posture, range of motion, and flexibility; all crucial elements to both practices. Both yoga and chiropractic work on the body's muscular system, nervous system, and skeletal system.


Dr. Sullivan's Recommendations

Yoga is a great way to support your chiropractic care. It's a great movement based exercise that will help you recover faster and prevent future injuries. It improves your joint mobility, loosens up chronic muscle tightness, and improves your flexibility. Patients at NOVA Chiropractic that engage in less aggressive forms of yoga are more grounded, increased stability, and are less prone to pain and tension in the body. These benefits of yoga, along with chiropractic care, have proven to be a great combination of exercise and treatment


I find that some patients that participate in more aggressive forms of yoga (yoga that is high intensity, physically demanding), or participate in yoga on a daily basis, can sometimes acquire muscular injuries, or form adhesions to the overuse of a certain muscle. With these patients, I typically perform Graston and/or ART to help them continue their active lifestyle of yoga. 


Health & Wellness Articles

NOVA Chiropractic Blog Article: 

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Note: The material provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed herein may not always reflect the views of the NOVA Chiropractic, nor do they imply an endorsement. 
In This Issue
Dr. Mercula Supports K-Laser Therapy!
The Benefits of Yoga
NOVA Chiropractic Blog Article
5 Strength-Building Exercises for a Better Yoga Practice
Chiropractic and Yoga: Friend or Foe?
Laser Therapy
Ingredient of the Week
Stay Fit with Local Events
The Healthy Alternative
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Burke, VA 22015
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Mon  8:00 - Noon   2:00 - 7:00

Tues  8:00 - Noon  2:00 - 7:00

Wed  8:00 - Noon   2:00 - 7:00

Thurs 7:00 - Noon  2:00 - 7:00

Fri      Closed 
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Quick Links
K-Laser Therapy
 The Latest & Greatest at NOVA Chiropractic
The laser has proven to help dozens of patients at NOVA Chiropractic! Common conditions with current patients that laser therapy is helping to heal are:
  • Herniated discs
  • Knee arthritis
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Achilles tendinitis 
  • Neck and back pain
  • and much more!
For more information, call 703-912-7822 or email
Ingredient of the Week
Coconut Water
Coconut water is packed with potassium and includes a small amount of sodium

Potassium and sodium are two important minerals that act as electrolytes. 

During hot yoga, not only are you sweating out toxins, but you're also expelling the major electrolytes (mainly sodium and potassium) that your body uses to send electrical impulses throughout the body. Replenish with natural foods instead of sports drinks.

Stay Fit with 
Local Events!



09/07/13 - 09/08-13
2013 Seminars/Events 
Active Release Technique 

Re-Certification Seminar 

Iselin, New Jersey


Medicare Seminar

Richmond, Virginia


Health and Safety Fair

Fort Belvoir, VA


Health Fair at the Naval Research Laboratory

Washington, DC


The Healthy Alternative
The Healthy Alternative

A guidebook written by

Dr. Sullivan!

The Healthy Alternative: 

A Guide For A Pain-Free, Active Lifestyle empowers and educates the reader when confronted with back or neck on the treatment options available and integrating the safest, most effective ways to manage and prevent pain. Order Now!