February 5, 2016
CVBBF Advocacy workgroup visit to State House
This is a busy month in early childhood! Our CVBBF Advocacy Workgroup had a fantastic visit to the State House today with Matt Levin from the Vermont Early Childhood Alliance. Council members and other community partners had some exciting conversations with members of the House and Senate and grew more comfortable with what it's like to be in the State House. Thanks, Matt for a very successful outing!

Tomorrow is Barre Dabble Day at the Spaulding cafeteria from 10:00-12:30, and from 4:00-6:00 you can hop over to The Children's Room's Big Toy Night at Thatcher Brook Primary School in Waterbury. 

It's not too late to submit your feedback on the state's Child Care Development Block Grant plan. Click here to see the CDD blog post with a link to the plan and more details about how to provide feedback.

As always, please free welcome to reach out if you have any questions or need any support. Thank you!!

Council Meeting Agenda
The CVBBF Regional Council meeting will be held on Friday, February 12 from 9:00-11:00 AM. Our agenda includes the following:
  • Maria Noyes will give a presentation about the Doula Project at WCMHS
  • Lorna Corbett will speak about the Nurse Family Partnership and the MECSH Program
  • We will continue a conversation started at our Quality and Capacity workgroup about universal prekindergarten, specifically:
    • What resources do families need related to universal preK
    • Where are issues of capacity the most concerning in our region
    • What should the council prioritize regarding universal preK
  • The Advocacy workgroup will give a report out on their visit to the State House
  • Maroni Minter will give a Let's Grow Kids update

CVBBF Council meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Friday of the month, September through June, at Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice. Map

Universal Prekindergarten
We are gathering resources to help families and child care providers learn more about Act 166 and Universal Prekindergarten. You can find lots of useful information on the Agency of Education website and we are collecting central Vermont-specific links HERE
Let's Get Trained!
With their volunteers in mind, Let's Grow Kids has created seven free training workshops which are engaging, educational and fun! Expect group discussions and brainstorms, as well as to engage with the material in meaningful and personal ways. Their hope is that, no matter which training you attend, you will leave with the confidence and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of Vermont's youngest children. 

CLICK HERE to learn more. 
Early Childhood Day at the Legislature
Register today for Early Childhood Day at the Legislature which will be held on Wednesday, March 9th at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Montpelier from 9:00-4:00. Co-sponsored by Let's Grow Kids and Building Bright Futures, ECDL brings together parents, early childhood professionals, legislators, and employers to focus on the importance of advocating on behalf of young children. 

Providers Corner

Free Training Series for Providers!
VCHIP and VB5 are facilitating a 9 month training series to support interested programs with using developmental screening in their program to improve early identification of developmental concerns or delays. Begins 2/13/16 at Montpelier Elks Lodge. Designed for providers who are interested in implementing the ASQ-3 in their programs. For more information, contact Becca by email or at (802) 656-9190. 

Barre Dabble Day
Saturday, February 6 10:00-12:30 at the Spaulding High School cafeteria in Barre. Tons of fun for the whole family!

Big Toy Night
Saturday, February 6 from 4-6 p.m. at the Thatcher Brook Gym
FREE PIZZA and tons of fun!
Co-sponsored by, Central Vermont Building Bright Futures and Vermont Community Fund!

Save the Date! Child Care Provider Recognition Night
Thursday, May 5, 2016 at the chapel at Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier. Featuring dinner by Mad Taco! More details coming soon.
CVBBF Playgroup Schedule
If you run a playgroup at your organization and you'd like to be listed on our schedule, please email Becky. You can also download a copy of the schedule HERE
Please feel free to contact me with your ideas, concerns and hopes for our children. I want to hear and learn from you! 

Becky Raymond, Regional Coordinator
Central Vermont Building Bright Futures
(802) 461-3211
In This Issue
Barre Promise Community
The next meeting of our logistics planning team will be on Tuesday, February 9 from 10-12 at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre. 

Contact Shannon for details or to join our team
Statewide News
BBF is hiring a new permanent Executive Director. Please CLICK HERE for the complete job description and instructions for how to apply. Deadline is February 8 by 5:00 p.m. 
BBF State Council
The next BBF State Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 28th in Williston. For more information or to attend the meeting, contact Katie Mobbs
Need access to data? Remember that Vermont Insights has many different data sets available all in one place. Don't see what you need? Send them a message and let them know what data you'd like to see added to the site!
There are many policy briefs available on the Project Launch page of the BBF website. Here's a great one about Addressing Health and Educational Disparities i Young Children. All archived briefs are available HERE
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