September 8, 2015
It's Mini Grant Time!
CVBBF is very excited to release both the brand new playgroup schedule and our regional mini grant application in this newsletter. 

This year, the CVBBF Mini Grant Application is fully online. We have prepared a detailed information sheet including all questions that will be asked on the online application, and a list of the criteria the review team will use to evaluate applications. Please note that the online system does not have the ability to save your work so you may wish to write your application in a word processing document and then copy and paste your answers into the appropriate boxes on the online form. 

You can access the information form HERE.
You can access the online application HERE.

Join us this Friday at our council meeting for a Q&A session specifically regarding our mini grant application and process. The first deadline for applications is Monday 10/5/15 at 9:00 AM. 

We are also actively recruiting for both our Advocacy Workgroup and our Quality and Capacity Workgroup. These monthly meetings offer a chance for council members to collaborate with other community members on some of the focused aspects of our community work. If you're interested in learning more, send me an email

As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any thoughts or suggestions or you'd like to get involved. 

Becky Raymond, Regional Coordinator
Central Vermont Building Bright Futures Council
Council Meeting Agenda
The CVBBF Regional Council meeting will be held on Friday September 11 from 9:00-11:00 AM. This month, the agenda includes the following:
  • Q&A Session about the CVBBF Mini Grant application and process 
  • Becky will facilitate some activities for our Regional Planning process
  • Kelly Ault will share information about the Alliance's agenda setting process and opportunities for advocacy trainings
  • We will set aside time for council member networking, including updates from Let's Grow Kids and Promise Communities
CVBBF Council meetings are open to the public and are held on the second Friday of the month, September through June, at Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice. Map
Work for BBF!
There are currently two openings for Regional Coordinators, one in Franklin / Grand Isle and one in Orleans / Northern Essex. See below for links to both of the job postings. 

Blue Ribbon Commission

Vermont's Blue Ribbon Commission on Financing High Quality, Affordable Child Care met on September 2nd to lay out a roadmap for their work. 

The 17 commissioners opened the meeting with their own stories, which have led to insight into the struggles by Vermonters of finding affordable, high quality child care. The Commissioners heard from agency staff, professionals in the field and advocates about the landscape of child care in Vermont. They generated a list of questions they'd like to answer to help them understand issues ranging from barriers parents face in finding care to barriers providers face in trying to offer care. 

The Commission's next meeting will be in October at a date to be determined. For the latest news on the Blue Ribbon Commission, check the Let's Grow Kids Commission webpage.
Join the Vermont Early Childhood Alliance 2016 Membership Committee

The Alliance launched its first membership drive in 2015. The current membership representing 32 organizations and businesses, 42 individuals and 2 strategic partners has strengthened our advocacy voice and made important contributions to planning at the annual meeting. 

The Alliance will convene a 2016 Membership Committee this October to plan next year's membership program. Your ideas are welcome! Contact Kelly Ault about your interest in serving on the Committee. 
Providers Corner

Monday 9/14 from 9:00-11:00 am, you can visit your local VIT location to participate in the public comment process for the child care licensing regulations. 

The Child Development Division recently released proposed versions of licensing regulations for Registered and Licensed Family Child Care Homes and for Center-Based Child Care and Preschool Programs. They are accepting public input about the proposed regs from now through September 28th. The complete list of resources from CDD including links to the existing child care regulations, detail and links to provide public comment, and information about public hearings are all available in a recent post on Becky's Blog. There are also very helpful comparison documents allowing you to see what specific changes are included in the proposed regs as compared to the current ones. 
CVBBF Playgroup Schedule
We're thrilled to release the 2015-2016 playgroup schedule for central Vermont! Where possible, we've included the start dates for the playgroups -- many of them are already underway! If you have run a playgroup at your organization and you'd like to be listed on our schedule, please email Becky. You can also download a copy of the schedule HERE
Please feel free to contact me with your ideas, concerns and hopes for our children. I want to hear and learn from you! 

Becky Raymond, Regional Coordinator
Central Vermont Building Bright Futures
(802) 778-0875
In This Issue
Statewide News
There's a new update available from the Early Learning Challenge grant! Check out the latest HERE
BBF State Council
The next BBF State Council meeting will be held on Monday, September 28th in Williston. For more information or to attend the meeting, contact Katie Mobbs
The team at Vermont Insights recently published several new reports. Click the links below to check them out!

These and many others are available on the Vermont Insights website
Building Bright Futures recently released a new policy brief titled, "The Prevalence and Adverse Effects of Child Neglect." This report reveals that national rates of child neglect are more common even than child abuse and shines a light on Vermont's shortcomings documenting this type of maltreatment. 
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