Building Bright Futures Newsletter
Jan/Feb 2015
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In This Issue
BBF State Advisory Council

Next meeting dates:
Mon., Feb. 23
Mon., Mar. 23
(Agendas available just before meeting online.
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Pre-K Info for Providers
Video of Q&A between providers and state experts answer your questions on Act 166. CLICK HERE.

Early Learning Challenge Grant Update 

Building Bright Futures is hosting the Early Learning Challenge Grant web presence. Please check out the online information HERE.
Quick Links
BBF's New Action Plan Coordinator
Cynthia Greene has joined BBF to further develop and facilitate the implementation of the Early Childhood Action Plan. She brings an unfathomable understanding of Vermont's early childhood system from her previous work as the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Coordinator at the Child Development Commission within the Department for Children and Families.

Early Childhood Day at the Legislature
Registration is now open for the 21st Anniversary of Early Childhood Day at the Legislature co-hosted by the Vermont Early Childhood Alliance, Let's Grow Kids and Building Bright Futures. The keynote address will be given by Dr. Paul Dworkin, from the Connecticut Children's Medical Center, University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Help Me Grow National Center.
When: Wednesday, March 11, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Vermont State House and Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier

Let's Grow Kids (LGK) is currently supporting the formation of a Blue Ribbon Commission that will look at different ways to make high quality, affordable child care a reality for all Vermonters. To illustrate the high cost of child care around the state, LGK is raising awareness through a social media campaign that asks parents and providers to share photos of themselves on Facebook holding a sign with the amount of their child care costs. You can join the campaign here:  

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Regional Councils and Coordinators meet Jan. 20.
Julie Cadwallader-Staub, Project Director of the Early Learning Challenge - Race To the Top grant.
Focusing on our statewide network, BBF
convened representatives from each of the 12 BBF Regional Councils in addition to each Regional Coordinator. Regional Council members and coordinators received progress reports and an overview and update of the Early Learning Challenge - Race To the Top grant. (more

From the Regions



Addison BBF hosed a Universal Pre-K Partnership Meeting on January 15. Regional providers and Supervisory Union representatives joined education expert Frank Perotti to plan for available enrollment slots,

schedules and determine common language for parents in regard to Act 166, Vermont's universal pre-K law. (more



Bennington BBF held its annual legislative luncheon on December 10th. Legislators and those in the early childhood community met to forge an alliance to support young children and their families. Attendees realize the importance of a strong early childhood community support system and the importance of quality services. Maintaining those services in tough economic times was a theme of the luncheon. (more



Caledonia and Southern Essex BBF hosted a special meeting focusing on Pre-K in the region on January 26, featuring education expert Frank Perotti. (more)



CVBBF is awarding mini grants to organizations, community groups, child care providers and other groups focused on young children and families and located within the geographic region. (more)



Chittenden BBF and Let's Grow Kids is bringing a version of the popular TED talks to Burlington on the topic of "Growing Up."  TEDxED is TED's education initiative to amplify voices and ideas of teachers and students. Videos of the talks will be available in mid- to late-February on the TEDx website. (more)



Franklin Grand Isle has created a matrix to guide related work of the FGI BBF Regional Plan, the Early Learning Challenge Grant and the Early Childhood Action Plan. (more)



Lamoille Valley BBF supports playgroups in Wolcott, Morrisville, Stowe, Johnson and Cambridge. It also sponsors Baby Chats, distributes Welcome Baby and Well Child info at Copley and at doctor's offices throughout the Lamoille Valley, and serves as a mouthpiece to State Agencies and the Governors Office about issues relating to children from birth to 8 and their families. (more)



On December 13, 2014, The Family Place hosted their annual Gingerbread Festival. This year over 800 people attended the event and over 75 exquisite gingerbread houses were entered and displayed. In addition to the gingerbread house competition, the Festival included a successful silent auction, Jewelry O's sale, cafe, storytelling and cookie decorating for children, and many other fun activities. (more)



In December, Orleans and Northern Essex Building Bright Futures along with Let's Grow Kids participated in Newport's Santa Festival. Along with local children and their families, we walked the parade, and then participated in Santa's Workshop. BBF donated 285 books to local children who visited Santa's Workshop. On January 29th, 2015, the duo hosted another Raising of America

screening. This time the segment is called "Are We Crazy About Our Kids?" This portion of the documentary series focuses on the economic impact of investing early in our children's lives. (more)



Rutland BBF sponsors a playgroup of parents and children, under the direction of Lynn Gould from the Rutland County Parent Child Center, to play, socialize, and learn while listening to songs, dancing, playing with educational toys and doing creative projects on Fridays from 9:30am-11:00am at the Rutland Free Library. (more)



On December 8th Southeast Vermont BBF hosted a community event entitled: "Building Bright Futures: Vermont's Vision for Early Childhood." It was a forum to share BBF's vision for Vermont's children and plans to achieve it. Windham County state legislators participated in a Q & A session focused on early childhood and the Brattleboro Academy school drama club gave a special performance. (more)



Over the last year, the Springfield Area Parent Child Center has been hard at work reinvigorating their Parent Education Program.  We have expanded our curriculum and worked hard to provide services in other communities.  In 2014 we provided parent education to 73 parents and offered 9 class sessions throughout 3 different towns.    We pride ourselves on not only sharing valuable information, but providing parents with community connections and resources.  We are well on our way to cultivating a reputation as a fun, creative and personable program that encourages families to come back time and time again. (more)


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BBF Publications

Data Needed For Vermont's Universal Pre-K Implementation

A new Vermont law requires school districts to offer high-quality pre-kindergarten education, but there are no reliable and up-to-date town population estimates or projections to help determine how many eligible children might use these programs. That's just one example of how (more)


Two Info Sources on VT Pre-K Law
The public now has two new ways to get information on Vermont's new universal pre-kindergarten law passed in 2014, called Act 166. (more)

New report: VT's investments in early childhood system
Vermont has a new tool for tracking the benefits public investment in early childhood. The Early Childhood Budget Report, FY2013, released today by Building Bright Futures (BBF), examines the share of Vermont's annual state budget devoted to young children - specifically, public investments on behalf of young (more)

A new policy brief explores options for Vermont
When a parent goes to prison, children suffer a range of social, mental and even physical effects from the loss. That is the topic of "Parental Incarceration and Its Effect on Childhood Health," a new policy brief by Project LAUNCH's Traci Sawyers, published today by Building Bright Futures. (more)