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Deirdre V. Cryor

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Wildcat Weekly
A Weekly Newsletter from St. Mary's Academy 
The Wildcat Weekly includes news from the Academy and updates on events and activities. Watch for the Weekly in your email inbox every Wednesday afternoon that school is in session.  If you have news to share, please email Lindsey Lopez in the President's Office at llopez@smanet.org. And, be sure to click here to read my weekly blog. 
Deirdre V. Cryor
Academy President 
New Lower School Principal Appointed

Academy President Deirdre Cryor is pleased to announce the appointment of Florence Swanson as Lower School Principal beginning July 2015.  Mrs. Swanson will follow Mary Jane Frederick who, after 13 years at SMA and more than 45 in education, is retiring this June.


Since 2010, Mrs. Swanson has served as principal of Chandler Traditional Academy Independence Campus in the Chandler Unified School District in Chandler, Arizona.  During her leadership, CTA Independence has been recognized in the top 10 out of Arizona's top 100 schools, ranking as the #1 K-6 Public School in the entire state of Arizona based on achievement scores. 


As principal, Mrs. Swanson created and now leads professional learning communities in math, language arts and character education.  It is under her leadership that achievement scores of students at CTA Independence exceeded 95% in every subject area in grades 3 to 6 since 2011. 


As St. Mary's Academy has gotten to know Mrs. Swanson, we have found her to be joyful, enthusiastic, personable and in love with kids.  In fact, we have learned that at her school of 900 students, Mrs. Swanson knows almost all of the students' names. 


Click here to continue reading the about Mrs. Swanson. 

Wildcats Dominate at State and Break SMA Swim Records!

The 4A State Meet this past Friday and Saturday was the perfect way to end our swim season!


Our relay teams for the 200 Medley Relay stood out from the crowd thanks to Isa Faddick, Claire State, Alex Reddington and Sophia Richardson.  This fine group of ladies placed ninth overall posting a season best, and new school record, of 1:52.38! The same four ladies were able to break another school record in the 400 Freestyle Relay placing 10th with a time of 3:44.08.


Junior Claire State made her splash posting season best times finishing eighth in both the 200 Individual Medley and the 100 Breaststroke respectively. 


Sophomore Alex Reddington successfully took second in the 100 Fly, breaking her own school record with a new time of 55.80.  In addition, Alex also broke her record in the 100 Backstroke, taking eighth place with a solid time of 58.86.


Overall, the Wildcats swam fabulously, finishing 10th out of 33 teams. The Wildcats beat out league rivals, Kent Denver and Colorado Academy!  This season may be complete, but we are excited and focused for next year and new team members! 

A Community of Service and Gratitude

Friday, February 13 was a day of good luck for St. Mary's Academy faculty and staff.  After we started our day together with breakfast and a joyful prayer service, we loaded up the activity buses and our cars to head off for a day of service.


Throughout the day SMA teachers could be found in social service agencies across Denver.  Some teachers folded and sorted clothing for Clothes to Kids and at Gabriel's House; other teachers sorted and organized food at Food Bank of the Rockies and Volunteers of America City Harvest Food Bank.  Still others helped out with filling orders at Jeffco Action Center and others spent the day at Project Cure putting medical supplies in order.


The Gospel urges us:  "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"  (Matthew 25:35-40) 


Faculty and staff are still in the process of logging their service minutes on the 150th Anniversary Minutes of Service site, but the total has already jumped by 11,000 minutes since Friday!  Here are a few comments from faculty and staff about their experiences: 

  • "Incredible faculty teamwork and efficiency that astounded the VOA staff! We made boxes, filled them with can food, and stacked them on pallets for eventual delivery to those in need, mostly for Meals on Wheels. We put together over 6,000 pounds of canned food!" - HS Teacher Don Nelson, VOA Food Bank
  • "It made me feel good, knowing that the work of organizing clothing items will make the shopping experience for many needy families a more pleasant and easier one." - MS Teacher Janice Schmitt, Clothes to Kids
  • "As part of our wonderful faculty and staff service day, our groups unpacked donated medical equipment and supplies and filled bags with basic medical supplies for children. Such a great agency, doing important work." - Campus Minister Paula Lee, Project C.U.R.E.
  • "I hope that the clients who received the food which we boxed for them also feel the love and joy which our group had while working together." - HS Library Assistant Vicki Peirce, Jeffco Action Center

The Day of Service turned into one of hard work, laughter, service and reflection.  Truly a St. Mary's Academy kind of day.

150th Anniversary Mass ~ Save the Date!

Save the Date!

150th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving

Sunday, April 19, 2015

2:00 PM in the Bishop Evans Sports Center on campus

A reception on campus will follow.

Invitations and RSVP information will be mailed in March.

Construction Updates
Terrazzo tile is headed into the Community Center this week!  This will serve as the flooring in the building entryway and staircase.  Meanwhile, in other areas of the building, the crew continues to finalize installation of wall tiles and countertops.  On the exterior, the masonry is nearly complete and is now getting a wash to remove any excess mortar and dust.  

Take a look at the webcam for real-time Community Center construction updates, and don't forget to reserve your spot for an upcoming tour.

Over on the Pam Bent Turf Field, game markings are taking shape.  Ranging in color from white, yellow, blue, and gray, these regulation lines will service games for field hockey, soccer, and boys' and girls' lacrosse.  SMA was also excited to learn that the eighth and final container of Nike Grind has arrived in Denver!  It will join the other shipments at Academy Sports storage until it is ready to be delivered to campus and spread on the field later this month.     
All Academy and Community Happenings
  • St. Anne's Episcopal School invites parents to attend MARIJUANA TODAY: THE FACTS AND THE MYTHS.  A panel of five experts will discuss marijuana and its effects on our youth Tuesday, February 24, 6:00-7:30 PM in the St. Anne's Gymnasium.  Click here for more information.
  • Save the Date!  Junie B. Jones, the Musical opens soon!  Tickets are FREE for all SMA students, faculty and staff, and $6.00 for adults. Click here for more information!   Performances will be in the High School Forum on: 
    • Thursday, March 5 at 3:15 PM
    • Friday, March 6 at 6:00 PM
    • Saturday, March 7 at 2:00 PM
Lower School News & Events
  • 4/5 Families: Check out the 4/5 Blog for some new pics from AmeriTowne and the Valentine's Party!
  • Pictured at right, Lower School and Middle School students gathered as one for Ash Wednesday Mass this morning in the Lower School Gym.  
  • Parents of girls in grades 3-5: Registration is now OPEN for Girls on the Run!  Your daughter is invited to participate this Spring on Mondays after school for this program as fellow students prepare to run a 5k on Saturday, May 9. Practices will be held at SMA beginning Monday, March 2 from 3-4:30 PM. To register, please follow the directions below:
    • Click there and it will take you directly to the Registration page for the girls.

Events this Week:

  • Friday, February 20; 8:15 AM Assembly featuring Primary Dance
  • Wednesday, February 25; Late Start, classes begin at 9:05 AM.
Middle School News & Events 
  • Middle School Peru travelers, who serve as Ambassadors for the entire Middle School, will have their fourth meeting this Friday. In anticipation of their trip, they are preparing by studying group dynamics, learning about Peru and considering their roles with each other and as representatives of their families, school, and country. 
  • Pictured at right, Middle School students joined their Lower School friends for Ash Wednesday Mass this morning in the Lower School Gym.   
  • The much-anticipated Middle School Island social is coming! This is an Academy Parents sponsored social and is at The Island at 2233 South Geneva Street in Denver 80231 on Friday, February 27 from 6:00 to 8:30 PMThe cost is $15, which is due to the MS Office by Thursday, February 26. Entry is $20 at the door.  For this off-campus event, parents must sign their child in and out.

Events this Week: 

  • Wednesday, February 25
    • Late Start, classes begin at 9:05 AM.
    • Middle School Concert; 7:00 PM in the Forum
High School News & Events
  • SMAbotics 'bagged' their FIRST Robotics robot yesterday, finishing six weeks of designing/ building/programming that culminated in a highly functional, anodized blue & silver, 80 lb. creation that is sure to garner some attention at the upcoming competition at DU's Magness Arena on Saturday, March 28.  Students were right on time for the FIRST deadline, completing work on the robot by midnight on February 17.  Every team has to 'bag' their robot until competition, and once its been bagged, no more work can be done.  Through this process, the girls further developed their AutoCAD and java skills, worked as a team with great consistency, and are totally excited about what they've been able to achieve (so far) this first year in FRC.  Go SMAbotics!!

Events this Week:

  • Saturday, February 21; Father/Daughter Dance; 6:00 PM in the Forum
  • Wednesday, February 25; Late Start, classes begin at 9:05 AM.
  • Monday, February 23; Spring Sports Practice Begins
  • Tuesday, February 24; Diversity Day
Academy Parents

Academy Parents is pleased to announce that SMA will host a Parenting Safe Children Workshop for Parents by Feather Berkower on Saturday April 11, 2015.  Click here to learn more about this workshop.  


To register, proceed to the SMA-specific page on Feather's website.  Childcare will be provided for SMA families only.  Click here to register for complimentary childcare while you attend the workshop.  Please note that workshop registration and childcare registration are two separate processes.

Admissions News


  • The Admissions Office, in cooperation with our ACIS schools, will be offering acceptances to prospective families in the High School at 4:00 PM on February 19, the Middle School on February 26 and the Lower School on March 4.  Thank you!

Advancement News

The Gala bidding is underway! Bid now on a suite for the Colorado Avalanche vs. Minnesota Wild on Saturday, February 28 at 8:00 PM at the Pepsi Center. The value of the suite is $3,000 and bidding starts at $1,000. 


For more information, click here. Bids are due to Charlie Arbogast no later than noon on Friday, February 20.

  • There are many other ways you can support SMA!  Here are a few to consider:
    • Matching Gifts- Your employer may double or even triple your gift to SMA.  Obtain information from your company's Human Resources office to initiate a match.
    • Loretto Legacy SocietyAll generous donors who inform SMA of their plans to include St. Mary's Academy in their will or estate plan, will become members of St. Mary's Loretto Legacy Society.  Contact Director of Advancement, Charlie Arbogast to learn more.
    • Donate Your Car- The donation of your car can also benefit SMA!  Click on the image below to learn more.  


Athletics News

Congratulations, again, to our swimmers for representing SMA at State!


Great job to all winter sports athletes!  Spring Sports begin on Monday, February 23.


For more details and schedules, contact the Athletics Office, check the calendar on your mobile device App, or visit the SMA athletics website.  


Go Wildcats!

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