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Friday, November 1, 2013 


It is always a good day when you open the Dayton Daily News and see Wright State represented in a positive light. Such was the case over my morning tea a few weeks back when I read an excellent Guest Column by Vaughn Shannon, Political Science, on Diplomacy in Syria. Other recent experts who have been called on for their insight include Mary Rucker, Communication, on President Obama; Jonathan Winkler, History, on Syria; Nicole Richter, Motion Pictures, on violence in movies and video games; Ava Chamberlain, Religion, on how area colleges value religious education; Melissa Spirek, Communication, on current social media practices; Myron Levine, Urban Affairs, on local tax burdens and Dayton commuting patterns; John Feldmeier, Political Science, on the summer Supreme Court decisions; Opolot Okia, History, on the shopping mall bombings in Nairobi; and Dave Baxter, Communication, on media law. Their expertise helps everyone better understand complex situations and reflects positively on all of us at Wright State.
In addition to faculty providing important newsworthy expertise, our Communication students contribute daily content for the Dayton Daily News, the result of a 5-year collaboration with the Cox Media Group where digital reporting classes are operating as student news bureaus. Students have produced over 3,500 news briefs, videos, print and web features!  This is one of only 24 programs in the nation whose students provide daily content to a large, urban venue and it is now expanding to the Springfield News-Sun.  Kudos to Ray Marcano and Ken Paxson for overseeing this great collaboration and for providing such excellent, real-world experiences for our students!


The Dayton Literary Peace Prize awards ceremony is this Sunday. What a fantastic event for Dayton to host! It shines an international light onto the great things that are happening in Dayton and the region. Wright State plays a significant role in this event with Carol Loranger, English, serving on the DLPP governing board and on the Richard C. Holbrooke Distinguished Achievement Award selection committee. In addition, Sarah TwillSocial Work, Chris Chaffee, Music, and Lynette Jones, English, act as first readers for the hundreds of books that are nominated each year for the prize. Andrew Strombeck, English, organized this year's Poets for Peace poetry reading at the Trolley Stop, bringing together poets from the Miami Valley including our own Christopher DeWeese, English, Dennis Loranger, Music, English, and Cynthia Marshall, English. Carl Brun, Social Work, Sarah Twill, Social Work, and Carol Loranger, English, organized this year's CELIA sponsored seed grant Celebration of the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, which is bringing last year's winner for fiction, Andrew Krivak, to campus all day today. Thank you all for your excellent collaborative work toward promoting peace!


But wait. There's more! This past week I greatly enjoyed Opera Scenes, an excellent sampling of some of the most enjoyable and comedic operatic scenes performed by our great vocal students under the direction of Kimberly Warrick, Music. And the 5th Annual Music and Medicine Symposium was held this week over in Schuster Hall that included an excellent presentation and performance by Randy Paul, Music (love the Prezi!), with beautiful singing by Ginger Minneman, Music, and a fantastic original composition by Steven Aldredge, Music, entitled Nurse's Song. Another great collaboration!


Our French faculty and students are organizing French Immersion Days this coming Nov. 6 in which 241 high school students are coming to campus to spend the day speaking French, participating in fun activities, and exploring Wright State. Thank you Kirsten Halling, Pascale Abadie, Barbara Galbraith, Karine Daddah, Marie Hertzler, and our junior and senior French students!


Sharing our expertise with the community is one of the guiding principles on which Wright State stands. Great Job to all!     

KSO signature   

Kristin Sobolik 



P.S. Where's Rocky?  He is MIA and I miss him. 



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