Great News Regarding I-94 Expansion!
Good afternoon:


This week, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced that they have recommended the at-grade expansion of Interstate 94 (I-94) as the project's preferred alternative, rather than the double-decker option.


We wanted to thank you voicing your support for the at-grade alternative, and signing onto our letter of support. We believe that your input had a significant impact on the decision announced this week. Thanks to your support and the support of many veterans and community leaders throughout the region, the I-94 expansion will have the least negative impact, of the alternatives offered, on the Soldiers Home and Wood National Cemetery.




Genell Scheurell
Dawn McCarthy
Senior Field Officer, Chicago Field Office
President, Board of Directors
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Milwaukee Preservation Alliance


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