Lisa Temple 


  As December draws to a close, Rich and I realize how many blessings we have to count, even though the world can be challenging these days. We have our health, happiness and are surrounded by an artistic family, who all bring us so much joy!  

Plus, we just got back from a trip to Broadway with thirteen music theatre students. Being around young people is so uplifting and we are grateful to look through their eyes once in awhile. We follow their lead to look at the bright side of things and make our optimism become a reality.
We're about to see the incredibly moving "Fun Home"  
Much Love To You and Yours, 
Lisa & Rich 

Grabbed this outside the theatre!

Something Rotten!!

This show is absolutely hilarious and everyone loved it! There's a full display of everything you ever want to see in a doubt.  

P.S. We also saw School Of Rock and The Rockettes

Giving a portion of my movie pitch, before the actors read from the script

My First Pitch

BGB Studio has a writing program for actors, and I'm thrilled to be one of fourteen members of the Writers Lab.

We had a successful showcase of our projects, with a full house in attendance!!

Often cast as your
Senator, Doctor, Teacher, or Mom

Rogers Orion Agency
[email protected]

Bedford Forrest Management
[email protected]

Able To Tell Tall Stories In A
Single Bound.