Lisa Temple 

Penny Ingram in The Fortune Theory

Thanks for taking a look at my eNews!

Happy to report I'm taking Audition Practice with Casting Director Christy Faison at BGB Studio, and enjoying myself immensely.

Learning how to prep sides properly, making clear bold choices that reflect my talent.

For me, there's no greater joy than being in front of the camera. Here's a Screen Shot from a feature film I did!

Senator or Boss
Cast as Beth in Ordinary People
at The Complex Theatre
April 9th-12th and April 16th-19th

This is a role that has haunted me since I saw Mary Tyler Moore as Beth in the 1980 movie. What a performance! My goal for this short run is to dig deep to find the truth in Beth's complex character.

So glad to be part of a story that remains prevalent today. Teens often struggle to find themselves in this crazy world.

With Joanna Strapp and Kristin Carey
Theatre Around L.A.
My interview at Fountain Theatre

Because I love theatre, I'm inspired to highlight all the wonderful plays around town. To that end, I'm working on a series for my YouTube Channel. Ck out an interview about "Reborning", currently running at Fountain Theatre thru March 15th. Watch it here.

Often cast as your:
Senator, Doctor, Teacher, or Mom

Rogers Orion Agency
[email protected]
Able To Tell Tall Stories In A Single Bound.