Lisa Temple






   Rogers Orion Talent Agency



 [email protected] 


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Currently Studying!!

Monday Meisner Scene Class 

at the

Risa, Steve and their Assistants are so dedicated to actors: our training and the ever-evolving career pursuit!

Many thanks

to Risa and Steve!!   



February has been an interesting month!
In class I continue to discover insights into my acting choices, and I'm enjoying the exploration. A a result, my love of acting keeps growing and I'm so happy!!

Take a look at my sparkly updated website, which I'm very excited about! I've been envisioning this for two years. Let me know what you think: 
And out of the blue, a good friend recommended me to a director for a new play! What a great feeling!! 

Actor Barry Saltzman, Me, Director David Jette

One of my favorite types of stories is a family drama, and this new play "Noble/Birth" is just that. I play Madeleine, wife to Leland (Barry), and our adult children are home for a big announcement. Big issues burst forth!!

This is a workshop production from Brimmer Street Theatre Company, and we perform at The Blank Theatre's Second Stage on April 4th & 5th.
Ck their website for more info!
Enjoy the Rain and Happy March!!