Newsletter from
April 2014
Divorce Study
Ending a Destructive Relationship
Your Life After Divorce
Marriage, Relationships & Divorce
Divorce Financial Planning
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Quote of the Month
"Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be."
         - Eric Thomas  


 Changeville is a site to help children deal with the divorce process. Click on the title above and it will direct you to the site.

The Men's Rights Law Firm is excited to announce that we have recently purchased a new building. Our new building provides much more space and room for expansion to better meet the the needs of our clients. 


Effective April 28, 2014 our main

Cape Coral office will be located at:


2799 Del Prado Boulevard S.

Cape Coral, FL 33904 


It will be our pleasure to serve you at our new location with the same quality and service you have come to expect of us. We invite you to come visit us soon! 


 Thank you for reading our monthly eNewsletter.




  Sam Assini & Matthew Irwin

MEN'S RIGHTS LAW FIRM in conjunction with Divorce Magazine is pleased to provide you with this monthly 

e-newsletter.  We hope that the information and articles contained within are helpful and supportive.  

Divorce Study: 

Child of Divorce More Likely to Drop their Parent's Religion: Study

Children of actively religious, divorced parents are twice as likely to choose a different path. 

Ending a Destructive Relationship:

Addicted to the Relationship?

When you're unhappy in your significant relationship all other parts of your life are affected. 

(Read More

Your Life After Divorce: 

Yes, divorce, even if you choose it, is a loss 

Just as feelings can carry us forward, they can slow us down or stop us in our tracks. 

(Read More)

Marriage, Relationships, and Divorce:

10 Common Relationship-Sabotaging Behaviors:

Part 1/3

When the damage is done, the relationship may be beyond repair.
Divorce Financial Planning:  
Financial fairness in divorce: What you need to know
Avoid the pitfalls by doing your homework.