Parent to Parent of Washington State Newsletter

A Program of the Arc of Washington State 




"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

- Warren Buffett
investor and philanthropist
P2P Volunteer Helping Parent of the Month: Heidi Heigert from Skagit County

The month of October is noted as Down syndrome Awareness Month.  Many communities across the nation are celebrating by hosting Buddy Walks in recognition of our beautiful friends and family members with Down syndrome.  Skagit County P2P is no exception, thanks to the tireless efforts of one amazing sister, Heidi Heigert.
Heidi was 15 years old when her youngest brother, Jeremy, was born.  It was love at first sight.  Heidi couldn't help herself.  Not only is Jeremy the youngest of 12, he also has Down syndrome.  Heidi quickly became a natural mother's helper in a very busy family.  And, she continues today taking an active role in nurturing her brother and supporting her parents as they raise a now teenage son.  Ultimately, Heidi and her husband will fill the role as guardians once her parents are no longer able to do so.
In the meantime, Heidi encourages many of our Skagit families whose children have Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities through her support as a Helping "Parent," knowledge of resources, systems navigation and commitment to co-organizing our annual Buddy Walk.
Heidi is a true blessing!  I am thankful to call her my friend.
Heather Milliren
Skagit County P2P Coordinator
It's a little early but have a wonderful
Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Cathy and Susan

Calendar of Events


Shayan's Fund - A fund set aside for a statewide network of insurance navigators trained to help families access medically necessary treatments for their children with Autism and/or developmental disabilities. Click here for more information.

Community First Choice (CFC) - WA State Developmental Disabilities Administration has released a 2-page flyer that describes services under CFC. Click here to view the flyer.

Wraparound Intensive Services (WISe) Information Sheets - Click here to access WISe Information sheets.

Get Started - CSHCN has developed an online resource to help support parents new to their child's diagnosis with a focus on ways parents build relationships with their child's healthcare providers. Click here to visit the website.

LifeSpan Respite Coordinator: Linda Porter. Contact Linda by calling (425) 355-1112, ext. 120

Pacific Science Center's Exploration For All: Autism Early Open - on the 2nd Saturday of each month through 12/12/15 (additional dates in 2016) all families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder are invited to a special free morning visit before they open to the public. Lighting is softened; general noise decreased. Click here for more info.

Individual ProviderOne in-person training schedule for individual providers - click here for more information.

November, 2015

11/6 & 7: Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) Integrated Class Leader Training - Snohomish County. Enrollment is limited to 10 slots; cost is $75. Contact John Peterson at (425) 388-7307 with questions or an application, or click here for more info.

December, 2015

12/2 - 4: Zero to Three National Training Institute - Seattle. Click here for more information.

12/2 - 4: TASH Conference, Portland OR. Click here for more info.

Resource Links

Resource Links now on the Arc website in the Resource Library.
Click here to access the links.
Click here to find a local P2P Coordinator.
P2P Logo 

Our Sponsors:
Arc of Washington State

Dept. of Health/CSHCN Program


 Developmental Disabilities Administration

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Congratulations to Erin King-Luce (Chelan/Douglas P2P) on the birth of her daughter Evelyn Dawn!

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

- Helen Keller,
author and political activist

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