photos of children and adults

Tip of the Week for June 11th, 2012

VOTE for the AARC @ Kendall Auto Alaska!!!!

The Alaska Autism Resource Center has been selected to move forward in the Kendall Cares $20,000 Giveaway!!!

To win the $5,000 dollar donation we must rock Kendall Auto Alaska with Votes!!!!

Public voting begin on June 1st, 2012 and will take place on the Kendall Auto Alaska's Facebook page and in their brand new store on Old Seward Highway.


Attached is a flier with information on how we can earn points for our Resource Center.   

Kendall Info Sheet   

Points will be earned by voting for our center on the Kendall Auto Alaska Facebook page, stopping by the store and saying hello, taking a test drive of a Toyota or used vehicle, and 1 point earned for each dollar spent in Service or in Sales. 


Vote AARC !!!!

This Week's Tip:



What Those on the Spectrum Need at Home - Part 3 

In the book, "The Autism Checklist" Paula Kluth gives strategies for parents to use in their home for their child with ASD.  She says, "Encouragement of independence - avoid learned helplessness.  Because many people on the autism spectrum have difficulty mastering what others consider simple tasks, the natural temptation for parents and family members is to want to do things for them.  Rather, to foster independence, you should aim to creat a mindset where you as the parent see even trivial tasks as opportunities to learn new skills.  For very young children these things may be as simple as brushing their own teeth, bathing and showering, shampooing and brushing hair, getting dressed, and the like.  As they grow, they can start to learn to get their own drinks or snacks, do laundry, organize their toys, or clean their own room.  Try to always keep in mind (even in the most trivial of situations) that one of your most important long-term goals for your child should be his greatest degree of independence."  (pg. 49)

The Autism Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers/ Kluth, P. Franscisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 2009.

Book of the Week: 
Early Intervention & Autism: Real-Life Questions, Real-Life Answers/ James Ball. Future Horizons, 2008. When your child has just been diagnosed with autism, questions and concerns immediately flood your mind. What do I need to know first? What do I need to do first? What program is right for my child? This book discusses the components of a "perfect" program for young children with autism, including a variety of proven techniques. Developing independence is discussed. This book is in the SESA Library in both Anchorage and Fairbanks; you may search the library catalog via the SESA website or contact Anne directly by email at, or by phone at 907-334-1301.




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