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January 2015 Newsletter




I hope that if you are in the Northeast, you are weathering this storm and are safe.  At least here in New York City, we received less snow than expected.


I am pleased to share with you a selection of our Staging Success Stories below. We found that our stagings that were listed and closed in 2014 did so in 10 days at 100% of asking price*.


Wishing all of us a healthy and happy and successful (however you define it) 2015!


Warm regards,


Donna M. Dazzo, President

Designed to Appeal 

*Median number of days and sale price
In This Issue
Our 2014 Staging Success Stories:
Did You Know...Valentine's Day Trivia!!
Market Overview: The East End

Here's a selection of apartments that were staged by Designed to Appeal
and closed in 2014.  All of our stagings that were done and closed in 2014 did so in 10 days at 100% of asking price*

Staged and "Sold" in 2 Days at Ask!! 

Staged and "Sold" in 4 Days at $200K Over Ask
After Receiving Multiple Offers!!

Multiple Offers Received After First Open House, 
"Sold" in 9 Days at Ask!! 

"Sold" in One Day at $50K Over the Asking Price!!

East 75th Street


Staged and Sold at $100K Over Ask!! 


160 East 65th Street, 31D


On the Market 9 Weeks, 

"Sold" 22 Days After Staging at $150K Over Ask!!


On the Market Over 4 Months, Staged and "Sold" in 29 Days!! 

Staged and "Sold" in 10 Days For Asking!!

*Median number of days and median percentage of asking price.
  Market Overview:
       New York, NY


"Fourth Quarter 2014 contracts signed were up 10% versus last quarter and 3% versus last year. Co-ops accounted for 58% of signed contracts this quarter, the highest co-op market share since Third Quarter 2009, reflecting the scarcity of affordable available condo product. Inventory is still heavily influencing the market, as a substantial lack of affordable inventory slow sales. Despite this, prices remain strong, especially in the resale condo and new development market."   

The following is a comparison of Fourth Quarter 2014 vs. Fourth Quarter 2013:


Market Wide: 

  • Listings on Market: 5,912 is a 20% increase. 
  • New Listings: 3974 is an 11% increase. 


  • The median sale price of $1.268 million is an 8% increase.
  • The average price per square foot of $1,468 is a 7% increase.
  • The median sale price of $700,000 is a 5% increase.  
  • The average price per square foot of $955 is a 1% increase.
Tips and Tricks of the Trade:  
Tips For Making a Teeny-Tiny Home Office Work! 


Any storage is helpful, plus having actual boundaries for an office 
space can make working from home much more pleasant.



Invest in a Decent Wall Unit


Storage really is important, so if you're going to make one big purchase, 

make it unit that combines aesthetics with space.


Keep Those Drawers Clean

Recycle or store stuff you don't need - you'll work better 
without those piles of paper, promise.


Downsize the Chair


A simple switch that can make a big difference. So many office chairs are enormous and bulky. Trade in for a smaller chair, and you'll free up tons of space you didn't know you had. 



Grab a Window


If you can, give yourself a window. The natural light will keep you in better spirits - 

which makes working much more pleasant. 

For more ideas click here!  The comments written by readers also offer LOTS of additional ideas. 

Didyouknow   Did You Know.....Valentine's Day Trivia!!




1. When was Valentine's Day declared by Pope Gelasius?

a)  500 B.C.

d) 1200 A.D.

c)  498 A.D.

d) 1002 B.C.

2. Which candy maker invented the first Valentine's Day box?
a) Mary See (See's Candy)
b) Frank C. Mars (Mars, Inc)
c) Richard Cadbury (Cadbury)
d) Russel and Clara Stover (Russel Stover)  

3. Which city receives 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day?
a) Paris
b) Verona
c) Dublin
d) Florence

4. Valentine's Day was originally associated with the mating season of what animal?
a) Cats
b) Dogs
c) Birds
d) Rats

5. How many different cards does Hallmark have specifically for Valentine's Day?
a) Just under 2,000
b) Over 1,330
c) 620
d) 12

For the answers to these questions see  below, and and for more holiday trivia, read  here.

   Market Overview: 
          The East End

According to George R. Simpson, President of Suffolk Research Service, Inc., "the real estate market on the East End of Long Island is "climbing steadily". Median price changes for the Fourth Quarter 2014 vs. Fourth Quarter 2013 were up in four out of the five East End towns. Dollar sales increased in three out of 5 towns of the East End Fourth Quarter 2014, compared to Fourth Quarter 2013. Unit Sales declined slightly in all 5 towns of the East End Fourth Quarter 2014 compared to Fourth Quarter 2013."

The following is a comparison of Fourth Quarter 2014 vs. Fourth Quarter 2013, by town.

East Hampton Town:

  • The median sales price of $1,225,000 was a 32% increase.
  • The number of sales of 215 was a 10% decrease.    
  • The dollar volume of sales $474M was a 23% increase.

 Southampton Town:

  • The median sales price of $975,000 was a 17% increase.
  • The number of sales of 456 was a 1% increase.
  • The dollar volume of sales $1,081M was a 20% decrease.
Southold Town: 
  • The median sales price of $550,000 was an 11% increase.
  • The number of sales of 128 was a 20% decrease. 
  • The dollar volume of sales $86M was a 20% decrease. 
Trivia Answers

1. C - Pope Gelasius declared February 14 to be Saint Valentine's Day in 498 A.D. 
2. C - Richard Cadbury invented the first Valentine's Day candy box in the late 1800's.
3. B - The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived,
          receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day.
4. C - Valentine's Day was originally associated with the mating season of birds.
5. B - Hallmark has more than 1,330 different cards specifically for Valentine's Day.
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Open House, and

Moving Checklists


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FREE Closet


Open House, and

Moving Checklists. 

Try our 
Home Staging Savings Calculator developed by the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA)



Click on the calculator above, which will launch in a new window. 


For more detailed instructions, click here.


HomeStagingConsultationHome Staging
(occupied homes) 
For Manhattan and the Hamptons from Montauk to Southampton:  $500 for the first 2 hours, $125/hour thereafter

Other Areas:
  A travel premium will apply.

Click here for more information and to schedule a Home Staging Consultation.