July 28th, 2016
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email cmaiacron@aol.com."

From the Trustees

If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to clc6000@aol.com.

This Sunday, July 31st
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am

Preaching: Rev. Brandon Austin
Sermon: "Jesus, the Goat?"
Scripture: John 14:15-27


9:45 amAdult Bible Study

Topic: "Death Becomes Life"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum

Topic: "The Pope's Encyclical 'Laudato Si' Chapter 6" with Carol Warren

Walker Room
11:00 amChildren's Sunday School

Topic: "Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness" Samuel 1:9-13

Education Wing

Bike and Build Dinner, August 6th

It is that time of year again! The Bike and Build team is on their route headed for Davis already! Right now they are in Colorado Springs for a full week building a house! They stop to build three more times - elsewhere in Colorado, in Utah, and in Idaho - before they begin heading south from Oregon into California. They will be in Davis on August 6th!
If you'd like to see their route, you can follow along on their website:

On July 24th and the 31st we will have signup sheets ready after church so you can sign up to bring food for our dinner with them. Please put the date on your calendar! Consider signing up to bring food, and joining us for dinner that evening to hear about their travel adventures!

2. 2016 United Methodist Men's Retreat
When: Friday, August 26 - Sunday, August 28
Where: King's Beach United Methodist Church
(On Lake Tahoe's North Shore)
What: The United Methodist Men's Group will again host the church's annual men's retreat.  It is an informal gathering mostly intended to give the men of the church a chance to get to know one another better. Any man associated with the church is welcome to attend.
There will be ample free time for talking, walking, napping, reading, singing, beach combing or just sitting around. We will have a sign up table after services. Come join the fun. For more information, contact Jerry Beaman at 753-4555 or Jerry Olson at 753-2088.

1. School Supplies for Refugee Children

As you've probably seen on the news, refugee families from Afghanistan, especially those who helped the Americans during the war, have been settling in the Sacramento area in large numbers.  Unfortunately, their American neighbors have not always been welcoming.  In order to show that Davis UMC does welcome refugees, we are again collecting welcome kits, which we will give to Opening Doors, a non-profit in Sacramento, to distribute. 

This time we are collecting "School Kits," which are child-sized backpacks filled with school supplies such as pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, etc.  (If you cannot go shopping, we will gladly accept monetary donations with which to buy the backpacks and supplies.)

We will have a table after each service this Sunday where you can see exactly what is needed and sign up.  In the following weeks,  you can bring your backpack and/or supplies and put them in boxes that we will have in Fellowship Hall.  We hope to finish collection and make the delivery to Opening Doors during the week of August 7th, in time for the beginning of the new school year.  Our goal is to collect 50 backpacks with supplies and we believe that, with the generosity of our UMC Davis community, we can reach that goal.
For more information contact Marge Matoba at margematoba@gmail.com, 758-2278.

2. Fellowship Host Sign-ups

Zsuzsi Hussla has graciously agreed to serve as an interim Fellowship Coordinator.  In order to make her job easier and to make it easier for people to sign-up, Anna has created an online sign-up. If you'd prefer not to do the online sign-up but would like to help out with Fellowship once in awhile contact Zsuzsi Hussla at zsuzsihussla@gmail.com or 530-402-5020.

Not sure what Fellowship Hosts do? Here is a basic list of tasks:
  • Bring light snacks such as juice, fruit, crackers and cheese, muffins etc.  Plan on 60 people for the 8:30 service and 120 for the 11:00 service (you only have to sign-up for one service on any given Sunday). 
  • Serve the snacks in Fellowship Hall after Worship.
  • Help clean up the kitchen and Fellowship Hall after everyone is gone.
3. Sunday Morning Announcements Update

For all those of you wanting to make announcements relative to the life of the church, please note that we will not have "open mic" announcements at the start of the service.  If you need an announcement to be made, you will need to submit it to the office by noon on Thursday of the week before.  The Worship Leader or Pastor Brandon will either make the announcement during the service, or it will be added to the slideshow that runs before and after the service.

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | davisumc@davisumc.org |
1620 Anderson Road

Davis, CA 95616

Davis United Methodist Church | 1620 Anderson Road | Davis | CA | 95616