June 2nd, 2016
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email


From the Trustees
If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to clc6000@aol.com.
This Sunday, June 5th
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am

In worship on Sunday we share in our annual celebration of being a Reconciling Congregation - a congregation that welcomes all people regardless of social categories, and that specifically welcomes and fully includes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons, in contrast to those churches who are not welcoming and inclusive. This year we celebrate DUMC's long history as a Reconciling Congregation and how those deep roots create a firm foundation for our future openness, too. 

Preacher: Rev. Kelly Love
Sermon: "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors"
Special Offering: Reconciling Ministries and Human Relations Sunday

9:45 amChildren's ChoirEducation Wing
9:45 amAdult Bible Study
Topic: "The Day of the Lord"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum
"The 2016 United Methodist General Conference," with Rosa Washington-Olson

Walker Room
6:00 pmYouth Group
Topic: Scrapbooking for Pastor Kelly

Grace Cafe

No Sunday School this week. Children older than 3 stay in worship for communion.

1. Launching Pathway Ministry Initiatives

We are launching new work on ministry initiatives! 
ALL are invited!

What: Three launch events for our three current ministry emphases identified through the Pathway process -
  • **Small Groups: Saturday, May 21st, 1:00-3:30pm** - Last Week
  • Service & Justice: Saturday, June 4th, 9:30 am-12:00 pm
  • Worship: Saturday, June 4th, 1:00-3:30 pm
 Each event will:
  • share the "Bold Vision" developed in April
  • brainstorm concrete ideas
  • take stock of current work
  • develop an action plan with steps, assignments, and timelines
Please come contribute your ideas and hopes and energy to the future of these significant ministries of Davis UMC. 

Vocal Arts Ensemble Concert: Rooted

June 12th, 4:00 pm
Davis UMC

Explore the universal human experience through music from diverse cultures. With ceremonial sound practitioner Ren� Jenkins. Suggested donation: $5-$10. Find more information here.

3. Davis Chorale Interfaith Vespers Concert, June 12th

Now that the Davis Community Church sanctuary's remodel is completed, the Davis Chorale is excited to try out the improved acoustics and to present once again a traditional Vespers concert in that space on Sunday, June 12th at 5 pm.

Due to its variety of music, audience involvement, and short duration, the concert is suitable for families with children.  Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted.

For more information, please consult www.davischorale.org
or Alison Skinner 530-574-8419

1. IRWS Volunteers Needed

Can you contribute 2-5 hours a month?  Only your time, caring and thought are required.  IRWS feeds and houses 150 homeless guests each season.  We are looking for team members to support the ongoing work of shelter operations.  All teams will have the support and guidance of the board.  From the specific tasks below, which one might call to you?
  • The Host Site team coordinates support of hosting congregations, fire inspections, online volunteer signups, hospitality supplies, and truck rental.
  • The Shelter Operations Team coordinates and maintains needed supplies, printed forms, the Intake process, and shelter phones and Wi-Fi access.
  • The Community Engagement Team coordinates connections in the community, contacting prospective donors, mentoring guests to find services, organizational visits at the shelter, and fundraising.
Will you help with just one of these tasks?  Whichever you choose, you won't be working alone.  Learn more about these and other opportunities to serve. Come to an informational meeting:

Monday, June 13th, 7:00 pm
(location to be announced)
Let us know you are interested at irwsteam@gmail.com 

2. New Fellowship Coordinator Needed

DUMC is looking for a new Fellowship Coordinator, starting in July. The job is fairly simple - arrange which one of our many wonderful Fellowship hosts (there is a list) is willing to provide snacks each Sunday (two hosts per week for the two different services). This can be done on a weekly basis (as has been past practice) or once a month depending on personal preference. Additionally, it can be done by phone, email, or online sign-up. If this is a job you would be willing to take on, contact Anna in the office at  davisumc@davisumc.org.

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | davisumc@davisumc.org |
1620 Anderson Road
Davis, CA 95616