May 5th, 2016
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email"

From the Trustees
If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to
This Sunday, May 8th
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
Sermon: "Davis UMC is Spirit-Filled"
Preaching: Rev. Kelly Love
Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Luke 4:14-21
This week begins a 3-part sermon series exploring the DNA of DUMC - who we are. We begin by remembering how deeply rooted we are in our relationship with God - as individuals, and as a congregational body.  

FEED MY SHEEP OFFERING: All non-perishable foods are needed to support families in need. Your offerings will be delivered to STEAC, Grace In Action and the Yolo County Food Bank. Please offer what you can. 

9:45 amChildren's ChoirEducation Wing
9:45 amAdult Bible Study
Topic: "Grateful Faith"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum
Topic: "The Nishi Gateway Innovation Park," with Alan Pryor, member of Davis Natural Resources Commission and Yolano Group of Sierra Club

Walker Room
11:00 amChildren's Sunday School
Pre-K - K Topic and Teachers: "Parable of the Leaven," with Jeri Viera Dahlke and Brian WIlliams
1st - 6th Topic and Teachers: "Knowing Jesus in a New Way - Part 4," John Uhte and Jerry Beaman

Education Wing

No Youth Group this week

1. National Tent Night, May 13th

Join Rev. Frank Schaefer and Rev. Mike Tupper on Friday, May 13th for National Tent Night. To show support for the LGBTQ community and protest the fact that the United Methodist Church's doors are not yet open to everyone, put up a tent at your home or church. Additional information about this event can be found at

2. Gardening with Kids Workshop, May 14th, 9-10 am

This FREE workshop at Grace Garden will cover planning, preparing the soil, planting, watering, and harvesting. Gardening with children can be creative and fun. Bring your kids, grandkids, and neighbors for a great learning experience.

Youth Group Fundraising Lunch, May 15th 

The youth group will be holding a fundraising lunch on May 15th in the Fellowship Hall. The menu this year will be soft tacos, fruit salad, and tres leches cake. Tickets are $12 each and will be sold after each service--or ask a teen!  All funds raised will be put towards our summer service trips to San Diego and San Francisco. Thank you very much for your support!

May Is Bike Month!

Calling all bicycles and their riders!! It's not too late to sign up for May Is Bike Month, a month-long effort to encourage each other to ride our bikes more often and drive less. If bicycling is difficult for you, see if you can find someone to carpool with in May. Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint for the month of May! Sign up on the May is Bike Month website: Check out the Bike Table on Sunday for details on how to sign up, or ask Karen Hudson-Bates!

2. Grocery Bag Ministry

The Youth Ministry is starting up a new Grocery Bag Ministry! As a way to provide the adult congregation a means to be more involved with the Youth Ministry, we are asking for volunteers to bring groceries for the dinner the Youth members make before bible study. 
Please sign up using the link provided below.

3. Warm fuzzy blankets needed!

United Methodist Women have a request from Valerie Zeller, "their" Yolo County social worker, and are hoping you can help. The request is for
5-10 twin size, warm, fuzzy blankets for the kids who are removed from their parents after hours. These kids have to spend the night at the Valerie's office until foster homes are found for them. 

"If you are able to provide some comfort and warmth with a new or gently used blanket, it would be a greatly appreciated gesture.  The kids will then take their new blankets with them and hopefully get some sense of comfort during their so often confusing and traumatic situation."  -- Valerie

Please call or email Louanne Horsfield, 
530-759-9202 and if you have or obtain a blanket and I will come pick it up. 

4. Blessing Bags

Blessing bags will be available for pick up again after both services this Sunday. Thank you for helping the youth group raise almost $400 for the Yolo Food Bank!

5. Help Create a Farewell Scrapbook for Pastor Kelly

Bria Stevens is putting together a scrapbook of Pastor Kelly's time here at Davis UMC. Bria will take cards or photos of you and your family for the project (please submit to Bria or the church office by May 25th). If you'd like to make your own page, you can pick up a blank scrapbook insert from Bria at church or in the church office. Thank you for contributing your notes and pictures and well wishes to Kelly through this special gift. 

Questions? Contact Bria at

6. Cookies Needed for "Almost Like Mom's" Care Packages

We need lots of homemade cookies to put in the next batch of "Almost Like Mom's" Finals Care Packages. We need them on Saturday, May 21st. Going to be gone that weekend? No problem. You can bake them ahead, put them in ziplock bags, label them, and put them in the church freezer. We could also use some oranges, and/or money to help buy the other goodies we put in the care packages. Willing to help with this important outreach to college students? Please e-mail Beth Flory at or call her at (530) 756-2617.

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | |
1620 Anderson Road
Davis, CA 95616