Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News
are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity.
Need a Ride?
Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email"
From the Trustees If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
This Sunday guest preacher Rev. Larry George will discuss how we can confront the barriers that isolate us from one another and ourselves in his sermon "Dispossessing the Demons". The scripture reading is Luke 8:26-39.
Special Offering: "Help the Immigrant"
Donations support Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network and Opening Doors
9:45 am | Children's Choir | Education Wing | 9:45 am | Adult Bible Study Topic: "A Sound Mind"
| Rothe Room | 9:45 am | Contemporary Issues Forum Topic: "Immigration Issues in Our Back Yard: the Work of Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network," with Rick Gonzales, Vice President of YIIN and longtime social justice activist in Davis.
| Walker Room | 11:00 am | Children's Sunday School Pre-K - K Topic: "The Parable of the Great Pearl" Pre-K - K Teachers: Alice Harvey and Kristine Wise 1st - 6th Topic: "Knowing Jesus in a New Way - Part 2" 1st - 6th Teachers: Dori Marshall and Jeri Viera Dahlke
| Education Wing | 6:00 pm | Youth Group
Topic: "Food Insecurity"
What is "food insecurity"? A staff member from Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor's office will come to talk to us about this issue-and what we can do to help.
| Grace Cafe |
IRWS Volunteer Thank-You BBQ, Sunday, April 17th, 1:00-3:00 pm
The BBQ will take place on the West patio of Davis Community Church (across from Central Park). IRWS will provide hot dogs and hamburgers. Please sign up at to let us know you are coming and what you will bring to contribute to a community celebration.
2. UMW 4th Annual "Elegant Tea", April 23rd The United Methodist Women of the church are inviting all ages of women to their 4th annual Elegant Tea on Saturday April 23rd at 11:30 am. The delicious food is being prepared by the chef of Covell Gardens, served by the men's group of the church, music by Joyce Smuda, and different vintage items will be modeled. The theme: "All Things Pink." Wear your hat, if possible and PLEASE let Rosa, Alice, or Zora know if you'll be in attendance; the chef needs the count.
3. Davis Cooks' Showcase: A Benefit Dinner for Davis Community Meals
Sunday, April 24th
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Davis Odd Fellows Lodge
Tickets: $45/person
Bridges District Conference, May 7th, 2016
at Pinole UMC, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Worship and Fellowship!
- General Conference Briefing, Annual Conference Briefing
- Trainings for SPRC, Trustees, Finance! Celebrating New Ministries in Bridges District!
- Suggested donation: $15 for lunch and registration.
- Register here
1. Help the Youth Group and the Homeless by Purchasing Blessing Bags this Sunday
As a way to raise awareness about food insecurity and donations for the Yolo Food Bank the youth group will be selling Blessing Bags after the 11 AM service this week. Blessing Bags can be offered to members of the homeless community and are small bags filled with non-perishable food items such as water bottles, granola bars, and trail mix, as well as basic necessities like wet wipes, socks, and band-aids. Blessing Bags will be filled by the youth group during our 30 hour famine on April 30th and will be available for pick up on May 1st after service. Thank you so much for your support!
2. Elder Spirituality Circle: Harvesting Wisdom from the past: Transmitting a Legacy to the future
New Workshop Series! Mondays, 1:30 - 4 pm, May 2nd, 9th, 23rd. 30th.
In this four part series based on the work of Rabbi Zalman Schacter in From Age-ing to Sage-ing and Rachael Freed in Legacies Matter we will review our past, find wisdom from the lessons of and people in our lives and explore ways to transmit our life lessons and deepest values to future generations through letters and blessings.
We will meet weekly in circle using the Peer Spirit Circle process and the tools of meditation, journal writing, and dyad sharing-sharing with spiritual partners in a safe and sacred space.
Facilitators: Mary Anne Ingenthron, Certified Sage-ing Leader and Certified Legacy Matters Facilitator and Margot Clark, a licensed therapist and Certified Legacy Matters Facilitator
3. Wednesday Bible Study Goes to Philippi!
Well, we're going in spirit at least.
On May 4th we will turn to the Book of Philippians. Rosa says it is her favorite.
We have enjoyed the N.T. Wright study guide for Mark so much that we will use his book on Philippians, to find out what is in it for us today. The study will last approximately 3 months BUT with the individual chapter format, it is easy to come when you can and skip when you can't. NO HOMEWORK required.
Wednesdays, 1:30 - 3 pm. Hope to see you there!
Pastor Kelly on vacation/continuing ed
Pastor Kelly will be out of the office April 11-23, for a combination of vacation and continuing education (see the April Crossection for details). In case of a pastoral care emergency, information on who to call can be found on the church calendar online (click "Pastor Kelly on vacation"); in an auto-reply to any email sent to Pastor Kelly; or by calling the church office at 756-2170 (Tuesday through Friday, 9:30am-2:30pm).
5. Grocery Bag Ministry
The Youth Ministry is starting up a new Grocery Bag Ministry! As a way to provide the adult congregation a
means to be more involved with the Youth Ministry, we are asking for volunteers to bring groceries for the dinner the Youth members make before bible study.
Thank you for your support!