March 3rd, 2016
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email"

From the Trustees
If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to
This Sunday, March 6th
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
"Prodigal" means extravagant and lavish (as much as wasteful). We think of Lent as a time of stripping away what is extraneous - but then the lectionary presents us with this parable that celebrates extravagance. How do we make sense of this?

Preaching: Rev. Kelly Love
Sermon: "Extravagence - in Lent?"
9:45 amChildren's ChoirEducation Wing
9:45 amAdult Bible Study
Topic: "Powerful Faith"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum
Topic: "Waking Up White" Book Study

Walker Room
6:00 pmYouth Group
Grace Cafe

No Sunday School this week. Children older than 3 stay in worship for communion. Activity packets available in the narthex. Childcare is available in the nursery for children aged 0-3.

1. "Marginalization, Reconciliation and The Work of the United Nations" TONIGHT, 7 - 9 pm

On March 3rd, Rev. Kristin Stoneking will be speaking at International House (NOT CA House as was mistakenly advertised in yesterday's Crossection) as part of an International Women's Day Celebration. Her remarks will touch on the experiences she had as a woman, a person of faith, and a member of the LGBT community that led her to a vocation in peacemaking and reconciliation. This annual event is sponsored by the Davis Chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA. 

This event is free and open to the public.
An informal reception with refreshments will follow the presentation. It is co-sponsored by UN Association Davis chapter, International House Davis, American Association of University Women Davis branch, and Aggies for Humanity.

4th Annual Interfaith Climate Conference, March 5th
Climate Justice: Rising to the Challenge with Faith, Love, and Hope
Keynote Speaker
Sister Joan Brown
New Mexico Director of Interfaith Power & Light; 
Congressman Garamendi, Chief Caleen Sisk,
Humphrey Fellow Humberto Camacho
Workshops on Living in a Time of Climate Change
Practical, Political Advocacy and Spiritual Sessions
Special:  Youth Action Session!
Saturday, March 5th from 9-3:30, lunch included
St. James Catholic Church

3. Davis Phoenix Coalition Showing of "Davisville: A Story of Youth Violence in a Small Town"

March 5th, 2016
Veteran's Memorial Theater
Free Admission

4. Joyce De La Martre's 90th Birthday Celebration, March 6th

Joyce De La Martre turns 90 on March 5th and there will be an after church celebration this Sunday, March 6th at 12:15 in the Fellowship Hall. A place to put cards and wishes will be provided so we can show our appreciation for her service and friendship. 

Joyce has been an active spiritual, service, and social member of Davis UMC since the 1990's. Some of her areas of participation include United Methodist Women, Wednesday Bible Study, Sunday Greeter, after church Fellowship, and Welcome Wednesdays. For many years, she has been the coordinator of the Sunset Diners group. She has also been an important part of the Card Ministry. Joyce's caring manner and good sense of humor are valued by many people, so now it's time to celebrate this milestone birthday with her!

5. Don Saylor's "Soup's On" Dinner to benefit Yolo Interfaith Immigration Network, March 10th
  • March 10th, 6:00 - 8:30 pm
  • Great food, childcare, and fun!
  • Featuring music by Yolo Mambo
  • Suggested Donation: $30 for Adults, $15 for Students (kids 10 and under are free!)
  • Tickets are available at the door. Checks or cash preferred.
RSVP to volunteer or donate at 

Please Note: YIIN does not endorse candidates. Mr. Saylor has chosen YIIN this year (in past years his Soup's On! event has honored the food bank other organizations). We are delighted to be this year's recipient of the proceeds from this zany, tasty event. --Because of the event, YIIN is NOT having its own spring dinner. We are hopeful that those who have supported us in the past will support Soup's On! and will then join us next year for our usual dinner.

6. All-Church Work Day, March 12th

Come join the annual Spring all-church workday!  Actually it will be a work-morning from 9-12 on Saturday, March 12th.  No experience necessary.  We can help make the church spiffy for Easter.

7. "Almost Like Mom's Care Packages, March 12th

We need lots of homemade cookies to put in the next batch of "Almost Like Mom's Finals Care Packages." We need them on Saturday, March 12th. Going to be gone that weekend? No problem. You can bake them ahead, put them in ziplock bags, label them and put them in the church freezer. We could also use some oranges, and/or money to help buy the other goodies we put in the care packages.  Willing to help with this important outreach to college students? Please e-mail Beth Flory at or call her at (530) 756-2617.

8. "Yes We Have! Yes We Will!" March 20th

On Sunday, March 20
th, Lellingby Boyce, Storyteller and Educator, will present "Yes, We Have!  Yes, We Will" to honor the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Slavery from the Transatlantic Slave Trade.  This storytelling program takes place from 2:00-3:00 pm in the Davis UMC Sanctuary. For more information, read the March Crossection.

1. Palms Needed!
Do you have a palm tree in your yard? Are its branches shaped like this?

If your answer to both questions is yes your donation of about a dozen full branches (or whatever you can spare) for the Palm Sunday service would be greatly appreciated!  Contact Anna in the church office if this is something you can help with. (We are looking for "fan palms," pictured above - NOT "feather palms.")

2. Grocery Bag Ministry

The Youth Ministry is starting up a new Grocery Bag Ministry! As a way to provide the adult congregation a means to be more involved with the Youth Ministry, we are asking for volunteers to bring groceries for the dinner the Youth members make before bible study.  

Please sign up here to let us know which date you can provide groceries. Any questions can be directed to Ji Hyun Song at

Thank you so much for your support!

Grace-In-Action is Looking for a New Executive Director
The Grace in Action Board of Directors is announcing the recruitment of a new part-time Executive Director (paid position is 20-30 hrs per week).   The filing period to apply for this position ends March 31, 2016.
More information about the ministry and the job description can be found on the Grace in Action webpage:

Please submit cover letter and resume to our Grace in Action mailing address at P.O. Box 4393, Davis, CA 95617, or by email to Meg Harper,     

Support DUMC While Shopping on Amazon

Do you buy a lot on Amazon? Use the Amazon Smiles program and choose our church as the organization you want to support. A small portion of your purchase will be sent directly to our bank account. To get to the site directly follow this link.

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | |
1620 Anderson Road
Davis, CA 95616

Davis United Methodist Church | 1620 Anderson Road | Davis | CA | 95616