January 28th, 2016
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email cmaiacron@aol.com."

From the Trustees
If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to clc6000@aol.com.
This Sunday, January 31st
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
The verses on love from the 13th chapter of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians are familiar to many - often used at weddings. But what many of us forget is that Paul's words on the limits of our knowledge are paired with his words on love. "We know only in part," he says, and "now we see in a mirror, dimly." Why, we wonder, does he pair these things together? We will explore this question on Sunday. 
Preaching: Rev. Kelly Love
Sermon: "Rooted in Love, Not Knowledge"
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

9:45 amChildren's ChoirEducation Wing
9:45 amAdult Bible Study
Topic: "The Death of a Friend"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum
Topic: "Waking Up White" with Carol Holmes and Susie O'Bryant

Walker Room
11:00 amChildren's Sunday School
Topic: "The Good Shepherd and Communion"
Pre-K - K Teachers: Carol Carter and Sarah Williams
1st - 6th Teachers: Caroline Chantry and Dori Marshall

Education Wing
6:00 pmYouth Group

Grace Cafe

1.  Jan 31st Forum: 
"Waking Up White" with Carol Holmes and Susie O'Bryant

Carol and Susie begin a 4-month series of occasional Forums based on the book "Waking Up White."
Ferguson and other instances of interracial violence have focused public attention again on race, but discussion usually focuses on African Americans and sometimes also Asians and Latinos.  What about whites?  They too are a racial group.  What does race mean for whites?  We will examine this question based on the book, presentations, and discussion.

2.  African Team Ministry Jewelry and Craft Sale after both services this Sunday

We will be holding our yearly sale of crafts and
jewelry from Africa.  This is an ecumenical effort that the United Methodist Church supports.  Sales support the local artists, orphans of AIDS, and university students.  Valentine's Day is just around the corner and graduations are coming up.  Don't forget about Mother's Day! Please come prepared to purchase something wonderful and support this mission project.  Questions?  Contact Beth Flory, (530) 756-2617 or bethflory007@gmail.com

3. Celebration of Abraham: "Faith Not Fear," January 31st

The topic of this year's Celebration of Abraham is "Faith not Fear." This year we have seen US politicians use fear of refugees and religious minorities for political advantage. We as Christians must show that our faith believes Christ's words: "Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."
The Celebration is on Sunday, January 31st at 2:30 pm in the Saint James Community Hall.

 2016 Bridges District Revival

Saturday, February 6th, 2016
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fairfield Community United Methodist Church
1875 Fairfield Ave, Fairfield, CA

$15 suggested donation. 
Register here

5. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 9th, 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

This is a COME ONE, COME ALL event. The UMM will provide pancakes and beverages. They ask those attending to bring a side dish of fruit or breakfast meat (vegetarian options are welcome). Please prepare side dishes in advance, as both kitchens will be fully occupied with pancake production. Any questions and/or comments call Jerry Beaman (753-4555) or Jerry Olson (753-2088). 

6. Ash Wednesday, February 10th
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10th. Come start the season with worship at 7pm, including traditional readings and the imposition of ashes. 
High up Sanctuary repairs are now possible!

Tuesday we received our "20 ft rolling tower scaffolding" and got it set up with the help of Dick Dowell, Linda Deos, Jerry Olson, and Paul Grench. We immediately put it to use to solve our "crescent" light problem. As some of you know these lights have not been working properly for several years. We hope to have it solved by Friday and then will take down the scaffolding and store it in the shed.

The scaffolding was purchased by donations from three individuals, all of whom have been concerned for a long time about how we can do maintenance on the stuff that is high up in the Sanctuary.

2.  "Welcome Kits" for Refugees Arriving in Sacramento

The Church and Society Ministry understands this congregation's desire to do something to help the thousands of Middle Eastern people displaced by war and ISIS.  At present we are waiting for responses from other local churches regarding a large joint project to help resettle arriving refugee families.  In the meantime,  we are launching a smaller project within our church to create "Welcome Kits."

Refugees often flee their homes at a moment's notice, and arrive at our airport with only a few suitcases in hand. "Welcome Kits" provide families with the basic household items they need for their new start.  
Beginning January 31st, we will be collecting items for 4 different Welcome Kits - Kitchen, Bathroom, Household,  and Cleaning. Click here for a list of items that belong in each kit. We will have sign-up sheets after each service, and you can choose which items you would like to contribute.  The following Sunday, we will have plastic tubs labeled for each kit for you to put the items in.  If you prefer, you can donate money, which we will use to buy any remaining items on the lists.  The "Welcome Kits" will then be given to Opening Doors, one of three agencies approved to help resettle refugees in the Sacramento area.

3. New Coordinator of Youth Programs: Ji Hyun Song
We are pleased to announce that we have hired a new Coordinator of Youth Programs - Ji Hyun Song! Ji Hyun comes to us with a passion for youth ministry, interest in helping with our communications and logistics work, and a life-long faith formed in the Korean Methodist Church. She is particularly excited to be working in a Reconciling Congregation. Watch future newsletters to learn more about Ji! 
4. Adult Volunteers Needed for Occasional Help in the Nursery

Davis UMC is blessed to have several incredibly capable childcare assistants on staff. However, there are occasional times throughout the year (primarily on Sundays and around holidays) that we are not able to find two of them (as required per the church's Safe Sanctuary policy) to staff the nursery. During these times it would be wonderful to have a couple of adult volunteers from the church who would be willing to step in and assist in the nursery for an hour or two.  If you would be willing to be on this back-up list contact Anna in the church office (davisumc@davisumc.org)

5. Pastor Kelly on Vacation Next Week

Pastor Kelly will be on vacation February 1st - 7th. Stephen ministers will be available for pastoral care. Call the church office to be connected with them in case of an emergency.

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | davisumc@davisumc.org |
1620 Anderson Road
Davis, CA 95616