October 1st, 2015
Weekly Email News
In This Issue
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Submissions for the Thursday E-mail News

are due in the office each week by noon Wednesday for publication the following day. Submissions may be edited for length, accuracy, or clarity. 

Need a Ride?

Do you need a ride to Sunday worship, a church meeting or study group, a doctor's visit, or other transportation need? If so, call Celeste Maia Cron 530-304-5524 or email cmaiacron@aol.com.

From the Trustees
If you see something that needs repair or replacement please contact Brian Horsfield at 503-902-5796 or email to clc6000@aol.com.
This Sunday, October 4th
Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 am
Pastor Kelly kicks off our stewardship emphasis with her sermon "Knowing Ourselves." Knowing ourselves is the first step in a mindful approach to stewardship - our theme for this year. The scripture readings are Romans 12:1-8 and Luke 6:39-42.

Have you read your stewardship letter? Take a minute and do it now! Stewardship letters should have arrived in the mail this past week. 

9:45 amChildren's ChoirEducation Wing
9:45 amAdult Bible Study
Topic: "The Spirit is Not For Sale"

Rothe Room
9:45 amContemporary Issues Forum
Topic: "Racial Justice and Public Policy"
Walker Room
3:00 pmFinancial Peace University Preview SessionWalker Room
6:00 pmYouth GroupGrace Cafe
7:00 pmPrayer Shawl MinistryHome of Zora Fowler

Children older than 3 stay in worship this week, as with every 1st Sunday/Communion Sunday (No Sunday School). Activity packets are available in the Narthex.

1. Contemporary Issues Forum This Week: "Racial Justice and Public Policy"
With Libby Sholes, Director of Public Policy for CA Council of Churches and CA Church IMPACT

Libby Sholes is an analyst who has worked to promote the interests of progressive faith communities for many years. She will talk about the racial justice work of CCC/IMPACT and how we can use public policy to work for racial and criminal justice. Libby will also discuss bills which might be coming up in the next legislative session.

2. Strathdee "Family Promise" Concert, October 4th

This concert is the last for the Strathdees.  It takes place Sunday, October 4th at 4:00 pm at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Sacramento. Suggested ticket donation is $10. 

3. Stewardship Shared Meal and Discussion Groups, Oct. 9th

What is a shared meal? 
Each person who attends volunteers to bring an ingredient for the meal. For example: you might bring a can of beans, or chopped tomatoes. Sign up for an item after church on Sunday, October 4th, or email Lorraine Beaman at jlbcareers@sbcglobal.net.

What is the program?
There will be something for everyone. After dinner children will participate in a program led by Rosa Washington Olson. Parents of young children will join Pastor Kelly in a discussion of the program their children will be participating in. And those adults not joining the parent group will be led in a discussion/ practice of mindfulness by Margot Clark. Before leaving for the evening we will share a special dessert and recognize contributions by church volunteers.

4.  Non-Violence For Social Change Class
Sundays Oct. 11-Nov. 15, 12:15-1:30 in Grace Cafe

This class will be a six-week introduction to Christian non-violence, with a special focus on productive responses to injustice.

5. CA House Indian Dinner, Oct. 11th

The CA House Annual Indian Dinner and Dessert Auction is 
Sunday October 11th  at 6:00 pm at the Fellowship Hall at Davis Community Church. This is an important fundraiser for our campus ministry. Please come and enjoy the fellowship, great food and fun. Board members will be selling tickets after both services or contact Jim Cramer (cramerjc@gmail.com, 756-3973) or Helen Roland (hroland2@gmail.com, 756-3973).
6. All-Church Work Day, Saturday October 17th

Save the date for the annual Fall all-church workday!  Actually it will be a work-morning from 9-12 on Saturday, October 17.  No experience necessary.  We can help make the church spiffy for the upcoming holidays.

7. "SEVEN: The Play," Sunday, October 18th

This play tells the stories of seven women from around the world who not only overcame oppressive situations like rape and domestic abuse, but also developed organizations to help other women. The event is a fundraiser for two organizations-- Empower Yolo, a local non-profit that serves victims of domestic violence and trafficking, and the International Rescue Committee, that not only helps victims of domestic violence and trafficking, but also currently is working in the Syrian refugee camps.

"Seven: The Play" will show at the Veteran Memorial Theater, 203 E 14 Street at 3 pm. Tickets are available on line at 

8. "Heifer Tales" Storytelling Event, Oct. 20th

Kids, teens, parents, and grandparents are invited to a storytelling event from 3:00-4:30 on Sunday, October 20, at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Sacramento. Stories from India, Africa, Mexico, and Lebanon, interspersed with music by Bob Wren, will entertain in support of the Heifer Projects in Nepal that were devastated by recent earthquakes. See Heifer Volunteer Sue Bennett between services on Sunday or contact her at
DrSBennett@aol.com for more information and tickets. 

1. Stewardship Week Begins This Sunday!

  • Set aside a time for a family discussion on what it means to be a mindful giver.
  • Look for the posters in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall and reflect on the impact of your pledge.
  • Sign up to participate in our shared meal scheduled for October 9th (see announcement in event section of this email).
2. Davis Community Meals Needs Volunteers!

Davis Community Meals is looking for people to help on a consistent basis in our Transitional Housing Program at 1111 H Street from 6pm-11pm. Your job as a volunteer would be to help staff with nightly duties including intakes, checking off chores, etc. There will be training provided! We ask that you are over the age of 18 and we do require a current TB Test.
Please contact:
Harmony Scopazzi
Volunteer Coordinator
Davis Community Meals

Davis United Methodist Church | 530-756-2170 | davisumc@davisumc.org |
1620 Anderson Road
Davis, CA 95616