TCET Newsletter

June 2015

Commissioner of Oaths Services

Commissioner of oaths services are available by appointment at all locations to take affidavits, declarations, oaths, attest/certify true copies of original documents.

For more information contact:
Scheduled Events 

Brampton City South: Skilled Trades Information Session on Thursday, June 18 at 1:00pm 

Brampton East: Immigration and Sponsorship on Tuesday, June 16 at 10:00am   
Malton: Credential Evaluation Info Session by WES on Tuesday, June 16 at 1:00pm 
Oakville: Childcare Subsidy in Halton on Friday. June 5 at 10:00am 
Mississauga: LinkedIn for Beginners by Career Coach on Thursday, June 18 at 9:30am 

Parliament: Career Exploration and Career Cruising on Tuesday, June 23 at 10:00am  


Employment Services Workshop Calendar:

Newcomer Services Information Session Calendar:

The defining moments of every job interview
 Answer: It's the 30 minutes before it begins! 


The key to being at your best lies in the 30 critical minutes prior to the start of the interview. So when your next interview comes up, prepare yourself before hand with these five success strategies.  

1. Timing is everything 

Plan to reach your destination ahead of time. 

2. Relax and Refresh

Sometimes it's better to contact the Ministry of Labour directly to discuss the situation, understand more about your rights and to find out what you can do. The Ministry of Labour can give you information about your options. Call the Ministry of Labour at:

3. Review and anticipate

If you believe that your employer is not following the Employment Standards Act (ESA) law, you can file a claim with the Ministry of Labour. Visit: How to File a Claim 

4. Focus on the value you will add 

If you believe that your employer is not following the Employment Standards Act (ESA) law, you can file a claim with the Ministry of Labour. Visit: How to File a Claim  

5. Power-up your nonverbal messages

If you believe that your employer is not following the Employment Standards Act (ESA) law, you can file a claim with the Ministry of Labour. Visit: How to File a Claim  


Informational Interviewing: A key career planning tool for Newcomers to Canada


Getting credible information is the key to effective career planning for newcomers, and one of the most powerful tools to that end is a process called informational interviewing. Unlike a job interview, the informational interview is simply a process whereby one speaks with an industry or occupational expert for information and advice.  Because this process is also an opportunity to expand one's network of contacts, it is important before making contact to prepare effectively, so that one can make a favorable impression. Three key steps to take in preparing effectively for an informational interview are:

  • Research the occupations and industries one is interested in to get a general sense of how occupations are structured in Canada. Useful tools are:

The National Occupation Classification (NOC) - A Government of Canada Occupational Database, the "NOC" provides an overview of Canada's 10 main industries and they key occupations within each industry.


The Working in Canada Website - Another initiative of the Government of Canada, this tool allows one to search for job postings, employment outlook and training information as means of expanding on the preliminary information offered by the NOC.

  • Research Industries to get a general sense of industry trends, training and certifications and resources.
Industry Association websites are an important resource for such information. A complete list of associations in Canada is found in the Associations Canada directory available at public libraries.
The Industry Canada Website also is a good resource for conducting some general industry research.
  • Prepare a list of questions to ask the interviewee. Some examples include:
    • Given my background, what are some roles that I should consider?
    • What are the employment prospects for those roles?
    • What are the growing trends in this industry?
    • What is the best way to get into that occupation?
    • Is there any additional training that you would recommend? Where is the best place to get the training?
    • What industry publications, journals, and conferences should I be aware of in order to keep abreast of industry trends?
    • Is there any other advice that you would have for me?

Having done this initial research, one is ready to start talking to industry experts. The most credible source will be people at industry associations. Simply call an industry association, introduce yourself.


During the informational interview, never ask about a job, or to go over the allotted time. At the end of the interview it is important to ask the person if there is someone else that they would recommend you speak with for more advice and to also ask whether it would be ok to mention his/her name when calling the next person.


Sending a thank you note in the form an email, following up a couple of weeks later to let the person know how the research progressed and inviting him/her to connect on LinkedIN are important follow up steps in order to expand one's network of contacts.


A series of conversations of this nature is an efficient way to clarify one's occupational objective. Newcomers to Canada should not feel skeptical about calling industry associations for information. If the proper process is followed as indicated above, most people will be happy to help.



Top Employers 2015 for Canadians over age 40 

Visit: 2015 Winners

laptop-platform-man.jpg New online resources for volunteer sector

Ontario has launched two new volunteer initiatives to help increase volunteerism and job placement opportunities in Ontario.

PREB - Ontario 
- Web based volunteer program where volunteers can receive a PREB certificate that lists the skills they used as a volunteer. 


SPARK Ontario - Supports province wide volunteer recruitment by compiling volunteer opportunities and other resources into a single accessible website.

Are you looking for work and have a visible or non-visible disability?

The Employment Potential Unlimited program is a 16 weeks program (4 weeks in class and 12 weeks of work placement) that helps people with disabilities in Peel Region overcome barriers to employment. The program focuses on providing participants with job ready training to improve employment skills such as career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, mock interviews, time management, understanding labour market trends, accessing the hidden job market through networking, job retention, and effective communication and problem solving in the workplace setting. 

Upon completion of the 4 week training program, participants will gain work experience with a paid job placements. 

To be eligible for the program participants must be resident of Peel Region, self-identify as having visible or non-visible disabilities, legally entitled to work in Canada, not eligible for employment insurance benefits (EI). 

For more information related to the program, please call (905) 949-0049 ext: 2001 or email:

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Feedback and Submissions
We would like to hear from you. Please send us your feedback. 

Service providers, we are happy to promote new programs and events at your agency through this newsletter. 

Newsletter Team

Useful Links

About Us  


The Centre for Education & Training is a not for profit, progressive corporation. We enhance the self-sufficiency and effectiveness of individuals and organizations by offering customized education, training and career resource solutions. Through our Newcomer Information Centres and Employment Service Centre sites, we provide the most up-to-date information and assistance on all aspects of employment and settlement.  Our professional multi-lingual staff are ready to answer your employment and settlement questions and provide you with your next steps to meeting your employment or settlement goals. Services are free - drop by a location to speak with our experts.



Click here to access Newcomer Information Centre locations:


Note:  Care for Newcomer Children Service available at the Malton and Oakville NIC Locations


Free Commissioner of Oaths service at all NIC Locations.


Click here to access Employment Services locations:

Visit our website: for additional information on our programs and services