April 2015

Everyone's Business     

People who turn to the Crisis Center for help are dealing with some of life's most difficult situations. In the course of a single day it's common for our 2-1-1 specialists, therapists, and case managers to talk with people who are experiencing the trauma of domestic abuse, violent crime, and potential homelessness. The topics we deal with are not the sort of things that are discussed in "polite conversation".

This is especially true when you consider my area of expertise at the Crisis Center, sexual assault.  Most people are uncomfortable talking about things like sexual violence, incest, and human trafficking.  We don't want to believe such atrocities occur in our community, but sadly they happen every day. The statistics can be startling:

*1 in every 6 women will be a victim of rape in her lifetime
*1 in 33 men will be too
*25% of college women will be victims of attempted or completed sexual assault
*15% of rape victims are under age 12

When a sexual assault survivor arrives at the Crisis Center, we make it a priority to create a compassionate, sensitive, and caring environment.  It's important for them to know their voice is being heard and to feel empowered, so they can begin healing from the trauma they've endured.

Their experience outside of the Crisis Center can be quite different.  For far too long our society has embraced a mind-set that blames the victim by asking questions like "Were you flirting with him?", "What were you wearing?", and "Why did you go there?".  There needs to be awareness, education and open dialog; so society moves from placing fault on the victim to shining a light on the criminal.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  We'll be celebrating survivors and providing education to the community throughout the month, and at Take Back the Night, which takes place at Curtis Hixon Park on Sunday evening, April 26th from 4pm-9pm. We're encouraging donors and volunteers to spread the word and attend this special event! More information can be found by clicking HERE.

Thank you for everything you do to support the Crisis Center!  Your time, talent, and treasure ensure there is a safe place sexual assault survivors can go to receive help, hope, and healing in their darkest hour!