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Crisis Center of Tampa Bay
 December 2013


End-of-Year Alert: Making Tax-Free Gifts From Your IRA

The Charitable IRA rollover legislation is currently set to expire on December 31st.  This is a wonderful opportunity for people who are 70 � or older to make a gift to the Crisis Center before the end of the year.

You can establish your legacy now by using a tax incentive that may not be in place in 2014. The IRA charitable rollover legislation allows for people who are 70 � or older to make a charitable contribution (of up to $100,000) from an IRA without undesirable tax effects. In order to qualify, the gift must be made directly from  

the IRA to the charity. 

By making a gift this year from an IRA, you can see your philanthropic dollars at work. This jump-starts your legacy while providing the joy of watching your philanthropy take shape. The funds can be used to fulfill any outstanding pledge that has already been made by transferring that amount from the IRA.

Click HERE to read more about this opportunity on the Crisis Center's Legacy  

Society page or contact Jennifer Moore, Director of Advancement by email (jmoore@crisiscenter.com) or phone (813.969.4977).



Have you considered leaving the Crisis Center in your estate plans?
Click here to learn more about the Crisis Center's Legacy Society.
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