Margie A. Humdy
While attending a ceremony benefiting YWCA Oklahoma City and its services for victims of domestic violence, Margie A. Humdy was touched by what she heard and asked the YWCA about leaving a gift through her will. Seeking assistance with the details of such a gift, the YWCA connected Margie with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.

As a longtime employee at the State Regents for Higher Education, Margie found the perfect solution for her giving goals by naming the Oklahoma City Community Foundation as a primary beneficiary of her retirement plan. The funds will one day benefit YWCA Oklahoma City, as well as her church and other charities.

Thanks to donors like Margie, YWCA Oklahoma City recently opened a new shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence.
"I had no idea I could utilize the services of the Oklahoma City Community Foundation," Margie says. "I am excited that the funds will be given as I have requested and may be given in perpetuity."

We can help your clients fulfill their charitable giving goals through gifts of retirement funds and other assets. To learn more about our giving options, please contact Joe Carter at 405/606-2914.

Historically, the government has divided charities into two distinct camps: public charities and private foundations. In general, public charities are afforded more favorable tax treatment than private foundations. The Oklahoma City Community Foundation offers a supporting organization option through our Affiliated Funds. These funds can be an alternative to private foundations, as they provide greater tax advantages and fewer restrictions. Read more about supporting organizations here. To learn more about the alternatives to private foundations we offer, contact Joe Carter at

Careful planning is essential for affluent families to ensure their legacy continues on to the next generation. Learn how you can help your clients preserve their wealth, while implementing meaningful philanthropy to carry on their charitable values. Read more here.

Upcoming Events

Estate Planning 1.5
June 28, 11:30 a.m. -1:15 p.m.
Preserving the Integrity of the Estate Plan
CE: 1.5 hours
Registration will close by 5 p.m. June 21 or until capacity is reached.

See the list of remaining 2016 Estate Planning 1.5 dates and topics here.

Joe Carter
Director, Donor Development and Planned Giving