Fall 2015 Newsletter
Back to School! Backpack Buddy Drive
To make sure our Ellis Kids started the school year off right, we partnered with State Street, KPMG, Deloitte and the Westin Copley Place to provide each student with a new backpack, school supplies and more!  
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Adult Day Health Program invited to join TBF's Senior Learning Community

Did you know that 10,000 Americans will turn 65 today, and that this will happen every day for the next 19 years? The impact on social services, health care and housing is a major concern for cities and towns, and prompted The Boston Foundation to convene a Senior Learning Community. Read More    

Making the most of summer
What were your summers like when you were 7? Did they include tennis and soccer? Outings to beaches and pools? Arts & crafts and science projects? Visits to world-renowned aquariums and museums? Our School-Age kids did all this and more over the course of the summer. Click here to read all about their adventures.
Movin' On Up!
This time of year is marked by transitions for children of all ages at Ellis. We say goodbye to K1 students, many of whom we've known since they were infants, as they leave to start kindergarten at schools across the city. Students from our School-Age Program head back to new classrooms and teachers. Toddlers like the two pictured above will make transitions too, right here at Ellis, when they're ready to move upstairs to the Preschool classroom. Read more
Volunteer Spotlight: Natixis Interns
This summer, interns from our corporate partner Natixis Global Asset Management read books and did related projects with students at our School-Age Program, part of an initiative to prevent summer learning loss. Details Here
Let's keep it social! 

From face painting to carnival games, balloon animals, arts and crafts, a fire truck AND an ice cream truck, our 130th birthday block party for Ellis kids, families, clients and staff had it all. Click here for pictures.
Campaign for the Future
In addition to being our 130th anniversary, 2015 is also the year in which we finalize plans to  renovate our historic building at 66 Berkeley Street. 

This is the final phase of a campaign that began in 2005 with the creation of the Ellis Children's Park for young children, followed by the 2012 opening of the new Early Education Center.

The renovation of 66 Berkeley will add much-needed capacity in early education and care, and give our School-Age Program a space in which they can take pride, and that truly meets their needs.

To date, we have raised close to $2 million of the project's estimated $3.2 million cost... Click here to view naming opportunities, or email Leo Delaney if you'd like to come see the site and learn more about this exciting project!
Support our work! 
Interested in volunteering?  

United Way
Main Office - 58 Berkeley Street, Boston - 617.695.9307 - fax 617.695.9309 