Winter 2015 Newsletter
Ellis Celebrates 130 Years
2015 is a very special year for Ellis: we're celebrating 130 years of uninterrupted service to Boston's inner city working families.  
Click here to learn more about ELLIS 130, the gala we're planning on May 1st... don't miss it!
New Year, New Logo, New Website!
There's nothing like a new look to celebrate a significant occasion. With the help of our staff and a team of talented consultants, we updated our mission statement, redesigned the Ellis logo and built a new website.  Read more here.
Campaign for the Future
It's hard to say "Ellis" without thinking of our iconic brick building at 66 Berkeley Street. Built in the 1880's, we acquired it in 1924 and have kept it in constant and continuous use ever since. We're now ready to begin the final phase of our "Campaign for the Future" which involves a total renovation of this historic property. Read more here.
What's a Foster Grandparent?
We're lucky to have many wonderful partnerships bringing volunteers into our programs and classroom. One of the more unique is the Foster Grandparent Program, run by Action for Boston Community Development. Read about Ms. Mary and our other foster grandparents here.
2015 Boston Marathon
Adding to the excitement we're feeling in 2015, this is our first-ever year fielding runners in the Boston Marathon. Through the generosity of the John Hancock Non-Profit Partnership Program, we have two numbers for this year's race. Meet our team members here.
Shout-Out: Thank You Holiday Volunteers!
We ended 2014 on a very happy and grateful note thanks to over 275 volunteers who took part in holiday gift drives, decorating projects, gingerbread 
house-making and much, much more. Their commitment and generosity made the holidays very special for all of the children, youth and adults enrolled in our programs. Read more here.

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Interested in volunteering?  

United Way
 Administrative Offices - 58 Berkeley Street, Boston - 617.695.9307