July 2013                                                                                  


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Chance stayin' cool! 



Recently, we've taken in a good number of  GSPs who have needed extraordinary medical care. Even routine vet care costs are sky rocketing for rescue just as much as it is for you. Every dog leaves our program completely vetted and better off than when it came into our program; sometimes that reaches $1000 per dog. The purpose of GSP Rescue NE is to do just that -- to rescue, protect and rehabilitate these needy animals. And that's what we've done. But it's come at a cost. Our funds are at an all-time low.


Donations are always welcome, but if you want a little something for your money, take a look at our "Thirty-one" fundraiser below.


Even though it's summer, Rescue never takes a day off. We're there whenever and wherever these dogs need us and we have YOU and your continued support and encouragement to thank for that.  


Stay cool! 


Celeste,Audrey and Michele                         GSP Rescue NE Board of Directors 

"31 Fundraiser" - Ends July 27




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Featured Dog: Bob


The handsome
 -- and available --


Eight-year-old Bob came into our program from Western Massachusetts after having been picked up as a stray.


He is very sweet and gentle, loves other dogs and seems to get along with everyone.  Bob is smaller in stature at about 40 pounds and we believe he is a mix with possibly a springer spaniel since his hair is slightly feathered in spots.


Bob is house and crate trained; he has blossomed in his foster home with routine, structure and proper exercise. He sleeps most of the day and is reliable left for several hours at a time.


He is a velcro dog and will follow you around the house or lay at your feet while you work from home or watch tv.


Interested? Contact CELESTE.

Bob 2
Who wouldn't want this dog
as their best friend?


Bob the GSP
Watch a video of Bob the GSP
How Hot Is It In A Parked Car?

 Veterinarian Ernie Ward set out to see what it feels like for a dog helplessly trapped in a hot car.


Armed with a clock,a thermometer and a video camera, Dr. Ward sat in his car, with the windows cracked, for thirty minutes while the temperature climbed to a sweltering 116 degrees.


To find out what he learned, click HERE.  

How Hot Does it Get in a Parked Car Dr Ernie Ward
Too Hot To Walk On


 Dog's feet and pads are tough, right? Most people are aware that foot pads can be injured by stepping on something sharp, but what about something hot? Dangerously hot pavement and metal surfaces are hard to avoid in the heat of summer. Running on hard pavement is tough on feet, too. Read this Quick Tip to learn about this potential hazard and how to minimize risk.

Pavement, metal or tar-coated asphalt get extremely hot in the summer sun. We remember to wear sandals, walk on the grass and not sit down on these surface in the heat of the day (most of the time -- I know that I have been surprised a time or two).


Harder to remember is summer heat and our dog's feet. Unlike the obvious wounds such as lacerations, foot infections (fungal, bacterial), or foreign bodies such as cheat grass), burned pads may not be readily apparent to the eye.


Signs of burned pads: 

  • limping or refusing to walk
  • licking or chewing at the feet
  • pads darker in color
  • missing part of pad
  • blisters or redness


Burned pad first aid:
It is important to keep the foot area cool and clean. As soon as you notice the problem (limping along on the road), flush with cool water or a cool compress if available. Get the dog to a grassy area or if possible, carry him.


At first chance, your vet should examine your dog for signs of deeper burns, blisters and possibility of infection. Your vet will determine if antibiotics or pain medication is needed. Washing the feet with a gentle cleanser and keeping them clean is important. Bandaging can be difficult to do and to maintain (monitor and change often), but licking must be kept to a minimum. Some dogs will tolerate a sock to keep the area clean, but caution is advised for dogs that may chew and ingest the sock. Lick deterrents (bitter sprays) may help reduce the damage caused by licking.


Best advice is to be mindful of hot surfaces -- asphalt and metal (i.e. boat dock, car or truck surfaces) -- and walk your dog on the cool side of the street or in the grass. Another tip is to lay down a wet towel for your dog to stand on when grassy areas are not available. Good way to keep cool while loading up the car.

The Danger Of Water Intoxication



Swimming dogs are at risk of ingesting too much water


To read more about it, click HERE

Free Birddog Seminar!

 RI birddog seminar


In This Issue

Quick Links

Help Us Help Them
foster logo


GSP Rescue New England now has a presence on Facebook. Go to: Facebook.com/GSPRescueNE

Look Who's Been Adopted!

More GSPs have found their forever homes!


They are: Buddy, Maggie, Buster, Rusty, Joey, Tucker and Cash!


Hooray for the dogs!! Hooray for their new families!! :-) 


Donations have gratefully been accepted this month from: Paul and Debbie Schottler, Frank Straccia, Kristin and Evan Schofield, Art Schult, Al Daniels, Debbie Williams, Suzanne Tenuta, Enrique and Judith Margalejo, Maurice and Margaret Bennett, Frank Straccia and Catherine Parmentier.


Thank you all for your generosity!

Thank You, Donors!

For those who have graciously made donations to GSP Rescue NE and would like a receipt, please contact Celeste.


And, once again, a big THANK YOU to you all. :-)

10 Reasons To Scoop

Why scoop when your dog poops:
  1. Stormwater carries pet waste and other pollutants directly into waterways.
  2. Animal waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen depletes the oxygen in water necessary for beneficial underwater grasses, wildlife and fish.
  3. Animal waste may contain harmful organisms such as Giardia, Salmonella and E. coli that can be transmitted to humans and other animals by ingesting contaminated water.
  4. Roundworms and hookworms deposited by infected animals can live in the soil for long periods of time and be transmitted to other animals and humans.
  5. It's the law! Many urban and suburban areas require you to pick up after your pet. Even if there is no restriction, cleaning up after your pet is always the right thing to do.
  6. Joining the growing number of responsible pet owners may encourage hotel managers to accept pets when you are traveling and help keep fees to a minimum.
  7. No one likes to step in pet waste and spread it into homes, cars and businesses.
  8. Scooping on a daily basis and applying lime will help prevent odors.
  9. It's easy to clean up by carrying plastic baggies and paper towels in your pocket. The baggies can be secured and thrown away in the garbage.
  10. Your neighbors will appreciate your good manners.
Logo Contest

Are you feeling creative? 


GSP Rescue NE is looking to freshen up our logo. Could you be the one to do it?!


We are looking for something that is fun and creative, and depicts GSP Rescue NE and what we stand for.


You must incorporate our current logo (above) into your idea. It can be an original drawing or computer-generated but cannot be from pictures taken from other sites that may be copyrighted or trademarked.


Send your logo in .jpg form to Celeste.  All submissions will be displayed on GSP Rescue NE's facebook page as they are received. All entries become the property of  GSP Rescue NE.

The winner will be selected by GSP Rescue NE's board of directors, and will receive a whole bunch of really cool swag from the Rescue store. The new logo will be incorporated onto a whole bunch of new T-shirts!

THANKS for participating! 


 Help Us With

Our Year-Round Fundraisers




Zeppa Studios designs and produces unique gifts for dog and other animal lovers. 


Their Project Rescue was specifically created to help rescue groups earn money and for customers to save money!


Enter the coupon code for German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue New England (GSPRNE) during your online check-out or mention it to the customer service rep when ordering by phone. Customers get 10 percent off their order, GSP Rescue NE will get 20 percent. 


For information or to see their product line, go to ZeppaStudios  


Dog Door Discount!

 Hale Pet Door logo

GSP Rescue New England is listed among rescue groups and shelters that have participated in Hale Pet Door's Rescue Rewards program. 
The Rescue Rewards works this way:  When  customers let Hale know that they adopted a pet (either recently or in the past), they receive a 10 percent discount on the cost of their Hale Pet Door.  And then Hale makes a donation for that same 10 percent amount to the organization that the customer tells them about.


In 2010, Hale donated more than $20,000 to rescues and shelters all over the country.  

For more information on Hale pet doors, go to www.halepetdoor.com
Bissell To The Rescue!



Click HERE for more information on


Old Dogs Know The Score...


An old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.

The old German Shepard thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo doo now!"

Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly,

"Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?"

Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees.

"Whew!" says the panther, "That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!"

Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes.

The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther.

The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!"

Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?," but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says...

"Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!"

Cut Those Toenails!



Some dogs hate nail trimming, others merely tolerate it, almost none like it. Some dogs need tranquilizers to make it through the process without biting, while others sleep through the procedure without a care.


 No matter what your dog's personal take is on nail clipping, it is something you should do for your dog  regularly to keep from harming their skeletal structure.


A dog's nails are important parts of their anatomy. Unlike cats, dog claws are not weapons, but are used when he runs to grip the ground when accelerating and turning corners. Outdoor dogs run around enough over different surfaces and wear their own nails down. But our house-bound companions don't get that natural wear from carpet, hardwood, or vinyl flooring. 


Having long nails changes the way a dog carries himself. The diagram above shows how a long nail causes the bones in the foot to flatten and the Metacarpal, Phalanx I and Phalanx II bones to sit more angled every time the dog walks or stands. The different angle of the bones when pressure is applied causes joint stress and can lead to joint pain and arthritis. It also leads to dropped wrists which make the dog look flat footed. Women reading this article can probably relate if they think about wearing high heels all the time. Long toe nails essentially do the same to dogs by changing the natural alignment of leg bones which adds torque or twisting to the joints.


 Changing the natural alignment also makes the dog less steady on his feet and can contribute to an increased probability of broken legs. If the dog's joints are out of whack, he can't catch himself from falling or landing as well. Again, if you compare how steady you ladies are in sneakers compared to high heels you can relate to how a dog with long nails might feel all the time. 


The image shows how the bones of the paw and wrist angle back when a dog has long nails, but the damage doesn't stop there. All the bones in a dog's body are connected and the leg bones connect all the way up to the spine. Some of you might relate to how an injury on one part of our body can cause us to carry ourselves differently and create pain in another part of our body.


 Unfortunately, our dogs can't tell us when they have a headache or shoulder ache and many times we miss the slight signals that they are in pain. Since dogs can't trim their own nails, it's up to us to make sure this dog maintenance is performed before the pain sets in.

Where to cut a dog's toenail.


Frequent walking (daily, fast paced, long walks) can help wear down nails and increase the time between trimmings.


 The red line in the diagram to the left shows where to cut the nail. The nail comes straight out, and at the point where it starts to bend downward, you should cut at a 45 degree angle. It's always a good idea to have Kwik Stop or another blood stopping product on hand in case you hit the quick. If trimming nails is not your forte, groomers or vet clinics are good alternatives to keep your dogs' nails well groomed.


Some dog owners prefer to grind down (commonly using a Dremel tool) their dog's nails. 


Unfortunately, it is easy to overlook this basic grooming. Many of the dogs we take in to rescue, regardless of what their situations were before, need a nail clipping when they arrive. 


Remember though, that trimming claws is not merely a cosmetic issue, but it is also a health issue. You and your dog may dread trimmings, but it is one of the most basic things you can do to take stress off your pups' joints as they age.

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