
inspiration station  
battery exhausted warning

As I pushed the power button on my digital camera, an error message popped up on the screen that said BATTERY EXHAUSTED. I then pulled out the box of batteries to find four AA batteries and tested them inside of a battery checker. The arrow points to one of three settings on the device: replace ... ? ... good.

If only WE were issued such a 'warning' and a visual message popped up when our internal batteries become exhausted. Wait ... but it does: we fall ill, we feel fatigued, we become cranky and bite off people's heads, we feel stress, we slow down, and we push the dog out of our way. Aren't these all exhaustion warnings? 
What other ways does YOUR body, mind or soul give warnings?

In spite of some people in our lives expecting too much of us in our various roles, and in spite of pushing ourselves to exhaustion to do-do-do ... get-it-done-get-it-done ... go-go-go ... we must realize that we are NOT Energizer Bunnies. (We only think we are.) And we sometimes do become exhausted.

This is a repeatable message, snippeteers, which no doubt you've read here before ... that it's imperative to listen to yourself, listen to your mind, listen to your body and listen to your psyche. And when it's time to recharge ... recharge!

If you cease or fail to take care of yourself, then you will be doing a disservice to the people you love, to your workplace, to your body. You will push too far until ... BATTERY EXHAUSTED.
Hence, what good will you be to anyone or anything else if you're run down emotionally and/or physically? Until you're at the breaking point? Then one day you will just break. 

It is not selfish to pamper yourself and to do for yourself. Not at all -- and don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise. It is selfish, I believe, to put yourself last and to ignore your own needs.

Read your battery level ... what will the arrow point to?

How do you know when your battery needs to be recharged? And ... what do you do to recharge it?

Email SNIPPETS here.


snippeteer backtalk & welcomes
will return October 16th

This issue of SNIPPETS was written and prepared ahead of my trip to Sardinia, Italy; therefore, it will not include any comments emailed in reaction to last week's issue.

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ciao ...

until we snippet again,

suzanne molino singleton  
creator of SNIPPETS   
(since 2006)

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