inspiration station  
it's over 

I was driving up our curvy back road towards home-sweet-home, when a mammoth tractor trailer driving in the opposite direction barreled down the skinny road towards me. The truck was clearly over the line, going too fast on a 30 mph road, and I thought we were going to crash head on in that instant. (Oh no, my poor Camaro!) My heart pounded, eyes got wider, but thankfully, the truck righted itself last minute and flew by. (Idiot!! Oops, did I just say that?)

Whew! Close one. Yet no harm done. I silently thanked the angels that all was well as I touched the silver angel wings hanging on the rear view mirror.

I was going to run home and tell my family! "I almost got hit! You should have seen this truck! He was going too fast! He was in my lane! I could have died! Yada yada yada." Yet, what was the point? It was over. So I decided, nah ... just let it go. The truck did not hit my car; it was a few seconds of something that never happened; and thankfully, I had driven on unscathed.

Over and over, we've heard the pretty Disney song from the movie Frozen ... "Let it go ... let it go." (Now you're singing it in your head, aren't you?)

But do we let go easily when something is over? No-no, we females tend to go on and on and on with senseless and meaningless details of nothing - whining, bantering, venting, complaining, nagging - when it actually might feel better if we just said 2 simple words as a reminder - IT'S OVER, nipped the litany of verbs and nouns in the bud, and moved on with our day. No verbal harm done.

Next time you're ready to make a mountain out of a molehill, think of how it might be easier to NOT. Instead, make a different decision. Say "it's over" and let it go.

Please sign your email with YOUR FIRST NAME & STATE. (Sorry, but I cannot always remember where everyone is from.)
Also let me know which of the following applies to your email? 
1) okay to reprint in SNIPPETS
2) okay to reprint, but withhold name
3) not for publication
a giggle

you are not required
to set yourself on fire

to keep other people warm

CIAO ...
until you snippet again



catch up on previous issues - or if you are not yet a snippeteer,
join SNIPPETS email list here:
friday  may

welcome clipart
new snippeteers...

snippeteer backtalk 

"Truly loved every little 'snip' this week!!!!!! (Hey, were you talking about me?)"
~ GERI in MD

"Regarding hashtags - I refuse to use that stupid name. Who came up with that anyway?  Plain and simple - IT IS A POUND SIGN! Why did someone have to invent a new word for it?  Regarding the jewelry - 'Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take off one thing.'" (Coco Chanel)


"I could write to you every week - you always make me smile, think, and know that I am not alone, that some of my quirky peeves are shared by many. You go there where many don't AND are not mean about it - that is a real talent.  We don't all have to agree but there is a right way and a not so right way to express those differences. Keep up the great work - yours is one email I don't mind getting." :-)

~ EMILY C from Maryland   

"Fabulous - I enjoy the topics, you have a gift."
~ TINA in California


"Hey ... just a thought ... you could save on your packing and use one of your bracelets as a toe ring!" 

~ One of your biggest SNIPPETS fans, SUE H from MD  


"Hello lovely lady, Here's what came to mind after reading SNIPPETS today!!!! I went to see an orthopedic doctor, who shall go nameless because I am a nice person! I was having trouble with my right knee. After booking the appointment, I began to feel a twinge in my left knee. In walks the doctor whose body language alone made me feel like I had about 30 seconds to get this over with. He was stiff, curt and in a hurry. When my exam was over, I took a bold step. I asked him if he could take a look at my left knee, too, which was now bothering me. He replied, 'That will have to be another appointment.' I was stunned, speechless (which is very rare) and embarrassed! He successfully made me feel like one golf ball in a very full bucket, which he got to take a swing at, too! My knees are fine and I never went back."
~ MINDY G from New Jersey 

prayer flares     
'pray' clipart

FOR high school and college graduates everywhere on their fine accomplishments, awards, and diplomas! BRAVO! 


FOR Savvas, Amy, Phillip and their cleaning lady, all killed and home set afire (DC)

Jane (MD) and her travel companions performing a 4th mission trip to Ecuador 

prayer flare requests - email here the person's first name, state, and brief prayer need
click image for more details or to register.

(well actually it's a paint afternoon!)

Saturday, June 20

1-3 pm
Little Italy Lodge

Grab a few friends and let's create! No need to know how to paint - the artist will guide you. I am hosting this event through my organization, Promotion Center for Little Italy.


know someone who needs a snippet of inspiration?
invite in a new snippeteer ...