Hip Happenings 
from Three Girls Media & Marketing Inc.
 November 2013 Volume 4 Issue 87
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Hi Friends & Colleagues,


I hope you had a very happy Halloween! Today's newsletter shares a few highlights from the team, in addition to the scoop on our newest client, social media lessons you can learn from the Pinterest wedding and more. Keep reading for all the details!


All the best, 

Erika Taylor Montgomery
Three Girls CEO & Chief Publicist

From a pirate wench and Broncos fan to a crazy cat lady and Flo from Progressive, the Three Girls team had a fabulously fun Halloween! Here are a few highlights from the night:

Erika as a pirate wench & Dennis as a Broncos fan

Mericia as a crazy cat lady (with her friend, a cat), Emily as Granny (alongside the Big, Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood) & pumpkins carved by Stefanie

Stefanie as Minnie Mouse & Paige as Flo from Progressive 


Meet our newest client: Slimfy! A complete 3-step program with groundbreaking science that has revolutionized weight loss, Slimfy's unique blend of the highest quality natural ingredients offers a solution that helps you lose weight and keep it off. 


 Slimfy's three-stage regiment combines the effectiveness of their scientifically developed formulas, along with exercise and a simple balanced diet, to get the slimmer, sexier body you've always wanted. Find out more at slimfy.com.


As we continue getting to know Three Girls' team, it's time to meet someone who's been with the company for more than seven years: the Senior Director of Publicity, Emily Sidley! 


Name: Emily Katherine Sidley 

Birthday: September 8 

Family: Husband (Matt) and daughter (Rebekah) 

Favorite Sports Teams: San Francisco Giants, Cal Bears (college football) and Cleveland Browns 

Hopes to Visit: Africa (not sure which country), Israel and Iceland 


Want to find out more? Check out this blog post for the details!


My Hope Chest Did you see all the coverage about nonprofit My Hope Chest this month? Here are just two of the placements we secured during Breast Cancer Awareness month: 


Woman Around Town - Alisa Savoretti: Helping Breast Cancer Survivors 


"When Alisa Savoretti was diagnosed with breast cancer, she didn't have health insurance. Five months after surgery and chemotherapy, Alisa returned to her job as a Las Vegas dancer minus one breast and stuffing her costumes. She waited more than two years for reconstruction surgery and realized there was s huge gap that exits for women suffering without insurance." Read more here. 


Skinny Mom - Alisa Savoretti: 31 Survivors in 31 Days




Social Media Marketing: 3 Steps from the Pinterest Wedding - For the last few weeks, a story has been circulating the web about a man who used his girlfriend's Pinterest account to plan her dream wedding. Ryan Leak, a man now being referred to by many as "Groom of The Year," took months to secretly plan his girlfriend's proposal and wedding...on the same day! You might be thinking to yourself, "Sure, this is a romantic story, but what does it have to do with me and my business?" This story gives social media marketing managers and small business owners three steps for success when executing a quality social media marketing campaign. Read about them in this blog post


Marketing Strategy: Old School Tricks For Small Business - In today's technological world, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing techniques. However, there are some old school marketing tricks that, when combined with today's technology, pack a killer punch. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when drafting your marketing strategy. 


Social Networking Sites: How to Bring Social Back - What is the point of social networking sites? So often we forget the key word, "social," when referring to big names such as Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Almost one-fifth of the world is strolling around on all major social networking sites, but only a portion of these that are businesses are actually engaging in a social conversation. People are no longer satisfied with fourth wall interaction; they want to be right in the mix with you and be recognized as such. So how do you make social media social again? Read this blog post to find out. 

Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs. 


Call 408-218-2391 or Contact us today to arrange yours!

Cheers, Hippie Chicks

Erika Taylor Montgomery, CEO - Chief Publicist
Three Girls Media, Inc.

Email: erikamontgomery@threegirlsmedia.com
Phone: 408-218-2391 
Fax: 866-875-7847
Web: www.threegirlsmedia.com