A big win for anti-trafficking advocates

Your phone calls, emails and letters worked! On June 16th, Governor Rick Scott signed HB 369 into law, requiring Florida to post the National Trafficking Hotline in transportation hubs and key locations around the state. This law will make the issue of human trafficking more visible, giving youth at risk of being trafficked a place to call and Floridians a way to report possible abuses. 

Thank you to everyone who worked to get this bill passed. FFCR was happy to be part of a statewide coalition that came together to advocate for HB 369. We especially appreciate Representative Dave Kerner and Senator Jack Latvala for their commitment to stopping human trafficking in Florida. The implementation stage is next, including getting county commissions to introduce ordinances. We'll keep you posted on how to help!

Click for full infographic with interactive map.

to Florida Foster Care Review!

Seasoned child welfare professional
Marissa Leichter, Esq. joins FFCR
Marissa joined FFCR this month as our Citizen Review Panel Program Manager and will work with and oversee our Citizen Review Panel Program team.


Marissa comes to us after spending over a decade advocating for abused and neglected children in Florida's child welfare system, first as a senior program attorney at the Florida Guardian ad Litem Program, and more recently as Director of Community & Legal Affairs for Educate Tomorrow. In 2013, Governor Scott appointed Marissa to the Board of Directors of The Children's Trust. She was selected as a 2011-12 Miami Fellow by The Miami Foundation and has since served on the Foundation's Engaged Youth Committee. Marissa earned a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, an MPA from Florida International University and a BA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


Welcome to the team, Marissa! 


Success Story: A closer look reveals new options 
for father and sons

Alex and Greg, both 15 years old, have been waiting to be adopted from foster care for over 13 years. In February 2015, their case manager referred the case to FFCR's Permanency Round Table (PRT) Program as a final effort to achieve a permanent family for the boys before they age out of foster care. The twin boys came to the attention of DCF due to their mother's substance abuse issues and reports that they were living in unsafe conditions. Both parents' rights were subsequently terminated due their mother's lack of compliance with services and their father's failure to protect the children from risk of harm due to the mother's substance abuse. 


At the initial Roundtable, the PRT team learned the boys were repeatedly running away from their group home to visit their biological father, Gary. The PRT Program Manager reviewed the original order terminating Gary's parental rights and learned he had been allowed post-termination supervised visits with the twins all along, making it unnecessary for them to run away to see him.

The PRT team conducted a family finder search to locate Gary and inform him that his order allows visits until his sons are legally adopted. Gary expressed interest not only in setting up formal visits with Alex and Greg, but also in regaining custody. He is currently working towards reunification and, after 13 years, the twins have a chance to have a permanent family.


FFCR awarded $20,000 Safe Passage Grant by 
The Miami Foundation 
 Javier Alberto Soto, President and CEO of The Miami Foundation, at the 2015 Community Grants Reception

We are delighted to announce that The Miami Foundation has awarded FFCR a 2015 Community Grant to support our Permanency Round Table (PRT) Program's second year. The Miami Foundation also supported the PRT Program in its inaugural 2014-15 year.

The $20,000 Safe Passage grant is made possible by DadeFund, which for 20 years has helped support foster youth transitioning to adulthood. The fund's goal is a great match for our PRT Program, which focuses on finding youth in foster care a permanent home before they age out. With The Miami Foundation's generous grant, we can continue to help youth achieve lifelong, loving families or family-like connections, thus giving them legitimate hope for a positive future. 


We deeply appreciate the Miami Foundation's continued support of FFCR and children in foster care. Congratulations to all the Community Grant Program recipients


News and Community 

The Urban Educator, June/July 2015

Register for DCF's annual Child Welfare Summit, September 9-11, 2015

Foster Youth Weekly, FFCR's Online Newspaper


Like being in the know? FFCR recently launched Foster Youth Weeklyan online paper focusing on resources useful to and supportive of youth in foster care and young adults recently in care. Check it out for employment information and more!

 To receive it in your inbox, be sure to subscribe!


Be the safety net abused and neglected children and youth need. Donate or volunteer today.

About Florida Foster Care Review 

Established in 1989 by a United Way committee, Florida Foster Care Review promotes the safety, well-being and long-term success of abused and neglected children in our community. Through special recruitment and training, volunteers review cases of youth in foster care to ensure they are safe and receiving needed services, intensively promoting positive outcomes. Together with child welfare professionals, Florida Foster Care Review also works to ensure that children and youth leaving the foster care system have someone they can call family. Through all its programs, Florida Foster Care Review tracks and analyzes outcomes in order to advocate for system changes that improve children's lives.