Issue Number 13
April 2016
Of Note:
Dean's New Book
Dean Ali Eskandarian is one of the three editors of the new book by Cambridge University Press entitled Logic and Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computing.This volume is an international cross-disciplinary collaboration with contributions from leading experts exploring connections across their respective fields. Themes range from philosophical examination of the foundations of physics and quantum logic, to exploitations of the methods and structures of operator theory, category theory, and knot theory in an effort to gain insight into the fundamental questions in quantum theory and logic. A brief introduction provides essential background on quantum mechanics and category theory.
Another editor, GW Professor of Mathematics Valentina Harizanov, was the recipient of the 2015-16 Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Faculty Scholarship (Research)
Experience Experiential Learning
This June 4-15, the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (CEPL) is offering a unique learning experience in its Summer Senior Leader Program led by Dr. Jared Peatman, a historian and certified experiential educator from the National Society for Experiential Education. The program is designed as a journey of exploration, as you reflect about your own leadership through the art of history. Imagine grasping and grounding all the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) in a way that is fun, creative and inspiring, supported by experts and your small group of peers.
You will visit President Lincoln's Cottage, the 1860s version of Camp David in Northwest D.C. where Abraham Lincoln drafted the Emancipation Proclamation and see what you can learn from our sixteenth president about building coalitions. A trip to Gettysburg offers participants new insights into the critical competency of Results Driven. Lastly, an exploration of the way George Washington turned Mt. Vernon into a profitable estate offers a plethora of insights into Business Acumen and sustainability that are as relevant for leaders today as they were 200 years ago.
Other learning segments focus on strategic leadership, workforce trends and analytics, cyber security, and innovation.
GW Hosting International Conference on Urban Security
The International Police Executive Symposium (IPES) will hold its 27th annual meeting in Washington, DC on August 8-13, 2016. The conference is hosted by George Washington University on the theme of "Urban Security: Challenges for 21st Century Global Cities" and the program chair is CPS faculty member and program director Professor Frederic Lemieux. Police practitioners and scholars from 47 countries are expected to attend.
GSPM's Mark Kennedy to Lead University of North Dakota 
| Hon. Mark Kennedy, GSPM Director (William Atkins, GW Today) |
Hon. Mark Kennedy, who has served as director of the Graduate School of Political Management since 2012, has been named the new president of the University of North Dakota. The North Dakota Board of Higher Education made the announcement on March 15th and Kennedy is to start his presidency on July 1st.
"Mark Kennedy's energetic leadership of GSPM has been informed by his deep experience in both the private and public sectors. He also became, on the national stage, a strong and eloquent advocate of reasoned dialogue across partisan lines," President Steven Knapp said. "We will be sorry to see him leave GW, but I am confident that he will make an important contribution to higher education in this exciting new role."
In his four years as GSPM director, Kennedy expanded the breadth and depth of the school, including overseeing the creation of two international-focused master's programs: Political Communications and Governanceand Advocacy in the Global Environment. He was elected to the nonpartisan think tank Council on Foreign Relations in 2015.
CPS and VSTC Dean Ali Eskandarian made this statement on the occasion: "The arrival of Mark Kennedy in 2012 as Director ushered a new era for the Graduate School of Political Management in our College. Mark brought with him a wealth of experience in the political arena as a practitioner and from the beginning was determined to ensure that the GSPM educational offerings reflected the realities of our two-party system, all the while encouraging our students to broaden their perspectives in politics. I am delighted that his experiences and accomplishments in academic leadership at GW will help him play a significant role in the advancement of another institution of higher education, closer to home for him, as the president of the University of North Dakota." Hon. Mark Kennedy is a former three-term (2001-2007) U.S. congressman from Minnesota, who served as a presidentially appointed trade advisor under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Kennedy believes his selection for the UND job "is also a testament to the renown of the GW brand which is now part of my brand as well." Speaking for himself and his wife Debbie, a native of North Dakota and M.F.A. '16, he adds: "We will always treasure our time at GW and the many friends we have gained here. I will always be willing to help in any way I can to keep GSPM the first and foremost school of applied politics and strategic communications on the planet."
Nice to Meet You, Congresswoman and Congressman!
Text and Photos by Sarah Gunel
| Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) |
VALOR in Politics (VIP) is a program which is supported by GW VALOR and the GW Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM). The intended purpose of the VIP program is to educate and prepare veteran students to continue their commitment to public service in the world of politics in areas of political management and politics. It commenced Fall 2015 with the VIP Speaker Series involving political leaders who provide behind the scenes insights to undergrad and graduate student veterans interested in careers in Politics/Political Management (open to all student veterans). The Speaker Series are held each semester.
Students with Congresswoman Gabbard (front row, center) who is flanked by GSPM Director Mark Kennedy (left) and VALOR founder Vice Admiral (Ret.) Mel Williams (right) with Congressman John Shimkus (first from right)
On March 2nd, the second VIP Speaker Series event was held featuring Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D, HI) who until recently was the Democratic National Committee vice chairwoman. Students had an opportunity to interact with a sitting member of Congress (who is also a veteran), ask questions, and learn about her background. Rep. Gabbard spoke about her military career and how her experiences inspired her to serve in public office. Her main takeaway message was to root your political career in something bigger than yourself and find a higher calling.
After Rep. Gabbard's talk, the first 15 students who RSVP'd were given the opportunity to have a private meet n' greet with Congressman John Shimkus (R-IL), who is a GSPM Fellow. Rep. Shimkus spent 20-30 minutes answering students' questions and sharing his insights on political service.
IIST Student Wins Big at GW Research Days Text and Photo by Olivia Blackmon
IIST Student and GW Research Days Honoree Amanda Harbison
Each year George Washington University hosts a two-day competition for undergraduates, graduates and postdoctoral students to showcase their research and to compete for awards and prizes. This annual event is dedicated to highlighting the breadth of research and discovery on issues of major disciplinary, multidisciplinary and global significance being conducted at GW through poster sessions and presentations.
Amanda Harbison an undergraduate student in Integrated Information, Science and Technology took 2nd place in Molecular and Cellular Biology for her project: Genome Structure via Crosslinking I: Method Development.
The project focuses on the genome organization, in order to understand the molecular assemblies associated with the regulation of gene expression. Due to the size of the molecular scale, the challenge of identifying the proximity of DNA segments to one another becomes extremely difficult. With the use of a novel technique the DNA spatial organization can be reconstructed based on a proximity matrix. Photo reactive probes, mono-psoralen and bis-psoralen, are used to crosslink nearby DNA segments to generate a map of the genome. Through research, Amanda and Raju Timsina, a graduate student under Dr. Xiangyun Qiu, found bis-psoralen to be successful in generating interduplex crosslinks within the DNA structure. With this newly acquired knowledge, Amanda and Raju will use the GWPMC method with the photo reactive probe in other systems to determine genome packing and spatial organization.
Honored to receive the prestigious award, Amanda also reflected on the individuals that supported her throughout her research endeavors. Particularly, the IIST program Director Dr. Sara Hooshangi who helped her network with cutting edge research being conducted at GW and providing her with the opportunity to work with Dr. Xiangyun Qiu. Amanda said that "the flexibility of the IIST program allows for professionals in the work force to gain experience and knowledge. The program has also allowed for us to meet with influential people and gain connections that otherwise would not have been possible."
Amanda will continue to pursue her work in cell biology, nanotechnology, environmental biology and neurogenetics, with the hope of pursuing a graduate degree.
Click here for more information on Research Days 2016 and a list of winners.
A Letter to CPS
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Presidential Management Fellow and SCOIM Graduate Isaac Hayman
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Dear George Washington University School of Professional Studies,
Greetings from the Pentagon! I wanted to reach out and "Officially" say THANK YOU to everyone who works as a part of the team at the GWU School of Professional Studies. Everything you guys do for us as students is incredible, and I believe many times the hard work is not recognized, because everything always runs so smoothly. SO, I am writing to each of you, to let you know how much it has meant to have the support of your team, and all that it has allowed me to do this past two years for my professional career.
I recently finished a Master of Strategic Cyber Operations and Information Management with Dr. Frederic Lemieux, Ms. Connie Uthoff, Ms. Melissa Feuer, Victor, and everyone there leading the charge to present us with an amazing college experience. Every professor was brilliant, and provided incredible insights and visibility on subjects related to their experiences, and our cohort grew and learned so much! As a Veteran, I know it is hard sometimes for schools to balance the challenges facing students with GI Bill benefits, and this program was amazing at working with us to maximize resources and results for our benefits.
Everyone at the School of Professional Studies was amazing, and I cannot believe how much everyone came together to make it happen when I had so many requests, and so many challenges. As I also have applied to the George Washington University Executive Leadership Program at GSEHD, I will continue my education with GWU because of what an amazing experience I had with your team.
Since graduating, I have received multiple offers at NSA/USCYBERCOM, and DISA, up at Fort Meade, and I know that these offers were only extended because of the amazing curriculum that this program provided. Moving into this next chapter of my career, I am overwhelmed with the opportunities GWU is still providing me. Recently, GW Valor provided an event called the PITCH, doing interview skills development, and Ms. Melissa Feuer was there to help support and guide the training. Because I was able to network, and gain valuable skills, as well as win an award from the event, my skillset was enhanced, and it is just another example of how GWU sets the standard.
Thank you for everything, and please know that I am humbled to be able to say that I am a GWU Alumni.
Very Respectfully,
Isaac James Hayman
Presidential Management Fellow, Class of 2013
VSTC Receives Award of Excellence for Service By Dova Wilson
GW was honored to receive the Loudoun School-Business Partnership Award of Excellence for Service on March 11. The partnerships with Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) began more than 15 years ago and have expanded to include close working relationships with the art and science departments. Thousands of LCPS students and teachers have benefited from exposure to new experiences and hands-on learning, especially in STEM-related fields. These partnerships reflect GW's long-term commitment to community engagement and are closely tied to the university's educational mission and core values.
Loudoun School Business Partnership Executive Council's mission is to "promote the development and success of partnerships between the LCPS and businesses to ensure that the students are prepared to contribute successfully to the ever-changing business and community environments." The Council received 240 applications this year, with only five receiving the 2016 partnership awards.
GW's Virginia Science & Technology Campus was recognized for multiple partnerships, which began as early as 1999. The university was nominated for the award by Odette Scovel & Jennifer Chang, LCPS Science Department and Melissa Pagano, LCPS Art Department. Each partnership is unique, but overall they have provided wide-ranging experiences and resources to thousands of LCPS students and teachers.
"On behalf of George Washington University, I'd like to thank the LCPS science and art departments for their nominations," said Dr. Ali Eskandarian, dean of the GW Virginia Science & Technology Campus. "At GW, we believe education is a lifelong process, and we seek to provide opportunities that fulfill this core belief, not only for our students, but for the surrounding community as part of our overarching strategy as an institution. This has been true since the University was created in 1821 through an Act of Congress, fulfilling George Washington's vision of an institution in the nation's capital dedicated to educating and preparing future leaders. We take this mission very seriously, and it extends across all three of our campuses and to each of our three graduate centers."
The dean also commented on the outstanding faculty and staff members who are committed to fulfilling the university's mission, including these partnerships, as well as others who have helped build the local campus in Ashburn over the last 25 years.
Learn more about GW-LCPS partnerships:
VSTC also supports the annual Young Scientist Awards presented at the LCPS Science Fair
GW is honored to be recognized for its' partnership efforts with LCPS; however the real value for the university is in knowing it has helped expand the minds of students and teachers. The Campus looks forward to continuing its' partnerships for many years to come.
Take a Risk! Be Open to Change: An Alumna's Advice
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Alumna Stephanie Hood
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She's a 2010 graduate of M.P.S. in Law Firm Management program, a new business owner, a volunteer, a wife and mother of two and she believes taking risks and being open to change will make a difference in our life and also those around us. After serving as executive director of several mid-sized law firms dating back to 1990, Stephanie Hood recently started a new venture Traballo LLC offering operational and business consulting to small and mid-sized professional services organizations.
In response to the question why she chose the LFM program, Stephanie says: "The GWU LFM program was perfect as I felt I had many of the tactical skills to do my current job. What I felt I needed was to develop the "softer" or more difficult skills on how to effect change within the organization and offer more than just the day to day obligations." According to Stephanie, the LFM program challenges one to dig deep into one's leadership style and work on tools to apply it successfully.
Here's Stephanie's advice to her fellow CPS alumni: "Take a risk. It doesn't have to mean leaving your job or industry but take the risk to develop a plan to tackle that difficult situation that people say can't be done. Keep the faith that the change you are striving for will make a difference in the work and personal lives of many of the people around you (though it may feel like it is taking forever!)"
Reunion Time! By Olivia Blackmon
More than 50 alumni, current students, faculty and mentors were welcomed to the first annual Integrated Information, Science, and Technology (IIST) Program Reunion at GW's Graduate Education Center in Arlington on Saturday, April 9. The event was scheduled to last two hours but everybody was having such a good time that it was extended to three!
The IIST Program Reunion 2016 provided a great opportunity for participants to reconnect and network about important topics specific to Integrated, Information Science and Technology as well as Cyber Security.
Seniors presented their Capstone projects to showcase how they applied the knowledge and skills they have acquired through their coursework to current IIST-related questions. Senior students complete a Capstone project which demonstrates their ability to take an idea from conception to final presentation, combining academic knowledge, research and professional skills into a coherent product.
The reunion wrapped up with a Q&A/panel discussion from alumni and the program director, Dr. Sara Hooshangi. Alumni panelists Hassan Ahmed (BPS 2015), Stephanie Gomez (BPS 2014), Colby Hunt (BPS 2014) and Scott Tambert (BPS 2011; MS 2012) confirmed that working full-time and attending school was a juggling act, and time management was critical to successfully completing the program. They elaborated on the benefits of the cohort model, where students entered the program together and attended the pre-set classes each semester. This provided the supportive environment and motivation to complete the program, said Colby Hunt. Once completing the program, alumni agreed that the skills they learned such as project management, communication through writing, and effectively translating difficult technology strategies to end users have assisted them in the professional environment.
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