Of Note:
CPS in Africa
Professor Toni Marsh (center) and the inaugural paralegal studies class of the University of Bagamoyo
Professors Ethel Badawi and Toni Marsh of the GW Paralegal Studies program have been awarded a University Facilitating Fund grant to study sustainable models of paralegal education in Tanzania.
Paralegals in Tanzania provide the only point for access to justice for the vast majority of the 40,000,000 people who live in that mostly rural nation. Developing sustainable paralegal education models is crucial to that nation's development and may even be replicated in other nations.
In 2012 the University of Bagamoyo invited Professor Marsh to design and launch the nation's first formal paralegal education program.
In the intervening two years, several of those students and participants have gone on to start their own paralegal clinics, join remote village clinics, or work in other legal capacities. This study aims to track those students, visit the clinics they have founded and study those clinics. In addition, this project seeks to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of the model created at the University of Bagamoyo, measure the impact the clinics and paralegals have on their communities, collect data on the tasks they are performing and the types of law they are encountering, and develop a systematic approach to replicating the training model.
New Book by CPS Professor
Frederic Lemieux, professor and program director of the master's degrees in Homeland Security and in Strategic Cyber Operations and Information Management, is the editor of a new volume, Current and Emerging Trends in Cyber Operations: Policy, Strategy and Practice (Palgrave Macmillan, July 2015).
Cyber operations is an emerging professional and academic field, encompassing multiple disciplines, both technical and non-technical. This book focuses on non-technical aspects, such as policy, strategy and best practices and it presents both theoretical and practical approaches towards understanding the evolution of cyber operations.
The book includes thirteen chapters by fifteen authors organized under four major headings: Conflicts in Cyber Space; Geopolitics of Conflicts in Cyber Space; Defense Strategies and Practices; and Cyber Intelligence and Information Security.
New Cyber Warfare Certification Course
Our nation's digital infrastructure is constantly being probed, tested and assaulted by new and evolving threats. As these threats continue to grow and multiply, the demand has also grown for accredited professionals in the field of cyber operations who understand the current strategies and policies necessary to identify and mitigate these threats. This intensive five-day course examines strategy and effects-based operations (EBO), as well as crisis and contingency planning in the cyber domain.
Participants in this boot-camp style program can earn three undergraduate credits and a certificate in one week. For registrations and more information contact Dr. Frederic Lemieux, Program Director at
Life and Career Lessons: 2015 CPS /GSPM Commencement
Dean Eskandrian (L), CPS Graduates
and Marybeth Davies (R)
Photo: GradImages.com
Nearly a thousand family and friends were on hand to cheer the 269 graduates from 18 programs as they received their diplomas at the 2015 College of Professional Studies and the Graduate School of Political Management commencement celebration at the Smith Center on May 16.
Marybeth Davies, manager of the Dupont Paralegal Program, developer of the Dupont Method of Paralegal Utilization, and noted author and lecturer gave the keynote.
Ms. Davies, who has more than 35 years of experience as a paralegal and has been influential in shaping the profession from its early days, provided the graduates with professional advice from her own outstanding career. She emphasized four themes: handling mistakes; taking opportunities; persevering; and behaving ethically.
She told the graduates they are bound to make mistakes in their lives and careers but the key is to admit to them, take responsibility for them and most of all, to learn from them. As for opportunities, they can come in many forms and from many directions and she advised the graduates you be ready to make the most of them and never take them for granted. Perseverance will keep them going through difficult times. "Believe in yourself and value hard work" she said.
According to Ms. Davies, ethical behavior is "by far one of the most critical aspects of success and it must be woven into all aspects of your life and profession" and she urged everyone to strive to set an example as ethical individuals.
She concluded by asking the graduates not to concentrate on achieving greatness as leaders but rather to be good leaders who empower their teams and work for the success of the whole. Presentation of awards followed the keynote speech and the following winners were recognized and received their awards:
- Simon Mantel (Police Science): Dr. Richard F. Southby Police Science Prize
- Ashley Cristina Rooney (Political Management): Henry D. Paley Award
- Daniel James DiResta (Law Firm Management): Dr. Stephen R. Chitwood Law Firm Management Prize
- Brittany N. Martinez (Political Management): The George Washington University Alumni Association (GWAA) Prize
- Tara Kim Eberhart (Paralegal Studies): College of Professional Studies Faculty Excellence Award
Erika Negrin, a Law Firm Management graduate, and Jonathan McGee, a Political Management graduate, delivered the student addresses. Ms. Negrin talked about how terrified she was to leave a successful legal career and her comfort zone to return to school in order to achieve her management aspirations and the one career goal that beckoned her, i.e. how to manage a law firm. Her advice to her fellow graduates: "Life has no remote, get up and change it!"
Jonathan McGee's theme was 'Only at GW', emphasizing our University's unique characteristics: its location; the academic opportunities it provides for students; its professors; and the combination of professional experiences and academic excellence that it offers. Mr. McGee's parting words to the graduates encouraged them to uphold the GW standards of unity, diversity and service in their life.
Dean Ali Eskandarian concluded the ceremony by issuing his charge to the graduates: "Use the learning skills and knowledge that you've gained with us to explore and learn all you can about uncertainty and risk and shed your fear and use the uncertainty and risk in service to worthy causes". Professor Eskandarian prefaced his charge by emphasizing the importance of risk and uncertainty in life and by urging graduates to overcome their fear and be ready to take calculated risks and use uncertainty to their advantage in their careers and endeavors.
Watch GSPM's Commencement Video
We Are CPS!
In the shadow of the Washington Monument, 25,000 GW graduates and their families listened as Apple CEO Tim Cook urged them to find their North Star at the University's 194th Commencement on the National Mall on Sunday May 16.
Mr. Cook, drew on personal experiences and the lives of historical figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in asking graduates to have the audacity to challenge and the courage to combine their moral beliefs with their professional aspirations. "You don't have to choose between doing good and doing well. Find your North Star, let it guide you in life and work and in your life's work." he said.
Representing all of us, here are two CPS graduates celebrating on the Mall (their stories and photos from the May 18 issue of GW Today):
Sargent Major Brian Z. Porter
Photo: Zach Marin
Brian Z. Porter was in the Army for "26 years, six months and 27 days." In January, before his service had ended, he enrolled in the masters of security leadership program at the College of Professional Studies. "When I had a couple months left in the army, I enrolled in the program, and then I just kept at it." Sgt. Maj. Porter returned from a security assessment in Iraq on Friday, was at his home in North Carolina by Saturday and drove with his wife Shawn and daughter Bailee to attend his graduation Sunday morning. On Monday, he begins a new job as a planning and exercise specialist in Fort Bragg, N.C.
Anjelica Tellechea
Photo: Zach Marin
Anjelica Tellechea graduated from CPS with her masters in paralegal studies, a combination of advanced legal research and general professional skills. A lobbyist based in Sacramento, Calif., Ms. Tellechea survived Stage IV cancer, put her ex-husband through medical school and her daughter through college. "Finally, I said 'You know, this is my time,'" she said. "I was Stage IV, and I didn't even know if I would even be here. So I am living a dream."
Constancy Defined
Connie Mokey Retires
After more than 25 years of service to the CPS and its precursors, Connie Mokey, Associate Dean of Operations and Analytic Strategies, retired on May 15, leaving all of her colleagues wondering who they could run to for help in her absence.
"In all the years and all of her management roles at CPS, she was truly one of the pillars of the College," said Dean Eskandarian. "Her influence on the development of CPS was fundamental," according to the CPS Founding Dean Roger Whitaker. Connie personified the dictionary definition of constancy: "fortitude, fidelity, and loyalty."
Connie started at the GW Hampton Roads Center in 1989 to help start their non-credit programs and transferred to DC in 1995. She was quickly promoted to founding Director of the Alexandria Graduate Center, which included supporting all the off-campus engineering contract programs.
In 2001 she became the Director of Enrollment Management and Student Services for the newly established College of Professional Studies and moved to the Dean's suite at Foggy Bottom. Her portfolio increased again with her promotion to Assistant Dean for Student Success in 2007 to include the new position of Director of Career Services and the leadership of all the off campus Centers - Alexandria, Arlington and Hampton Roads. She was appointed Associate Dean of Operations and Analytic Strategies in 2012 to take charge of academic services for the College which included admissions, advising and coaching students to degree completion, and she set a leadership example in that role until she retired last month. Connie holds a master's degree in Human Resource Development from GW and a Bachelor of Science degree in Decision Sciences from George Mason University.
Connie, family and colleagues at her retirement party
Here is just a sample of thoughts about Connie from her colleagues:
"From the day I started, Connie was my professional role model at GW. She has innate common sense and sensitivity combined with toughness that is rare."
-- Toni Marsh, Associate Dean for New Initiatives
"Her professional expertise, keen eye for strategic opportunities for the young College, uncompromising commitment to serve students, and kindness to everyone she worked with gives all of us a lasting example of best practices as a colleague and as a friend."
-- Roger Whitaker, Professor of Education and CPS Founding Dean
"I feel very lucky to have worked closely with Connie on student matters. Her compassion for, knowledge about and interest in our students were a great asset to our college."
-- Melissa Feuer, Executive Director, Office for Student Engagement
"A very special person who could not be here tonight.......Connie was one of the pillars of our college and one of the main reasons we are as successful as we are today. We will miss her because of her grace, her thoughtfulness and her caring for all of you."
-- From Dean Eskandarian's remarks at the 2015 CPS Commencement
"Every person matters to her-from the Dean to the faculty and students, to the staff members and the office cleaners. She attends our children's christenings and our family funerals. She sends us notes of encouragement and support. She has changed our lives in lasting and positive ways."
-- Annette Allgood, Director, Northern Virginia Graduate Education Centers
Connie and her husband Walt celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on May 17 and plan to move back to Hampton Roads where they will be equidistance between their three sons, three daughters-in-law and three grandchildren.
Soldier, Professional, Volunteer, Leader
A CPS Alum's Commitment to Service
John Dale
During Operation Iraqi Freedom
John Dale, a 2013 recipient of the Master of Professional Studies degree in Security and Safety Leadership (SSL) from CPS, left a managerial position at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last April to take up a job at a non-profit startup that he had volunteered for since last fall. Not only did he give up a secure government job for an uncertain one at a small non-profit, but he raised almost $45,000 for his own salary so as not to be a financial burden on his new employer!
John, who is from a small town in central Missouri, served in the Army National Guard for eight years from 2000 to 2008. In 2005 he was deployed to Iraq for about a year during Operation Iraqi Freedom where he was a supervisor in an operations center and led a convoy team providing personal security for the unit's commander and her staff. After his discharge, he moved to the DC area in 2009 and in 2010 started working for DHS at their headquarters as Operations Chief at the National Operations Center. While there, he felt the need to go back to school and after researching different degree programs, he selected SSL which dovetailed perfectly with his job and career goals. He completed the degree program while working full-time.
John who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) himself and has been working on healing for the past ten years, was keenly aware of the need for new programs designed to help veterans with PTSD. So when he learned about an organization that was doing just that, he started volunteering for REBOOT Combat Recovery. Founded in 2011 by PTSD professionals, REBOOT's approach is to make a lasting difference in the lives of service members and their families by helping them find healing from the spiritual wounds of war. The centerpiece of their program is a 12-week combat trauma healing course designed to address the spiritual aspects of PTSD which are sometimes overlooked in other healing efforts.
As time went on, John noticed that the organization needed to shore up its organizational structure and operations for a sustainable future and thought he could help by utilizing his professional experience and academic knowledge that he had gained at CPS. So, he told his REBOOT colleagues that he could step in to help with the day to day operations such as human resources, finance, administration, and other behind the scenes functions and that he would fund-raise his first year's salary himself. That is how he became REBOOT's Director of Operations and DC Area Coordinator!
John just finished facilitating the first DC-based 12-week course for a group of seven veterans and their spouses, and as he told CPS Leads, he wasn't just the facilitator but a participant himself. "Healing from PTSD is possible because I've experienced it first-hand. I still struggle with some
symptoms but it's no longer a disorder and doesn't control my life like it used to." And on how his SSL courses help him in his job, he says: "I am able to use the general leadership knowledge in my new job. Specifically, strategic planning and budgeting, inter-agency cooperation, change leadership, and analysis will prove useful in my new position."
Watch a short video of John and learn more about REBOOT Combat Recovery (all donations to REBOOT are tax deductible).
A New Resource For Discovery,
Innovation and Growth: Failure!
Kim Wilcox (L) Chancellor of University of California, Riverside & Edward J. Ray (R) President of Oregon State University
"Embracing Failure to Spur Success: A New Collaborative Innovation Model" is the title of a thought-provoking article by Kim Wilcox, Chancellor of the University of California, Riverside and Edward Ray, President of Oregon State University. The writers argue that failure is happening every day in the labs and classrooms on college and university campuses and it is an essential part of the learning process. As research scientists attempt to make discoveries, they fail repeatedly in their trials and experiments but each failure provides another clue pointing in the direction of a solution. In classrooms, students are encouraged to question and analyze the information that is imparted by their professors and not only are not penalized for being 'wrong' but are urged to ask new questions and to keep going. Despite all these healthy aspects of failure, we tend to shun it in academic administration, in business, and in other areas, i.e. we tend not to talk about what doesn't work and what has not been a success.
Wilcox and Ray say this is not the way to foster innovation and improvement in higher education. According to the authors, the best innovators in the world typically follow the mantra that failure is acceptable, helpful, and sometimes even necessary to ultimately achieving an objective. Many of the products we rely on today, from Post-it notes to pacemakers, resulted from mistakes or failures in the search for other innovations. And just about any successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur has a track record of ventures that failed. A corollary to the mantra that failure is acceptable is that an innovator should fail fast - in other words, if your project is not working out, you should acknowledge that you are not getting the results that you expected, figure out why, and then incorporate that information into your next attempt.
The writers believe that although many higher education institutions are making progress in their research, teaching and outreach missions, the progress could be even faster and more dramatic if they did two complementary things: collaborate with each other across campuses, and embrace, share, and learn from failure. To this end, they have established the University Innovation Alliance (UIA). The UIA is a consortium of eleven major public research universities that are working together to identify new solutions to challenges throughout higher education, and then to share information about failures and successful solutions among institutions. Being open about what hasn't worked at one institution can be enormously helpful to another facing similar challenges.
As the authors concede, of this type requires trust and that's why much of the early work within UIA has been about building a community of trust.
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