Sheriff's Office News
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WANTED:  Some Great Deputies!
Meet Deputy Leanne Stoneberg

Deputy L StonebergHello, I am Leanne Stoneberg. I have worked at the Washington County Sheriff's Office as a deputy for over five years now.  I currently cover the area known as "the west end".  The area includes Timber, Buxton, rural area outside of Banks and Gaston, along with Cherry Grove and Gales Creek.  After my first ride along with another female deputy covering this area, I knew this was where I was meant to work.


Shortly after I started working the west end, I identified a need for a deputy specializing in livestock and animal calls. I created my own position here as the animal deputy.  I now take all the animal calls during my shift and read all animal-related reports.  Over a year ago, I joined the Washington County Animal Protection Multidisciplinary Team in order to help be a voice for the animals and protect against animal cruelty.  Our team recently received the 2013 Cameron Award for our collaboration.


I am proud to work at an agency that has allowed me to exercise my own knowledge with livestock, choose the area where I want to work, and expand my knowledge personally and professionally.  October 5-18, the Sheriff's Office will begin recruiting for deputies, and I encourage you to help us find some great applicants - women and men!


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Request a Ride Along with Patrol   Request Email When Deputy Jobs Open for Application


Join us:  October 10 Recruitment Fair or October 12 Women's Safety Fair

The Sheriff's Office is currently recruiting for the position of Forensic Unit Supervisor
Bullying Victim?  Not Your Kid

teen on phone clip artWe all know our children talk to other teens before telling us what is happening. But one out of six teen victims of bullying won't tell their parents that they are using their iPhone or laptop to defend themselves from a malicious rumor or that they are being physically threatened.


We want you to know that while your child's BFF may have good intentions, there is another great option. Highly trained Oregon teens are standing by to take your child's call, email, or text about these issues! They can provide coping mechanisms and strategies meant to head off the harmful things kids do when coping on their own, such as truancy, substance abuse, self injury, and even suicide.


Bullies are no longer confined to schools and playgrounds - they stalk their victims day and night through social media, online games, and instant messaging. These same tools can be used to help your adolescent through one of life's most challenging times. Save and share this information with the teens in your life:


Call: 1-877-968-8491
Online Chat:
CSC: text the keyword teen2teen to 839863

Drug Team Serves Warrants on Organized Crime Ring


money laundering clip art - oragami dollar shirts hanging on laundry lineAbout nine months of investigation by the Westside Interagency Narcotics Team led to search warrants on 15 different residences in the metro area. Multiple illegal marijuana grows were seized along with cash and drugs packaged for shipment. So far 35 people have been identified as participating in the illegal drug trafficking.


Investigators learned that multiple houses located mostly in Washington County and two in Portland had been converted into large grow sites. Some were owned by the residents and others were rented to them by unsuspecting landlords. They were modified to accommodate extra electricity, ventilation, and water for operations.


This drug trafficking organization was able to package and ship over 50 pounds of marijuana a month, with a value of over $100,000. Some shipments were to states where marijuana is illegal. Investigators believe the grow sites were chosen in Oregon so they could exploit the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program by registering some of the homes as grow sites in the program. However, they would actually have as much as 10 times the legal number of plants.


Many law enforcement agencies worked together on this complex investigation and to serve the warrants. They seized 11 houses, 6 vehicles, more than 2,600 marijuana plants, 34 pounds of dried marijuana, 12 firearms, and over $80,000 in cash. More impressive than the property seizures this week are the layers of financial investigation showing massive amounts of money from sales and the group's ability to launder and redistribute it. More seizures will occur as the investigation progresses. Full Press Release.

Unintentional Sex Crimes by Teen Students
The Other Sex Talk


So your teenage son or daughter is in school or just graduated. You have talked with them about avoiding drunk driving, saying no to drugs, and safe sex - but that's not the whole lesson. They need to know about sexual relationships that can get them arrested. This is not a morality discussion - we are strictly addressing school age and recent graduates who may be considering having a sexual relationship with high school or younger students.


Sheriff's detectives investigate all reported sex crimes, especially those involving minors. The interviews require the youth to share intimate details of personal experiences in order for the investigators to determine if a crime occurred. The problem is that most often a crime has occurred because these youth did not know better; we hope education will help.


teens holding hands clip artOregon laws describe various sex crimes. The facts are tough. But you and your teens need to know at least the basics:

  • Having sex with a person under 18 is a crime. (163.315)
  • Having sex with a person under 16 is a more serious crime. (163.355 and 163.385)
  • Having sex with a person younger than 14 is an even more serious crime. (163.365) and 163.395)
  • Not knowing the other person's age is not a good reason. (163.325)

The age limits are applied literally. If your son, age 20, has sex with a girl 3 years and 2 days younger than him (age 17), it is sex abuse. Even if she consented. Even if they have been dating a long time. Even if the girl does not want to press charges. The crime will be investigated and your child will be interviewed. The same laws apply if the actor is female.


Clearly, the crimes are different if the victim was unwilling, disabled, impaired, under age 12, and other situations (163.375 and 163.405). Here we are talking about generally good high school and college bound youth getting arrested. Talking to your teen about this will be uncomfortable, but nothing like the humiliation and discomfort of being prosecuted for committing a sex crime. Share this article with the youth in your life. Ask questions if you have them. Have the conversation soon - it's important, or at least have them read this article. 


Sheriff's detectives are available to give presentations for community groups. They are also willing to meet with people individually to answer questions; call (503) 846-2500 or inquire by email.


Ask Your Question

School Bus Refresher
When You Need to Stop
Oregon Driver Manual image - where to stop for bussesYou see a school bus with flashing amber and then red lights. You got this, but then doubt sets in, so you brake, speed up, slow down, and just go! Let us smooth your morning decision making a bit.

On a highway with a painted center median, turn lanes, or two double lines separating the directions of travel, all lanes must stop.


On a divided highway (two separate roads separated by a green space, trees, or any unpaved median) the lanes traveling in the same direction as the bus must stop.


Oregon Driver Manual cover

Review the Oregon Driver Manual

Amber lights are like yellow traffic lights that tell you a red light is imminent - assess your safest response depending on whether you are behind or beside the bus. The red lights mean stop (period).


We could tell you the fine for not stopping for a school bus, but the point is really to keep everyone safe - isn't that enough?


Ask Your Question

What is a "Designated Texter"?

Human nature is a wonder. We know texting while driving is a huge distraction.  We know that 80% of drivers support a ban on text messaging while driving, but we see it every day on the road.


Did you know that when you use a cell phone while driving (even hands free), your reaction time as a driver is as delayed as a person with a blood alcohol content of .08%.  It is worse with texting, when your attention is diverted completely off the road for several seconds.


So texting can be addictive.  But we have to stop. Here's the question - what are your best tricks for stopping yourself from texting while driving? We offer two suggestions below.  We will post your ideas next month. Let's help each other and our kids to be safer drivers.


Texts Cause Wrecks billboard with tips 


Community News

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Committee Members Appointed

In August, we updated you on the new law that requires the Oregon Health Authority to license marijuana storefront or "collectives".  Sheriff Garrett expressed his concerns that HB 3460 does not provided sufficient funding or regulatory power for the licensing authority to stand up to multi-million dollar criminal marijuana enterprises. The health stack of newspapers 366x600 authority has now assembled the committee that will set the rules for dispensaries.  Sheriff Garrett is comfortable that this includes experts who will represent the law enforcement and prosecutorial perspective.  The committee's first meeting will be Friday, September 20.


DUII Double-Header in Beaverton

On September 4, Deputy Povolny observed a possible DUII driver in a Subaru on SW Millcreek Street in Beaverton.  He momentarily lost sight of the vehicle when the driver turned onto a sidestreet.  When he caught up to the vehicle, it was parked in a driveway with an Acura parked just behind it, partially in the roadway.  Deputy Povolny began talking with the Acura driver who was still in his vehicle . . . and also intoxicated.  Both men were arrested for DUII.


You Never Know How a Call Can Evolve -- Aloha

Firefighters requested police backup on August 20.  They were trying to enter a home in Aloha to render medical assistance to a woman, but an agitated male ran them out of the house.  The man could not be persuaded to grant access, so deputies entered the home as community caretakers.  They found the woman who appeared disoriented and was asking for medical help.  The man became more agitated - then headed toward a rifle propped in the corner of the room.  Deputies quickly arrested and charged him with Interfering with EMS, Resisting Arrest, and Obstructing Governmental Administration.  His wife was transported to the hospital for an unknown medical emergency.  You never know how a "simple" call will evolve.


You Never Know How a Call Can Evolve -- Beaverton

Numerous deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance on August 24.  A neighbor reported hearing a female screaming for help and lots of banging noises in the apartment next door.  The followup investigation revealed that two adult women had gotten into a fist fight when one accused the other of eating all her chocolate.


Police Impersonator Calling About Warrants

Several local police departments are receiving complaints about a warrant payment scam.  Victims report that a person is calling random citizens and advising them that there is a warrant for their arrest.  The caller then explains how the person can purchase a prepaid card to clear the warrant and avoid arrest.  A real law enforcement agency will never call citizens to demand money for any reason.  This is just a scam attempting to cheat you out of your money.  If you receive a call from law enforcement that seems suspicious, always hang up and call the agency at a published number to confirm the call is genuine.  If you are a victim of this scam or if you have information, please call (503) 629-0111.  Audio of scammer.


Criminal Mischief at Aloha High School

On August 25, a citizen reported seeing a student using a black Sharpie marker to write all over a dumpster.  Deputies arrived and interviewed the male who was still present.  He admitted to using a black Sharpie to cross out silver spray paint that had been put on the dumpster by someone else.  He is sick of seeing the graffiti all over. He was cited for Criminal Mischief III.


High-Centered and Snockered in Tigard

Found with his vehicle high-centered on a railroad tie in someone else's yard on August 25, this driver was very intoxicated . . . and honest:


How much have you had to drink?  A bunch.

Can you feel the effects of the alcohol?  Oh yeah.

Will you perform field sobriety tests?  I won't be able to do anything.

Why? Because I am inebriated.


After one field sobriety test, they called it a day.  He was arrested for DUII.


Scam Victim Narrowly Escapes Losing Thousands in Portland

Deputy Frank Ward responsded to a bank on the report that a man was about to fall prey to a scam.  The man had just withdrawn thousands of dollars and left when a deputy first arrived, but he was contacted within minutes at a nearby store.  A male caller told the victim that he had won a large amount of money, about $500,000, and that he would have to pay the taxes on the money before it could be delivered.  The caller gave him directions to wire the money to a male located in Romania.  Bank employees were clearly concerned that he almost lost his money to something they suspected of being a scam.  The near-victim was greatly appreciative and gave credit to his wife who told him not to send the money in the first place!  The investigation is ongoing. 

Not All Placards are the Same
Another Disabled Parking
Vehicle with Disabled Placard parked in Wheelchair Only spaceThis photo was taken recently by a citizen who asked us to send a "Dear Fellow Motorist" letter.  A separate photo showed that the driver properly displayed a disabled parking placard on their rearview mirror as required.  Then what's the issue?
Wheelchair Only signThese spaces are restricted specifically to people with Wheelchair User Placards under ORS 811.613. The fine is $160.
We want you to know the laws that affect you, and we want to ensure these protected spaces are available for users who need them most.
Dumb Crook
Dumb Crook - originalA man comes into the jail lobby and wants to visit an inmate. He then explains that he has paraphernalia in his backpack. The deputy asks what type. He said he had some pipes and one of them was broken. The deputy asked if he had drugs in his backpack and he said, "No, but you might get some residue off of the pipes." He then proceeded to tell the deputy he could search the backpack, but to be careful not to cut himself on the broken pipe. Sure enough, there was residue on the pipes and a test strip turned blue . . . indicating meth was present.


On the upside, our dumb crook might get to visit his friend!

This Month's "Most Wanted"
CAT, Most Wanted, Wanted, Michael Thomas, Thomas     
CAT, Most Wanted, Wanted, Skirving, Jared Skirving  
Michael Odell Thomas
Mr. Thomas is 5'4", 139 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.  He is wanted for Abscond and Failure to Appear on a Stalking charge.  He was previously convicted of Rape and Failure to Report as a Sex Offender.  Mr. Thomas is from Portland.
Jared Michael Skirving
Mr. Skirving is 6'2", 170 pounds, with brown hair and green eyes.  He is wanted for Failure to Appear on charges of Assault IV and Harassment.  He was previously convicted of Burglary and Theft.  Mr. Skirving is from the Beaverton area.
Do not approach these individuals. If you see them or have information, call the Sheriff's Office Records Unit at (503) 846-2700, or non-emergency dispatch at (503) 629-0111.
Please help us serve you better - answer our quick 3-question survey about Sheriff's Office News.
 Washington County Sheriff's Office, Hillsboro, Oregon
Nationally Accredited by CALEA since 2004

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