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February 6, 2013 

Notice of Public Open House:

Anchorage Airport Master Plan Update


Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Presentation at 5:30PM

Coast International Inn - McKinley Room

3450 Aviation Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99502


Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is in the process of a Master Plan Update, which will help guide future airport development. You are invited to a Public Open House on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the Coast International Inn, McKinley Room, 3450 Aviation Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99502 to learn about work currently underway in the Master Plan Update process including an inventory of existing conditions at the airport and the establishment of criteria that will be used to evaluate airport development alternatives once they are developed.   The evening's presentation will begin at 5:30.


To join the automatic update list regarding the Master Plan, to learn about how the public can get involved, or to make a public comment, visit www.ancmasterplan.com


Online Open House, February 21 to March 7

The Master Plan Update team will hold an online public Open House from February 21 - March 7, 2013 to provide an opportunity for interested individuals to participate at their convenience. In the online public Open House, you can view the February 20th meeting posters and presentation and leave
comments for the Master Plan Update team. The Online Open House will be accessible at www.ancmasterplan.com from February 21 to March 7.
Tentative Master Plan Update Meeting Schedule 



The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport's tentative schedule for Master Plan Update public meetings, Working Group meetings, and Technical Advisory Committee meetings has been updated to include tentative meeting times and locations.  Please visit http://www.ancmasterplan.com/schedule/ for more information.

We Want to Hear From You
Have a thought for the Master Plan Update team? Leave a comment via our online comment form 
Anchorage Airport Master Plan Update Website


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