CONNtext: The e-newsletter of the CT Library Consortium
Discounts         One Great Thing        Coming Events        Calendar         Around the Libraries         Circuits     
WereYouThereWere You There?

CLC's 10th Anniversary Party  

& Annual Meeting    


CLC congratulations card

The CLC 10th Anniversary Party and Annual Meeting was a fun and fabulous affair! Over 100 members and partners gathered at the Eli Whitney Museum in Hamden on May 16th to celebrate how far we have come and to look eagerly toward the future. Laughter, reminiscence, and recognition were the hallmarks of the evening. Thank you to all of those who attended, and to our entire membership for supporting us these ten incredible years. See more photos on Flickr.
attendees at the 10th anniversary celebration
Over 100 attendees!
roundtable chairs
Roundtable chairs
rising star award
Sara Ray (center) received the first-ever CLC Rising Star Award.
cooperative spirit award
Sara Kelley-Mudie (L) received the 2013 Jan Gluz Cooperative Spirit Award.
View our photos on flickr


OneGreatThingOne Great Thing
Props as Networking Tools
Pomfret Public Library's
"Away From Home Gnome"

Gnome with Debra Messing
Gnome & Laurie
 with Debra Messing
Gnome & Laurie
with Lemony Snicket
Props have been in use for a long time as ways to get fun and interesting photos, learn about far-flung places (a la Flat Stanley), or encourage travelers to keep an institution in mind while they are away from home. Stew Leonard's would like you to bring a Stew's bag on your journeys, and send a photo of yourself enthusiastically displaying it. AAA does the same thing with their member magazine. The Pomfret Public Library adopted this idea, using the gnome as their mascot. Laminated gnomes are available to check out. Instructions are easy: "Just check [a gnome] out and take a photo with him when you are at your destination. Email the photo to us and we will print it out and post it on our Gnome Space board at the library!" What a great way to keep your patrons connected to your library, whether in the building itself or through social media.

Props have other uses too - they make great icebreakers. Imagine you are a librarian heading to BookExpo America, and you'd love to get your photo taken with a celebrity. Feeling a little shy? There's nothing like an interesting prop to break the ice and make it happen. Post your photos on social media to promote your library and build excitement. In the photos above, you can see that Pomfret Director Laurie Bell tried this approach at BookExpo America with great success! See more of her celebrity Gnome photos at:

Now that's a GREAT THING.

Every month we share the best of your ideas, tips and innovations! Would you like your Great Thing to be featured? Submit to, subject line "One Great Thing." Please include a description and a photo.

CalendarSummer Calendar


Wednesday, June 26

Friday, June 28

Sunday, June 30


Monday, July 1

  • New Book Contracts Take Effect

Thursday, July 4

  • CLC Office Closed - Happy Independence Day! 

Thursday, July 11

Monday, July 15

Wednesday, July 17 

Wednesday, July 24 

AroundtheLibrariesAround the Libraries

David Boudinot of the Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton is the new Vice President / President-Elect of CLA.

Sue Bullock, Director of the Simsbury Public Library, is retiring after 17 years. The library is hosting an open house on Sunday, June 23 from 2-4pm. Stop by and wish Sue well!

Ridgefield Teen Advisory Group On June 1, Ridgefield Library's Geri Diorio took 6 members of Ridgefield's Teen Advisory Board to BookExpo. Geri reports, "We had a blast. The kids (grades 6-9) got to meet authors such as Brandon Mull, Lincoln Peirce, Jan Brett, and Patricia Polacco. They gathered up pounds and pounds of Advanced Reading copies, and generally ran me off my feet!" Here they are with Mo Willems' Pigeon. Way to go, Geri!

Shawn Fields, Director of the Huntington Branch Library in Shelton, has been appointed the new Director of the C.H. Booth Library in Newtown. He succeeds Janet Woycik, former CLC Board President, who will retire June 30.

Kara Gilbert is the new Children's Librarian at the Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton.

Joan Hume, Community Relations Director at Westport Library, is leaving the library as of June 28 due to a move out of state.

Valerie Kilmartin, Director of the Durham Public Library and former CLC board member, retired earlier this month.

Carol Kubala, Adult Services Librarian at the Saxton B. Little Library in Columbia, has announced her retirement as of September 13.

Lisa Masten is the new Director of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington. Previously, she has served as Assistant Director and Head of Collection Management at the library.

Mary Ellen Minichiello, Media Specialist for Calf Pen Meadow Elementary School in Milford and the new president of CASL, has been named Milford's Teacher of the Year.

Homa Naficy, Chief Adult Learning Officer at Hartford Public Library, has been chosen as a "Champion of Change" by The White House as part of an initiative with the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Jody Pillar, Library Media Specialist at the Gilbert School in Winsted, has been awarded the Connecticut Association of Schools' High School Exemplary Educator of the Year award.

Kelle Ruden is Westport Library's new Director of Community Relations. Kelle comes to Westport from Random House, where she has been serving in marketing positions since 1999.


Send your news to with the subject line "CONNtext news."

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 Volume 10, Issue 10 - June 2013
ExecutiveDirectorFrom the Executive Director

The Value of Membership
members at annual meeting


As CLC closes out its tenth anniversary year, we have much to celebrate:

  • Our organization is fiscally strong, thanks to our over 800 member libraries and our invaluable state support.
  • Our programs and services continue to expand in response to your changing needs and the opportunities presented to us by improvements in technology and relationships we have forged with suppliers, non-profit partners, and you, our members.
  • We've been able to increase the value of your investment in CLC by providing more and greater opportunities to save.

The 2012/2013 Highlights provide more details about all we've achieved this year.


The final numbers are not yet in, but we are pleased to report that in the first six months of the year, from July through December 2012, CLC members saved over 2.9 million dollars on products and services purchased through CLC. In addition, hundreds of member library staff took advantage of the over 100 roundtables, workshops, and other services we offered throughout 2012/2013.


We want all of you to open your membership renewal invoice this month and see that you realized savings that far exceeded your dues. The great news is that the majority of you already do. Our goal for next year is to make sure everyone sees maximum value for their CLC membership. To achieve this, we'll be reaching out to every one of you over the coming year to review your account and hopefully help you find ways to realize more savings or benefits. Please keep your comments, suggestions and concerns coming. Through your ongoing communication, we've received good ideas on how to better serve you. We are looking forward to launching some new products and services and refining our existing programs next year in order to accomplish this goal.


We take seriously our legislatively-mandated mission to initiate and facilitate cost-effective services, create and support educational and professional development, and help you strengthen their ability to serve your users.


It has been a challenging, exciting, and fun first 10 months serving as Executive Director. I look forward to working with you all next year.





In this section:

BooksNew CLC Book Contracts Debut July 1!      

CLC is putting the finishing touches on our new book contracts, which will be valid from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2016 with an option of two additional 1-year extensions. Be sure to check your email next week for complete information on how to use the new contracts. Our book contracts enable you to save up to 46% on your library/school's book purchases, and/or get free shipping, free or discounted processing, and other special services to meet all of your book purchasing needs at the lowest possible cost.  

The bid process, which started back in January, included many hours of research, data compilation, comparison and analysis, a member-wide survey, and the effort and cooperation of many individuals. We received 18 responses to our invitation to bid, and the selection committee chose 10 of these suppliers to best meet our members' needs. We are pleased to continue contracts with Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Ingram, MicroMarketing, and Bound to Stay Bound. Our new awardees are Cavendish Square, Gareth Stevens, Mackin Educational Resources, Rosen, and Scholastic Library Publishing. Two of the ten awardees are Connecticut-based companies (MicroMarketing in Old Lyme and Scholastic in Danbury).

Please note that non-print media such as DVDs, audiobooks, e-books, and other materials will be covered by subsequent bids. Our current media contracts, originally scheduled to expire June 30, have been extended to December 31, with the exception of Recorded Books. New media contracts will go into effect January 1, 2014. 

If you have any questions or experience any difficulties, please contact Pam Najarian ( or Connie Sear (, or call 860.344.8777.

Bags"I Love Connecticut Libraries" Reusable Bags     
I love CT Libraries bagsThese cheerful, lightweight bags are perfect for resale or giveaways. Order any quantity according to the price list below. Bags may be picked up at the CLC office in Middletown, or we will ship via USPS and charge postage to your library. Postage will be actual price paid - no markups or handling charges. Price per bag (not including postage):
  • 1-24 bags: $1.45 each
  • 25-49 bags: $1.35 each
  • 50-99 bags: $1.25 each
  • 100+ bags: $1.15 each

To order: Email number of bags, pick up/ship, and contact information to Pam Najarian at CLC - CLC will invoice your library.


Britannica Digital Learning


Britannica Digital Learning logo CLC member public and K-12 school libraries, save on a variety of Britannica Digital Learning products through June 2014!  


Products: Britannica School, Britannica Online Public Library Edition, Britannica Image Quest, Britannica SmartMath, Britannica Pathways: Science, and Britannica eBooks. Learn more 


JobNowJobNow for Public AND Academic Libraries   


JobNow, powered by Brainfuse, provides live interactive online help combined with online resources to guide jobseekers through the necessary tasks to get a job. Now JobNow is available at a great rate for academic libraries as well as public libraries! Subscriptions run September 1 - August 31; pro-rated options available for earlier start dates. New subscribers, contact Pam Najarian at or 860.344.8777 x106 for details and to order. Current subscribers will be contacted in July with renewal information.   



Self-Checkout & Media Management products from LAT
  LAT logo  

CLC is taking orders for our group purchase on the AllCirc-Cube and other products from Library Automation Technologies (LAT). The AllCirc-Cube is an automated vault for your CD/DVD collection with built-in patron self-checkout system. Other available products include:

  • LAT-Stena media storage/retrieval pods
  • LAT-FlashScan LEAP desktop self-checkout system
  • LAT-OPAC touchscreen OPAC enhancement system
  • LAT-Release media case opener

Price based on number of orders received; includes heavily discounted shipping and installation/training fees. Leasing or other customized financial arrangements may be made with LAT. Order by June 30, 2013.  



CircuitJoin a Media Circuit!

discs Circuits are a means of expanding your library's media collections at minimal expense. With today's constantly-changing formats, they also enable you to offer your patrons materials in a non-print medium that you may not want to invest in long-term. Participating libraries join any of several circuits - DVD, audiobooks on CD, and/or foreign and independent films. Usually there is a one-time "buy-in" fee plus an annual fee, which CLC staff use to purchase and maintain collections in these areas. Participating libraries meet monthly or quarterly to rotate packets of materials. Thus, the materials make a "circuit" around the libraries, providing a continuously updated selection at each location. This program is particularly popular with smaller libraries and those with limited non-print budgets. Complete details, including pricing and swap schedules and locations, are available at


Now is the best time to join a circuit! For more information, please contact the following:

ComingEventsComing Events

RoundtablesSummer Roundtable Highlights  


Most roundtables take the summer off - but not all! Here are two programs to look forward to after July 4. Visit for the latest additions and to register! 


Chamber of Commerce Eastern CT logo

Adult Programmers Roundtable East - 7/11 @ East Lyme Public Library. Tony Sheridan, President and CEO of Chamber of Commerce of Eastern CT will share how and why your library can form mutually-beneficial partnerships with your local Chamber of Commerce. 


social media wordle


Marketing Roundtable - 7/15 @ Henry Carter Hull Library, Clinton. Is interest in your summer programming starting to wane? At this meeting, we'll view the InfoPeople webinar How to Fail at Social Media (and How to Get it Right), then brainstorm ways to use ideas from the webinar to revitalize our mid-summer marketing efforts.  


RetireeDo You Know a Retiree?

person on beach CLC has something special in the works for library retirees, but we need your help! If you have contact information for a retiree from your library, please send it to Leah Farrell at Thanks!

ContactFor more information, get in touch! We'd love to hear from you! 
The CLC Staff

Ask Us speech bubble

Newsletter, web site, updates to contact info ... Christine Sarrazin, 

Billing ... Robin Messenger, 

The Boss ... Jennifer Keohane, 

Membership, Events, Partnerships ... Leah Farrell, 

Discounts ... Pam Najarian, & Connie Sear,  


W:      E:       T: 860.344.8777       F: 860.344.9199        Like us on FacebookView our photos on flickr