Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation state policy team to keep you informed of the most pertinent and timely state legislation affecting hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping and other conservation issues. Inclusion in Tracking the Capitols does not necessarily constitute support or opposition to legislation by CSF and/or the CSF States Program. The bills noted in this email represent only a fraction of the legislation that CSF's States Program is monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

Please visit our website for day-to-day updates by CSF's State Program Team on important sportsmen's legislation. To view past bills, please visit the Tracking the Capitols Archive under the Media Room tab on the CSF website.


Note: Bill sponsors who are members of the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses are noted in bold.

Updates for the week of 

May 2, 2016

Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact
Summary: Concerns the suspension of a hunting or fishing license for failure to appear, pay or plea in a hunting or fishing violation case.
Status: Passed House. Eligible for Governor's desk on May 4  
Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: General; American System of Conservation Funding
Summary: Concerns the authority of the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection; establishes a trout stamp and a resident game bird conservation stamp; amends certain hunting and fishing fees for residents less than eighteen years of age; erects a pheasant stocking account and program.
Status: Enrolled Public Act No. 16-27 on May 4
Introduced: 02/24/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: Trophy Importation Ban 
Summary: Concerns Cecil's law; prohibits the import, sale and trade of big-game hunting trophies from overseas.
Status: Died on adjournment on May 4 
Introduced: 03/16/2016
Sponsor: Representative William Carson, Co-Chair, Delaware Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions
Summary: Amends Title 7 of the Delaware Code relating to hunting. Allows for the hunting of deer on private land on Sundays.
Status: Hearing held in House Committee on Agriculture on May 4 
Introduced: 04/14/2016
Sponsor: Representative Edward Osienski
Issue Brief: National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
Summary: Closes a loophole to our gun background check laws. The current loophole allows for guns to be given to a potential purchaser if the background check is delayed for 3 days or more. In some cases a gun is given to a person who should not be in possession of a firearm. This leads to law enforcement having to retrieve a gun from a person prohibited if the background check provides that a person should not have a gun.
Status: To Senate Committee on Judiciary on May 3
Introduced: 04/28/2016
Sponsor: Representative Trey Paradee, Member, Delaware Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Makes a change to the method by which DNREC issues food fishing equipment permits for hook and line. By law there are only 172 such permits available in the State. When the number of permits in use drops below 172 the DNREC is required to issue new permits pursuant to a lottery. Under current law only individuals who have completed an apprenticeship program with an active, licensed commercial fisher are eligible to participate in the lottery. This bill would make individuals who have completed the requirements.
Status: Introduced. To House Committee on Natural Resources on April 28
Introduced: 02/27/2015
Sponsor: Representative Robert Duchesne, Member, Maine Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Wildlife Council for Public Education
Summary: This bill directs the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to establish a comprehensive marketing program for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that is led and coordinated by a dedicated marketing specialist, whose position is required to be created within the department's Division of Public Information and Education.
Status: Died on adjournment on April 29
Introduced: 03/11/2015
Sponsor: Representative Paul Frost   
Issue Brief: Firearm Suppressors  
Summary: Relates to instruments used for the muffling of noise from the firing of firearms.
Status: In Joint Committee on Judiciary: Extension Order Filed. Extended until June 1
Introduced: 01/06/2015
Sponsor: Representative David Kidder, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: General; License (General)  
Summary: Allows the fish and game department to establish 2 days per year for fishing without a license but requires persons in fishing tournaments to have a license on those days; 16-2295 10/01.
Status: Passed Senate on April 28
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Gene Chandler, Co-Chair, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles (OHV)
Summary: Relates to damage to private property; creates a cause of action for a landowner whose land is damaged by pollution, or off highway recreation vehicle or snowmobile use.
Status: From Senate Committee on Judiciary: Ought to pass with amendment on May 3  
Introduced: 01/06/2015
Sponsor: Representative Suzanne Gottling
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species  
Summary: Prohibits the transport of exotic aquatic weeds; provides that the general court recognizes that transporting boats from one water body to another increases the risk of inadvertent transport of aquatic nuisance species; relates to penalties and the conference of certain enforcement powers; relates to the transport of aquatic plants or plant parts or exotic aquatic weeds or weed parts on the outside of boats, vehicles, and equipment, and the draining of water conveyances.
Status: Passed Senate. To House for concurrence on April 28
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator Sam Cataldo
Issue Brief: Guns   
Summary: Amends the requirement that a person be suitable to be issued a concealed carry permit; 16-2746 04/10.
Status: From House Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety: Ought not to pass on May 4     
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Watters, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Establishes the coastal marine natural resources and environment commission to investigate, monitor, and propose prevention and mitigation strategies for emerging environmental threats in coastal and Great Bay waters, including the warming of waters, ocean acidification, and nutrient loading, which impact fish, shellfish, and the food chain thereof.
Status: Senate concurred in House amendments on April 28
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Watters, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to wildlife corridors; requires the fish and game department to identify existing and needed wildlife corridors connecting wildlife habitats in the State; makes recommendations to the legislature for changes to laws.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources: Majority reported ought to pass; Minority reported ought not to pass on April 28
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator Dan Feltes   
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Relates to the feeding of wild deer; prohibits the feeding of wild deer at certain times and locations determined by the fish and game department and requires the labeling of wild animal feed; requires the fish and game department to distribute informational materials.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources: Ought to pass with amendments on April 28
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gary Daniels   
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles
Summary: Relates to an OHRV registration fee for persons who are members of an OHRV club; requires a report on registration alternatives for OHRV users who do not use organized trail systems; establishes an OHRV registration fee for persons who are members of an OHRV club which is reduced $30 from the increased fee paid by other registrants; requires the executive director of the fish and game department to report on registration alternatives for OHRV users who do not use organized trail systems.
Status: From House Committee on Ways and Means: Ought to pass on May 4
Introduced: 02/04/2015
Sponsor: Senator Raymond Lesniak  
Issue Brief: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing/ Animal Rights Groups
Summary: Prohibits possession, transport, import, export, processing, sale, or shipment of parts and products of certain animal species threatened with extinction; provides a violation would be crime of the third degree and is subject to specified criminal penalties and civil administrative penalties; provides a civil penalty for a person who possess wildlife without obtaining a certificate of possession.
Status: Conditional veto by Governor. Returned to Senate on May 2
Introduced: 02/04/2015
Sponsor: Senator Raymond Lesniak  
Issue Brief: Wolf in Sheeps Clothing/ Animal Rights Groups
Summary: Prohibits possession and transport of parts and products of certain animals at Port Authority of New York and New Jersey airports and port facilities; provides for related criminal penalties.
Status: Conditional veto by Governor. Returned to Senate on May 2
Introduced: 04/27/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Carrie Woerner 
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; relates to the illegal taking of deer.
Status: To Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on May 3   
Introduced: 06/11/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member David Weprin  
Issue Brief: Knife Definitions 
Summary: Amends the Penal Law; includes machetes within the definition of a deadly weapon.
Status: Amended on Assembly Floor on May 4  
Introduced: 01/13/2015
Sponsor: Senator Tom O'Mara, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Appreciation in Schools
Summary: Relates to hunting, fishing and outdoor education in high school physical education courses.
Status: From Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on May 3
Introduced: 01/15/2015
Sponsor: Senator Carl Marcellino
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentive
Summary: Amends the Tax Law; makes technical corrections to the conservation easement tax credit.
Status: From Senate Committee on Finance on May 4 '
Introduced: 02/03/2015
Sponsor: Senator Tony Avella
Issue Brief: Knife Definition 
Summary: Amends the Penal Law; includes machetes within the definition of a deadly weapon.
Status: Passed Senate. To Assembly Committee on Codes on May 4
Introduced: 03/02/2016
Sponsor: Senator Patty Ritchie, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; authorizes minors who are hunting to wear solid or patterned pink material which shall be visible from all directions.
Status: Passed Senate. To Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation on May 4
Introduced: 05/03/2016
Sponsor: Senator Robert Ortt
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Amends the Penal Law; provides that a license to possess a pistol or revolver shall permit the licensee to carry such weapon concealed.
Status: Introduced. To Senate Committee on Codes on May 3
Introduced: 03/23/2016
Sponsor: Senator Cynthia Armour Coyne      
Issue Brief: License (General)
Summary: Facilitates the issuance of hunting licenses by Internet application; takes effect upon passage.
Status: Passed Senate. To House on May 4
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: Representative Kurt Wright                
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban 
Summary: Relates to the sale of ivory or rhinoceros horn.
Status: House refused to concur in Senate amendments. To Conference Committee on April 26   
Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Representative John Bartholomew
Issue Brief: Dog Tethering 
Summary: Relates to adequate shelter of dogs and cats; relates to humane treatment of animals; amends requirements for the humane shelter of dogs and cats; provides definitions.
Status: Senate refused to concur in House amendments. To Conference Committee on April 29    
Introduced: 01/14/2016
Sponsor: Representative David Deen, Member, Vermont Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus      
Issue Brief: Crossbows; Enforcement; Firearm Suppressors; Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact 
Summary: Relates to hunting, fishing, and trapping; relates to fish importation permits and introducing fish; provides for a uniform point system and revocation of a license; relates to unlawful equipment and vehicle forfeiture; relates to big game violations, and threatened and endangered species; prohibits taking big game out of season; requires the posting of notices prohibiting the taking of game; relates to private ponds.
Status: House concurred in Senate amendments on May 2
Introduced: 02/26/2016
Sponsor: House Natural Resources and Energy Committee
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to timber harvesting.
Status: Passed Senate. To House for concurrence on May 4  


Introduced: 03/01/2016
Sponsor: Representative David Sessions
Issue Brief: General; Marine Spatial Plan
Summary: Supports the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in efforts to establish living shorelines; urges the corps to issue a new nationwide permit for living shorelines.
Status: Signed by Governor Robert Bentley, Member, Governors Sportsmen's Caucus (Act No. 2016-237) on May 3
Introduced: 02/26/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ellis Black   
Issue Brief: Hunting with Dogs; Substandard Kennels
Summary: Provides that domestic dogs registered with the American or United Kennel Club's as sporting, non-sport, or hound breed group dogs, or are used in the lawful pursuit of hunting during an established hunting season, and whose owner has a hunting permit, shall be classified as a hunting dog, and the owner shall receive the same registration, licensing, or permitting fee from any local government as is available to owners of dogs which have been spayed or neutered; restricts applicability to certain dogs.
Status: Signed by Governor Nathan Deal, Member, Governors Sportsmen's Caucus (Act No. 366) on April 26
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason White, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Provides that a violation of a regulation of the State Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks related to wild hogs is a class I violation; deletes the repealer on the provision of law relating to the transportation and release of wild hogs.
Status: Signed by Governor Phil Bryant, Co-Chair, Governors Sportsmen's Caucus on May 3   
Introduced: 04/27/2016
Sponsor: Representative Pat McElraft
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access
Summary: Renames and clarifies the uses of the shallow draft navigation channel dredging and Lake Maintenance Fund.
Status: Introduced. To House Committee on Environment on April 27  
Introduced: 04/28/2016
Sponsor: Senator Brent Jackson, Member, North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access
Summary: Renames and clarifies the uses of the shallow draft navigation channel dredging and lake maintenance fund.
Status: Introduced. To Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources on April 28
Introduced: 01/14/2016
Sponsor: Representative Gary Cleary       
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access; General  
Summary: Relates to permits required for coastal zone critical areas; allows for certain additional technologies, methodologies, or structures; prohibits the seaward movement of the baseline; eliminates the right of local governments and landowners to petition the administrative law court to move the baseline seaward; narrows certain exceptions and provides for exemptions; authorizes repairs to certain erosion control devices; provides for the approval of certain erosion control devices.
Status: To House Committee on Judiciary on April 28
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Senator Greg Hembree
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access
Summary: Relates to permits to utilize critical areas; establishes that an individual does not need to apply for a permit to dredge a manmade predominately armored recreational use or essential access canal.
Status: Act No. 150 on Mar 2 


Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Representative Thomas Bennett
Issue Brief: Deer Management 
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code; provides that it shall be unlawful to take or possess deer in the State, except if a person has complied with certain requirements.
Status: To Senate Committee on Agriculture on May 3

Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Senator Neil Anderson
Issue Brief: Hunter Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code; provides that a resident youth 18 and under may apply to the Department of Natural Resources for a Youth Trapping License, which extends limited trapping privileges; provides that the Youth Trapping License shall be renewable and expire on the March 31 following the date of issuance; provides that possession of a Youth Trapping License shall serve in lieu of a valid trapping license, but does not exempt the licensee from compliance with the requirements of the Code.
Status: In House. Placed on Short Debate Calendar Second Reading on May 4
Introduced: 02/17/2016
Sponsor: Senator Neil Anderson  
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code; changes the name of the fee from Public Hunting Grounds for Pheasants to Public Hunting Grounds for Game Birds; provides that the Department of Natural Resources may permit hunters to take bobwhite quail, chukar partridge, and gray partridge on public hunting grounds; authorizes the Department to set the hunting season for game birds by administrative rule between the dates of September 1st and March 31st, both inclusive.
Status: To House Committee on Rules on May 3
Introduced: 04/19/2016
Sponsor: Senate Appropriations Committee
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding   
Summary: Relates to and makes appropriations to state departments and agencies from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the State Bond Repayment Fund, the Technology Reinvestment Fund, and the Prison Bonding Fund; provides for related matters; includes effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
Status: Eligible for Governor's desk on April 29

Introduced: 02/26/2016
Sponsor: Representative Stuart Bishop
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Recreates the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.
Status: Passed Senate. To House for concurrence on May 5

Introduced: 03/14/2016
Sponsor: Representative Major Thibaut, Member, Louisiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species
Summary: Creates the Feral Hog Management Advisory Task Force in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; provides for membership.
Status: To Conference Committee on May 3

Introduced: 02/20/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Saxhaug, Co-Chair, Minnesota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: License (General)
Summary: Relates to game and fish; requires online applications for hunting and fishing licenses to provide for organ donation; requires a report.
Status: In Senate. Second reading on April 28
Introduced: 03/10/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Saxhaug, Co-Chair, Minnesota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding;Budget Bills
Summary: Relates to natural resources; appropriates money from outdoor heritage fund; modifies evaluation provisions; modifies prior appropriations.
Status: In House. Second reading on May 5  
Introduced: 03/16/2016
Sponsor: Senator John Marty
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species  
Summary: Relates to natural resources; provides for control of invasive species; modifies wild rice license requirements to mean tribal land members who possess a valid tribal identification card.; provides for streamlined review of certain plans and regulations; modifies and provides civil penalties; relates to a Lake Minnetonka pilot study.
Status: In House. Second reading on May 2 

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator Brian Munzlinger, Member, Missouri Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus      
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Proposed an amendment to the Constitution to increase the membership of the Conservation Commission, and to limit the time a member of the Commission may serve on the Commission.
Status: Hearing conducted on May 4
Introduced: 04/12/2016
Sponsor: Senator Scott Oelslager, Member, Ohio Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Makes capital appropriations and changes to the law governing capital projects for the biennium ending June 30, 2018. 
Status: In House. Read third time. Passed House on May 4
Introduced: 02/02/2016
Sponsor: Representative Steve Vaughan, Member, Oklahoma Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to capture and mutilation of protection wildlife; deletes restrictions on abandoning the body of game birds, mammals or fish; deleting restrictions on mutilating wildlife; makes it unlawful to waste edible meat of game wildlife; provides exceptions for gunshots, injury or disease or if the wildlife is being prepared for taxidermy; makes it unlawful to abandon the body of any protected wildlife within a specified distance of a public road; provides for revocation of a hunting or fishing license.
Status: To Conference Committee on May 2     


Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gail Griffin, Member, Arizona Legislators for Wildlife
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission; provides that the commission shall attempt to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the United Stated Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the Endangered Species Act and the release, translocation and cross-fostering of Mexican gray wolves; requires report.
Status: To Governor on May 4

Introduced: 03/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Jerry Sonnenberg
Issue Brief: General; Right to Hunt and Fish
Summary: Concerns the right of Coloradans to hunt wildlife, and, in connection therewith, establishing hunting as the primary means of managing wildlife.
Status: From House Committee on State, Veterans and Military Affairs: Postponed indefinitely on May 2   
Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Representative Richard Onishi        
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Establishes a game commission to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the Board of Land and Natural Resources; makes an appropriation.
Status: In Senate. Read final time. Conference Committee draft adopted by Senate on May 3  
Introduced: 01/20/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mike Gabbard    
Issue Brief: Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact    
Summary: Relates to wildlife; allows the department of land and natural resources to become a member of the interstate wildlife violator compact or similar agreement; makes an appropriation.
Status: In Conference Committee: Meeting will reconvene
Introduced: 03/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ronald Kouchi    
Issue Brief: Magnuson-Stevens Fisher Conservation and Management Act; Marine Protected Areas (MPA's)     
Summary: Urges the president of the United States to deny any request to expand the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument and oppose any action to expand the monument.
Status: In Senate Committee on Water, Land and Agriculture: Voted do pass with amendment on May 4 
        SCISCI is a proud partner of CSF and
sponsors in part TRACKING THE CAPITOLS

Working with Congress, governors and state legislatures to protect and advance hunting, angling, recreational shooting, and trapping.
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For additional information on legislation included in this report please contact the appropriate representative: 
Midwestern States Director Chris Horton, at 501.865.1475, or email
Northeastern States Director Brent Miller, at 202.543.6850 x 13, or email
Southeastern States Manager Bee Frederick, at 334.593.6988, or email
Western States Director Andy Treharne, at 303.789.7589, or email

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