Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation state policy team to keep you informed of the most pertinent and timely state legislation affecting hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping and other conservation issues. Inclusion in Tracking the Capitols does not necessarily constitute support or opposition to legislation by CSF and/or the CSF States Program. The bills noted in this email represent only a fraction of the legislation that CSF's States Program is monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

Please visit our website for day-to-day updates by CSF's State Program Team on important sportsmen's legislation. To view past bills, please visit the Tracking the Capitols Archive under the Media Room tab on the CSF website.


Note: Bill sponsors who are members of the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses are noted in bold.

Updates for the week of 

February 22, 2016

Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Concerns sport fishing licenses for anglers who are sixty-five years of age or older; establishes a fee for anglers who are age sixty-five or older in order to reflect the changing demographics of persons engaged in such fishing in the state.
Status: Public hearing scheduled for February 24  
Introduced: 02/24/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
Issue Brief: Ammunition; Guns
Summary: Relates to the presentation of a carry permit; requires the holder of a permit for the carrying of any pistol or revolver to present such permit upon request of a law enforcement officer.
Status: To Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security on February 23  
Introduced: 02/24/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Concerns application requirements for a temporary state permit to carry a pistol or a revolver; creates uniform criteria for the issuance of a temporary state permit to carry a pistol or revolver.
Status: To Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security on February 23  
Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact
Summary: Concerns the suspension of a hunting or fishing license for failure to appear, pay or plea in a hunting or fishing violation case; establishes consistency with other states that are part of the Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact by providing for the suspension of a hunting or fishing license when a person is cited for a violation of such license and fails to appear in court or respond to such citation.
Status: Public hearing scheduled for February 24 
Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: General; American System of Conservation Funding
Summary: Concerns the authority of the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection; establishes a trout stamp.
Status: Public hearing scheduled for February 24 
Introduced: 02/24/2016
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment
Issue Brief: Trophy Importation Ban 
Summary: To prohibit the import, sale and trade of big-game hunting trophies from overseas. 
Status: To Joint Committee on Environment and February 24  

Introduced: 02/17/2016
Sponsor: Representative Robert Duchesne   
Issue Brief: Game Meat Donation Programs; General
Summary: This bill establishes contingent wildlife management provisions that become effective when a ballot measure for a direct initiative of legislation is approved that reduces wildlife management methods available to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The provisions of this bill apply only to the animals that are significantly affected either directly or indirectly by the approved ballot measure. The bill does the following. 1. It places a cap on the revenue the Commissioner of Inland Fish
Status: House refers to Joint Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife on February 19    

Introduced: 02/27/2016
Sponsor: Senator Paul Davis    
Issue Brief: General
Summary: This resolve requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to convene a working group of representatives of related industries to develop recommended statutory amendments or agency rules to implement the statute governing the incidental take permitting process governing the taking of an endangered or threatened species while engaged in a lawful activity.
Status: In Senate. Placed in Legislative File (Dead) on February 23  

Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Caroline County Delegation
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions  
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to allow a person in Caroline County to hunt any game bird or game mammal, except migratory game birds and wetland game birds, on a Sunday on specified land during the open season for that game bird or game mammal; makes specified conforming changes.
Status: Hearing scheduled for 1:00 PM on March 4
Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Seth Howard, Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Establishes for archery hunters in Anne Arundel County a safety zone of 50 yards from a dwelling house, residence, church, or any other building or camp within which archery hunting may not take place except under specified circumstances.
Status: In House Committee on Environment and Transportation on March 2
Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Eric Luedtke
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban
Summary: Prohibits a person from purchasing, selling, offering for sale, or possessing with the intent to sell specified parts or products of specified animal species under specified circumstances, subject to specified exceptions; establishes specified penalties for a violation of the Act; requires that fines and restitution imposed under the Act be credited to the Department of Natural Resources for the benefit of the Birdwatcher's Fund to be used for the preservation of nongame wildlife species.
Status: In House Committee on Environment and Transportation on February 17
Introduced: 02/12/2016
Sponsor: Delegate April Rose
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue a complimentary angler's license, Chesapeake Bay and coastal sport fishing license, or hunting license to a Maryland resident who is a member of the armed services or a veteran.
Status: In House Committee on Environment and Transportation on March 9
Introduced: 02/12/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Matt Morgan   
Issue Brief: White-tailed Deer Management -- Hunting as a preferred Management Tool 
Summary: Authorizes an individual who Holds a Deer Management Permit in Charles County and St. Mary's County to use a shotgun or breech loading center fired rifle approved by the Department of Natural Resources to hunt deer throughout the year, including all deer hunting seasons, in the locations and under the conditions set forth in the permit.
Status: To House Committee on Environment and Transportation on February 12  
Introduced: 02/17/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Jefferson Ghrist, Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions 
Summary: Authorizes an individual who holds a Deer Management Permit in Caroline County to use a shotgun or breech loading center fired rifle approved by the Department of Natural Resources to hunt deer throughout the year for the purpose of preventing damage to crops; authorizes the Department to authorize an individual to hunt deer on Sundays in Caroline County under specified circumstances.
Status: To House Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations on February 17
Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Meagan Simonaire
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue specified complimentary hunting and fishing licenses to a Maryland resident who certifies that the resident is a recipient of the Purple Heart award; authorizes the Department to issue specified complimentary hunting and fishing licenses to an out-of-state person who certifies that the person is a former prisoner of war, a recipient of the Purple Heart award, or a 100% service connected disabled American veteran, under specified circumstances. 
Status: To House Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations on February 18
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Bryan Simonaire, Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue specified complimentary hunting and fishing licenses to an out-of-state person who certifies that the person is a former prisoner of war, or a 100% service connected disabled American veteran, under specified circumstances; requires the Department to implement a program to provide specified discounted licenses to recipients of the Purple Heart Award.
Status: Third reading passed (47-0) on February 25 
Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Johnny Salling   
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Requires a person convicted of poaching deer on privately owned land to pay the State restitution in accordance with specified requirements; authorizes a person convicted of poaching deer on privately owned land to pay a specified amount of restitution instead of performing community service under specified circumstances; requires specified restitution collected to be credited to the State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund; requires the Department of Natural Resources to adopt specified regulations.
Status: Second reading passed with amendments. To third reading on February 23
Introduced: 01/29/2016
Sponsor: Senator Stephen Waugh, Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions
Summary: Authorizes an individual who Holds a Deer Management Permit in Charles County and St. Mary's County to use a shotgun or breech loading center fired rifle approved by the Department of Natural Resources to hunt deer throughout the year, including all deer hunting seasons, in the locations and under the conditions set forth in the permit.
Status: Third reading passed on February 25 
Introduced: 02/12/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ronald Young
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban   
Summary: Prohibits a person from purchasing, selling, offering for sale, or possessing with the intent to sell specified parts or products of specified animal species under specified circumstances, subject to specified exceptions; establishes specified penalties for a violation of the Act; requires that fines and restitution imposed under the Act be credited to the Department of Natural Resources for the benefit of the Birdwatcher's Fund to be used for the preservation of nongame wildlife species.
Status: Hearing Scheduled for 1:00 PM on March 15  
Introduced: 02/18/2016
Sponsor: Senator Joan Carter Conway 
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions    
Summary: Repeals provisions of law that authorize Sunday deer hunting on private property in specified counties during specified times of the year under specified circumstances; authorizes a person to hunt deer on a Sunday, with specified exceptions, on private property during deer firearms season and deer muzzleloader season from one half hour before sunrise until 10:30 a.m.
Status: To Senate Committee on Rules on February 18  
Introduced: 04/15/2015
Sponsor: Senator Michael Moore, Member, Massachusetts Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Technology and the Fair Chase Ethic
Summary: Relates to hunting with Unmanned Aerial Systems.
Status: To Senate Committee on Rules on February 18 
Introduced: 04/15/2015
Sponsor: Senator Donald Humason, Member, Massachusetts Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Guns; Firearm Preemption  
Summary: Relates to constitutional rights.
Status: Discharged from Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government of February 23  
Introduced: 01/08/2015
Sponsor: Representative John Burt, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus        
Issue Brief: Firearm Suppressors 
Summary: Repeals provisions which prohibit the use of silencing devices for taking wildlife and impose penalties therefor.
Status: To Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on February 18
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Parent
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Requires that a person wishing to use bait on the land of another person obtain written permission from a property owner; the bill removes the requirement of filing a permit and map with the conservation officer; 16-2007 10/05.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources: Ought not to pass on February 23
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Parent
Issue Brief: Bear Hunting   
Summary: Provides that a guide licensed by the fish and game department shall not be limited in the number of bears they may assist in taking but shall be limited to 6 active bear bait sites; 16-2008 10/05.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources: Majority reported ought not to pass; Minority reported ought to pass on February 23
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Robert Cushing 
Issue Brief: General License 
Summary: Establishes an exotic game hunting license to be issued by the fish and game department, in addition to any other license or permit, for hunting wild boar or elk in a game preserve; 16-2033 10/05.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Game and Marine Resources: Ought not to pass on February 23      
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative James Spillane
Issue Brief: Crossbows  
Summary: Allows a person who has purchased a muzzleloader license to hunt deer with a crossbow; 16-2018 04/10.
Status: From House Committee on Fish and Marine Resources: Ought not to pass on February 23
Introduced: 01/14/2016
Sponsor: Representative Clyde Carson          
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Allows a veteran with a disability rating of at least 60 percent from the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs to receive a special hunting and fishing license upon payment of an administrative fee only; 16-2791 10/09.
Status: Laid on table on February 18  
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gary Daniels           
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles
Summary: Establishes an OHRV registration fee for persons who are members of OHRV which is reduced $30 from the increased fee paid by other registrants; the fee provisions take effect upon certification by the executive director of fish and game of the implementation of certain requirements; 16-2939 10/03.
Status: Laid on table on February 18  
Introduced: 01/16/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Celeste Riley
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access  
Summary: Provides an exception from freshwater wetlands permit and transition area requirements for maintenance of cranberry bogs and blueberry fields, including flooding, sanding, control or suppression of weeds or brush, and pest control or suppression; provides an exception for maintenance, repair, or cleaning of related dams, ditches, underdrains, irrigation systems, or other drainage or water control facilities; provides that such bogs or fields shall be considered established, ongoing farming operations.
Status: Signed by Governor (Chapter No. 2015-272) on January 19   
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Pamela Lampitt 
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions
Summary: Authorizes Sunday bow hunting on federal military installations and William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 16     
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Pamela Lampitt 
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Provides sales and use tax exemption for sales of certain game birds to certain persons licensed to operate semi-wild shooting preserves.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 16     
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Bob Andrzejczak 
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Authorizes free State park and forest admission and free hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses for persons with certain types of military service.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 16     
Introduced: 02/04/2015
Sponsor: Senator Raymond Lesniak  
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban
Summary: Prohibits possession, transport, import, export, processing, sale, or shipment of parts and products of certain animal species threatened with extinction.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Environment and Solid Waste on February 16
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Senator Jennifer Beck   
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Authorizes free fishing licenses for persons with disabilities.
Status: To Senate Committee on Environment and Energy on February 16
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Senator Steve Oroho, Co-Chair, New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus 
Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting Restrictions
Summary: Authorizes Sunday bow hunting on federal military installations and William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Status: To Senate Committee on Environment and Energy on February 16
Introduced: 02/16/2015
Sponsor: Senator Jeff Van Drew, Member, New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus 
Issue Brief: Tethering of Dogs 
Summary: Establishes cruelly restraining a dog as a criminal and civil animal cruelty offense.
Status: To Senate Committee on Economic Growth on February 16 
Introduced: 02/16/2
Sponsor: Senator Jeff Van Drew, Member, New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus  
Issue Brief: Standard Capacity Magazines  
Summary: Excludes .22 caliber tubular magazines from large capacity ammunition magazine definition.
Status: To Senate Committee on Law and Public Safety on February 16  

Introduced: 01/07/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member Thomas Abinanti    
Issue Brief: Guns    
Summary: Amends the penal law and the criminal procedure law; establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun; provides definitions for major components of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun; relates to criminal possession of an undetectable firearm.
Status: Amended in Assembly Committee on Codes on February 23

Introduced: 04/27/2015
Sponsor: Assembly Member Fred Thiele             
Issue Brief: Conservation Sales Tax   
Summary: Amends the Tax Law; exempts the conveyance of real property for open space, parks, or historic preservation purposes to any not-for-profit tax exempt corporation operated for conservation, environmental, or historic preservation purposes from the additional tax on real estate transfers of residential real property where the consideration is one million dollars or more.
Status: Amended in Assembly Committee on Ways and Mean on February 19    
Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member Matthew Titone, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus              
Issue Brief: General    
Summary: Amends legislative Bills Numbers A. 2756 and S. 3856, designating working dogs as the official state dog.
Status: Passed Senate on February 24
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon              
Issue Brief: Ammunition; Modern Sporting Rifle
Summary: Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Codes on February 23  
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon              
Issue Brief: Ammunition
Summary: Relates to the restriction of the sale of ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Codes on February 23  
Introduced: 04/10/2015
Sponsor: Senator Joseph Robach            
Issue Brief: Enforcement; General  
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; relates to the illegal taking of deer.
Status: Amended in Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on January 7   
Introduced: 06/04/2015
Sponsor: Senator Patty Ritchie, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus              
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles (OHV)
Summary: Relates to the creation of an ATV trail fund.
Status: Amended in Senate Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation on February 22
Introduced: 02/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator Sue Serino    
Issue Brief: License (General)
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; provides for the issuance of fishing and hunting licenses, free of charge, to volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers.
Status: Amended in Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on February 24
Introduced: 02/16/2016
Sponsor: Senator Brad Hoylman             
Issue Brief: Dedicated Sales Tax on Outdoor Gear
Summary: Establishes a special fee on firearms, rifles and shotguns; establishes the gun violence research fund.
Status: To Senate Committee on Investigations and Government Operations on February 16
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: Senator Patty Ritchie, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus              
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles (OHV)
Summary: Relates to the creation of an ATV trail fund and the use of ATVs.
Status: To Senate Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation on February 23  
Introduced: 02/17/2016
Sponsor: Representative Neal Goodman, Member, Pennsylvania Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus              
Issue Brief: Hunter Education; Hunter Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation
Summary: Amends Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania Game Commission; provides for junior hunter projects; in hunting and furtaking licenses; provides for unlawful acts concerning licenses.
Status: To House Committee on Game and Fisheries on February 17
Introduced: 01/04/2016
Sponsor: Outdoor Recreation Council
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding; General
Summary: Establishes an Outdoor Recreation Council that shall exist for the purpose of advising the Governor on ways to effectively manage our recreational and environmental assets with the overarching goal of increasing their use and enjoyment to the greatest extent possible. Sets membership as appointed by the Governor from various specified state and private agencies.

Introduced: 01/07/2016
Sponsor: Representative Patricia Serpa  
Issue Brief: Tethering of Dogs
Summary: Would repeal certain exceptions to the "Care of Dogs Act" and would require those individuals under an order by an animal control officer to tether or confine dogs, training facilities, licensed hunters and sled dog owners to comply with the provisions of this chapter. This act would take effect upon passage.
Status: Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration on February 24

Introduced: 02/11/2016
Sponsor: Senator Elaine Morgan              
Issue Brief: Game Meat Donation Programs  
Summary: Would provide immunity to any person that provides food or wild game to a food pantry, food bank or DEM for ultimate distribution to needy individuals. This immunity would not extend to gross negligence or willful or wanton conduct. This act would take effect upon passage.
Status: To Senate Committee on Judiciary 11 
Introduced: 02/11/2016
Sponsor: Senator John Pagliarini               
Issue Brief: Guns 
Summary: Would specifically allow individuals who possess a valid concealed weapon permit issued by Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Utah to carry a concealed firearm everywhere within Rhode Island. This act would take effect upon passage.
Status: To Senate Committee on Judiciary 11 
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: Representative Kurt Wright                
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban 
Summary: Relates to the sale of ivory or rhinoceros horn.
Status: To Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on February 24  
Introduced: 02/23/2016
Sponsor: House Natural Resources and Energy Committee
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the conduct of forestry operations.
Status: In House. Read first time and placed on calendar on February 24   


Introduced: 02/02/2016
Sponsor: Representative Alan Boothe  
Issue Brief: White-tailed Deer Management - Hunting as a preferred Management Tool; General
Summary: Relates to hunting; allows the taking of whitetail deer or feral swine by means of bait.
Status: From House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry: Reported favorably on February 3  

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Katie Edwards
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access
Summary: Relates to dredge and fill activities; revises acreage of wetlands and surface waters subject to impact by dredge and fill activities under state programmatic general permits; provides that seeking to use such permits consents to specified federal wetland jurisdiction criteria.
Status: In House. On Committee agenda for February 25
Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Matt Caldwell, Member, Florida Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access; Enforcement
Summary: Relates to recreational boating zones; prohibits overnight anchoring or mooring of vessels in specified recreational boating zones.
Status: In House. On Committee agenda for February 25    

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Matt Hutson
Issue Brief: General License
Summary: Relates to identification cards and driver licenses; provides for a person's status as a lifetime freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, hunting, or sportsman licensee, or boater safety identification cardholder, to be indicated on his or her identification card or driver license upon payment of an additional fee and presentation of the person's lifetime freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, hunting, or sportsman's license, or boater safety identification card.
Status: Signed by Governor on February 24 

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Senator Miguel Diaz  
Issue Brief: Angling Access   
Summary: Relates to dredge and fill activities; revises the acreage of wetlands and other surface Waters subject to impact by dredge and fill activities under a state programmatic general permit; provides that seeking to use such a permit consents to specified federal wetland jurisdiction criteria.
Status: From Senate Committee on Appropriations (Reported favorably) on February 18

Introduced: 02/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Robin Webb, President, National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) Executive Council; Co-Chair, Kentucky Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Budget Bills, General, Hunter Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation
Summary: Urges Congress to enact legislation enhancing hunting, fishing, recreational shooting, and other outdoor recreational opportunities and to strengthen conservation efforts nationwide.
Status: To Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on February 24   
Introduced: 02/05/2016
Sponsor: Representative Bryant Clark, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: Enforcement; Off Highway Vehicles (OHV)
Summary: Allows all-terrain vehicles to obtain a certificate of number; requires all all-terrain vehicles used on public lands to obtain a certificate of number; authorizes the Mississippi department of wildlife, fisheries and parks to issue the certificates; provides that the certificate of number shall be placed on the all-terrain vehicles; provides a penalty for violations.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Outdoor Sporting Goods Tax Holiday  
Summary: Revises the time for the sales tax exemption for retail sales of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies from the first weekend in September to the last weekend in August.
Status: From House Committee on Revenue and Expenditure General Bills (Do pass) on February 18

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason White, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Extends the repealer on the provision of law that prohibits the importation and transportation of any live feral hog, wild swine or Russian boar, and provides that such wild hogs may be caught, trapped or transported by permit holders.
Status: From House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (Do pass) on February 18
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Ashley Henley
Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License; Hunter Education
Summary: Provides an exemption to any resident who is an active duty, retired or honorably discharged member of the armed forces, including the reserves and National Guard, from the hunter education course requirements as a condition of receiving any license for which such course is required.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: License (General)   
Summary: Revises the fees required for hunting and fishing licenses for related purposes.
Status: From House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (Recommended as amended) on February 18
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jeramey Anderson 
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Allows any boat or vessel using a purse seine to have on board a quantity of redfish that weighs one percent or less of the total catch on board; requires any boat or vessel using a purse seine to be equipped with a large fish excluder for related purposes.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: General; Exotic Invasive Species 
Summary: Removes the permit for the transport of wild hogs; provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to transport wild hogs on public roads, to prohibit a person from releasing a wild hog at a location different from the location where the wild hog was caught or trapped, and to remove the permit for the transport of wild hogs; for purposes of possible amendments for related purposes.
Status: From House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks: Do pass on February 23
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: White-tailed Deer Management - Hunting as a preferred Management Tool
Summary: Requires the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to develop a program for tagging white-tailed deer and wild turkey for related purposes.
Status: From House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (Do pass) on February 18 
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Representative Herb Frierson, Member, National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) Executive Council
Issue Brief: Knife Preemption
Summary: Provides that no county, municipality or political subdivision thereof shall adopt any ordinance, rule or regulation restricting the possession, sale, purchase, transfer, licensing, manufacture, ownership or use of a knife, knife making components or knives in a manner more restrictive than provided by law. 
Status: From House Committee on Judiciary B (Do pass) on February 18
Introduced: 02/11/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott DeLano, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Creates a special fund in the State Treasury to be designated as the Gulf Coast Restoration Fund; provides that monies in the special fund shall be used by the Department of Marine Resources based upon the recommendation of the Board of trustees of the Gulf Coast Restoration Fund to provide assistance to entities for the purpose of promoting ecological habitat, promoting economic development and overall community benefit.
Status: Titled Deemed Sufficient by House Committee: Do Pass Recommended Substitute on February 23
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Dawkins
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Recommends the assessment of the economic value of the natural resources of the state.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Brice Wiggins  
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Revises the prohibition on the commercial taking of redfish and the penalties therefore.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Joshua Seymour
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding; License (General)
Summary: Provides that certain residents possessing fish in the marine waters of the state shall obtain a saltwater sports fishing license.
Status: Died in committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Senator Greg Hembree
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access
Summary: Permits maintenance dredging by individuals of certain existing navigational canal community developments authorized by a permit from the United States army corps of engineers pursuant to the federal clean water act, as amended, or the Rivers and harbors act.
Status: Passed Senate. To House on February 23
Introduced: 01/19/2016
Sponsor: Representative Steve McDaniel, Member, Tennessee Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General   
Summary: Relates to Environmental Preservation; creates the forum on Tennessee's great outdoors for the purpose of conducting a comprehensive review of the health and status of this state's natural resources and outdoor recreation needs and opportunities.
Status: From House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources: Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee recommended passage with amendment on February 23
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Barry Knight, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Relates to damaged duck blinds in Virginia Beach; requires a person who holds a duck blind license for a stationary blind located in the City of Virginia Beach to notify the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries when his blind has been abandoned, is in a state of disrepair, or does not meet the duck blind standards; requires placement of PVC pipe markers and reflective markers.
Status: In Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources on February 25

Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Barry Knight, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus         
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species 
Summary: Relates to killing feral hogs; allows employees of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and federal agencies having responsibility for fisheries and wildlife management to hunt or kill, from aircraft and with the permission of the landowner, feral hogs in False Cape State Park and Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, except during waterfowl season.
Status: Passed Senate. Eligible for Governor on February 23
Introduced: 01/18/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Barry Knight, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus         
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding
Summary: Relates to management of menhaden; requires the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to adopt regulations to implement the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Menhaden and authorizes the Commission to adopt regulations for managing the Commonwealth's menhaden fishery; requires that any moratorium on the fishery be subject to legislative review.
Status: In House Committee pm Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources: Left in committee on February 16
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, Co-Chair, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Relates to allowing the sale of wildlife products; authorizes the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries to adopt regulations that allow a licensed hunter or trapper to manufacture and sell products made from wildlife that he has legally harvested, except when the manufacturing or sale of such products is detrimental to public health or sound wildlife management.
Status: Eligible for Governor on February 25
Introduced: 01/09/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Steve Landes        
Issue Brief: Enforcement; General
Summary: Relates to warrantless arrest; relates to conservation police officers and conservation officers; allows a conservation police officer of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and a conservation officer of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to make warrantless arrests for misdemeanors not committed in the officer's presence involving hunting, trapping, inland fish, and boating laws when such arrest is based on probable cause upon personal investigation.
Status: To Senate Committee on Courts of Justice on February 17
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, Co-Chair, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to concealed handgun permit reciprocity; relates to report; provides that any agreement for reciprocal recognition of concealed handgun or concealed weapons permits or licenses that was valid as of December 1, 2015 shall be valid until June 1, 2017; requires the Crime Commission to submit a report to the General Assembly by December 1, 2016 regarding the requirements and qualifications for receiving a concealed weapons permit in Virginia as compared to other states.
Status: In House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety: Left in committee on February 16
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Kaye Kory
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species
Summary: Relates to zebra mussels; relates to education program; authorizes the Director shall establish an education program that instructs boaters and other members of the public in methods of preventing or slowing the infestation of the waters of the Commonwealth by zebra mussels, quagga mussels, or other nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species.
Status: In Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources on February 25
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Brenda Pogge 
Issue Brief: License (General) 
Summary: Relates to hunting from a waterfowl blind; requires any person who is applying for a blind license to possess a valid hunting license; provides that if a person hunts waterfowl without possessing a basic hunting license, he is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.
Status: In House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources: Left in Committee on February 16
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Matt Fariss  
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to hunting with a slingshot; allows the hunting of wild birds and wild animals, except deer, bear, elk, and turkey, with a slingshot unless shooting is expressly prohibited.
Status: In Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources on February 25
Introduced: 01/14/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Michael Webert, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Guns  
Summary: Relates to recognition of out-of-state concealed handgun permits; provides that a holder of a concealed handgun permit issued by any state who is of a specified minimum age is authorized to carry a concealed handgun in the State, under specified conditions; requires the Superintendent of State Police to enter into agreements for reciprocal recognition with other States that require an agreement to be in place before the State will recognize this State's concealed handgun permit as valid in that State.
Status: Passed Senate. Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 22  
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Steven Landes 
Issue Brief: Enforcement; Hunting with Dogs
Summary: Relates to trespass by hunters using dogs; punishes as a Class 3 misdemeanor the intentional release by a person of hunting dogs on the lands of another to hunt without the consent of the landowner; punishes a second or subsequent offense committed within three years as a Class 1 misdemeanor and provides for the revocation of the person's hunting license for a period of one year upon conviction.
Status: In Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources on February 25
Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, Co-Chair, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Guns  
Summary: Relates to firearms shows; relates to voluntary background checks; relates to penalties; requires the Department of State Police to be available to perform background checks for non-dealer sales at gun shows if requested by a party involved in a transaction; the promoter of the firearms shall furnish the Department of State Police sufficient facilities to perform the background checks.
Status: Passed Senate. Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 22  
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Bill Carrico
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to black vultures; relates to the control of black vultures; adds such creatures to the list of wildlife that pose a danger to agricultural animals; changes the name of the Virginia Cooperative Coyote Damage Control Program to the Virginia Cooperative Wildlife Damage Management Program.
Status: Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 22

Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Thomas Garrett, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to concealed handgun permits; relates to reciprocity; requires the General Assembly to determine whether States meet the statutory qualifications for Virginia to recognize the concealed handgun permit of a person from another state; provides that under current law, this function is performed by the Superintendent of State Police in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General.
Status: To House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety on February 16
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Lynwood Lewis, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to crab pots; relates to recreational gear license; relates to turtle excluder device; directs the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to require that turtle reduction devices be attached to each crab pot covered by a recreational gear license.
Status: Eligible for Governor on February 24 
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Creigh Deeds, Member, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to free fishing days; removes the prohibition against fishing without a license in waters stocked with trout by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or other public body on days designated by the Department as free fishing days.
Status: Eligible for Governor on February 22 
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Ryan McDougle       
Issue Brief: State Fish and Wildlife Management Authority
Summary: Relates to the hunting of coyotes; relates to county or city ordinances; adds the hunting of coyotes to the list of firearm-hunting topics about which a county or city is authorized to adopt ordinances; provides that current law allows the governing body of a county or city to adopt ordinances prohibiting hunting with certain types of shotguns, permitting groundhog hunting under certain conditions, permitting hunting with muzzleloaders, and specifying permissible ammunition types.
Status: Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 22
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Bryce Reeves
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to recognition of out-of-state concealed handgun permits; provides that a holder of a concealed handgun permit issued by any state who is at least 21 years of age is authorized to carry a concealed handgun in Virginia; requires the Attorney General to enter into agreements for reciprocal recognition with other States that require an agreement to be in place before the state will recognize a Virginia concealed handgun permit as valid in the state.
Status: Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 22
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Emmett Hanger, Co-Chair, Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to Concealed Carry Reciprocity Advisory Commission; establishes the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Advisory Commission (the Commission) as a legislative commission; provides that the Commission will review the laws of other States to determine whether the Commonwealth should recognize concealed handgun or concealed weapon permits in other States and will approve the entering into and rescinding of reciprocity agreements with other States.
Status: In Senate Committee on Finance: Left in Committee on February 17
Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator John Edwards 
Issue Brief: Guns 
Summary: Relates to firearms shows; relates to voluntary background checks; relates to penalties.
Status: Eligible for Governor on February 22 


Introduced: 02/19/2016
Sponsor: Senator Bill Brady, Member, Illinois Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Concealed Carry While Hunting
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code; provides that persons licensed to possess a concealed firearm under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act and current or retired police officers authorized by law to possess a concealed firearm shall be exempt from provisions of the Code prohibiting possession of those firearms.
Status: To Senate Committee on Assignments on February 19   

Introduced: 01/11/2016
Sponsor: Representative Sean Eberhart, Co-Chair, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to natural resources; relates to the flood control program and revolving fund, forest and wildlands classifications, requirements for aft lights on boats, flotation devices, rail use tags for non-registered off-road vehicles and snowmobiles, taking of wild animals on historic site properties, habit restoration stamps, hunter orange requirements, airport trapping rights, ginseng for sale or export without a license, liens on past coal mining land and wastewater treatment system loans.
Status: Committee amendment adopted on Senate floor on February 23

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Mike Karickhoff, Member, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding 
Summary: Renames the Indiana heritage trust fund as the President Benjamin Harrison conservation trust fund; Makes various changes to the purposes of the trust fund; makes changes to the uses of the accounts within the trust fund; repeals the Indiana heritage trust committee; specifies the membership and purposes of the President Benjamin Harrison conservation trust project committee; Provides for the appointment of four members of the general assembly as nonvoting members of the project committee.
Status: Committee adopted on Senate Floor on February 22

Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Long
Issue Brief: Right to Hunt and Fish
Summary: Prescribes the ballot language for the proposed constitutional amendment concerning the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife.
Status: Eligible for Governor's Desk on February 24   

Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mark Messmer, Member, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: High Fence  
Summary: Provides that the department of natural resources may not regulate certain privately owned captive bred wild animal hunting preserves; establishes licensing requirements, inspection requirements and fees; exempts licensed hunting preserves and cervidae livestock operations from certain licensing requirements; requires a transportation or cull tag be affixed to each animal taken on a hunting preserve; prohibits computer assisted remote hunting on hunting preserves.
Status: From House Committee on Natural Resources: Do pass on February 22

Introduced: 02/15/2016
Sponsor: House Natural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: Public Access to Private Lands; License (General)   
Summary: Concerns fishing without a license on certain private lakes and ponds.
Status: Passed House. To Senate on February 22

Introduced: 02/15/2016
Sponsor: House Judiciary Committee
Issue Brief: Firearm Suppressors    
Summary: Relates to possessing and transferring firearm suppressors; provides penalties; includes effective date provisions.
Status: Passed House. To Senate on February 23

Introduced: 02/19/2016
Sponsor: House Natural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Relates to the use of a straight wall cartridge rifle to hunt deer; includes penalties.
Status: In House (formerly House File 2047) on February 19

Introduced: 02/19/2016
Sponsor: House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Issue Brief: Hunter Education    
Summary: Waives certain hunter education requirements for residents who are active duty military personnel or honorably discharged veterans.
Status: In House (formerly House Study Bill 582) on February 19  

Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Representative Travis Couture-Lovelady, Member, Kansas Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Right to Hunt and Fish
Summary: Amends the bill of rights of the constitution of the state of Kansas by adding a new section thereto, relating to the public right to hunt, fish and trap wildlife.
Status: Passed House. To Senate on February 22

Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Representative Robert Ross
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access 
Summary: Changes the laws regarding water rights.
Status: Public Hearing completed on February 22

Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Representative Kevin Wallace
Issue Brief: Firearm Suppressors
Summary: Creates the Hunting Freedom Act; relates to taking wildlife; prohibits use of any device which suppresses noise from a firearm, known as a suppressor or silencer unless it is registered in compliance with the requirements of federal law; exempts employees of Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Wildlife Services Division and the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services while engaged in wildlife management activities; relates to payment of federal taxes for use of such device.
Status: From House Committee on Wildlife: Do pass as substituted (5-0) on February 22  

Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Representative Charles Ortega  
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species
Summary: Relates to feral swine; relates to removal of feral swine; eliminates permit requirement to kill feral swine at night; authorizes the use of certain light devices except during deer season; relates to permits to control nuisances; eliminates permit requirement to kill feral swine at night; relates to headlighting; permits the use of certain lights to remove feral swine; provides an effective date.
Status: From House Committee on Rules: Do pass on February 24

Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Senator Nathan Dahm   
Issue Brief: Enforcement 
Summary: Relates to game wardens; relates to the permission to hunt, take, fish or engage in recreational activity upon land of another; prohibits certain actions by game wardens; provides an effective date.
Status: From Senate Committee on Tourism and Wildlife: Do pass substitute on February 23

Introduced: 02/11/2016
Sponsor: Representative Spencer Hawley, Co-Chair, South Dakota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus     
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Recognizes the positive economic impact sportsmen and women have in South Dakota.
Status: House concurred in Senate amendments on February 22   

Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Jason Frerichs, Member, South Dakota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Revises certain restrictions for the use of night-vision equipment for hunting under certain conditions; updates the diameter of bullets allowed by the used.
Status: From House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources : Do pass with amendment on February 23  

Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Tiffany, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to shining wild animals.
Status: In Assembly. Read third time. Passed Assembly on February 18  
Introduced: 02/11/2016
Sponsor: Senator Howard Marklein
Issue Brief: Fresh Water Angling Access 
Summary: Relates to pedestrians crossing railroads.
Status: To Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety on February 11 


Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gail Griffin, Member, Arizona Legislators for Wildlife
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to Mexican wolf; relates to Game and Fish (G&F) approval; relates to reporting.
Status: To Senate Committee of the Whole on February 24

Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jon Becker, Member, Colorado Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentive   
Summary: Concerns a perpetual conservation easement in gross granted for property in Colorado for which a tax credit claim has been rejected.
Status: To House Committee on Finance
Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Representative Don Coram, Member, Colorado Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Concerns additional methods to manage forests to secure favorable conditions for water supply.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources on February 8  
Introduced: 01/27/2016
Sponsor: Representative Richard Onishi        
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Establishes a game commission to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the Board of Land and Natural Resources; makes an appropriation.
Status: In Committee: Hearing scheduled on February 24

Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Representative Cindy Evans   
Issue Brief: Range Protection
Summary: Appropriates funds for public outreach, planning, and an environmental impact statement for a Hawaii Island public shooting facility.
Status: Bill scheduled to be heard by House Finance Committee in House conference room 308 at 1:00 PM on February 25  
Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mike Gabbard    
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban
Summary: Prohibits the sale, offer to sell, purchase, trade, or barter of any part or product from various animal and marine species; provides exceptions to this prohibition, including for traditional cultural practices protected under the State Constitution; imposes penalties for violations of the prohibition on trafficking animal parts and products, including specific administrative fines; effective January 1, 2017.
Status: To House Committee on Water and Land; Subsequent referral set for: House Committee on Judiciary on February 23
Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Representative Ronald Kouchi    
Issue Brief: Public Access Private Lands  
Summary: (Governor) Requires hunters to obtain written permission from landowners or occupiers or holders of private lands to hunt on private lands; effective July 1, 2016.
Status: In Committee: Bill scheduled for Decision Making on February 22

Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Senate Resources and Environment Committee
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Amends existing law to prohibit the use of unmanned aircraft systems for hunting, molesting or locating game animals, game birds and furbearing animals.
Status: Passed Senate and House, to Governor on February 19
Introduced: 02/19/2016
Sponsor: Senate State Affairs Committee
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding controlled hunts; provides for contracts with private entities to conduct drawings for controlled hunt permits and tags.
Status: From Senate Committee on Resources and Environment: Do pass on February 23
Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: General   
Summary: Ratifies decision of State Fish and Wildlife Commission to remove Canis lupus from state list of endangered species; prohibits commission from including Canis lupus on lists of threatened species or endangered species unless certain criteria met; declares emergency, effective on passage.
Status: Amended bill passed in Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee on February 23
Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Representative Wayne Krieger, Member, Oregon Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Increases damages for unlawful taking or killing of wildlife; punishes certain violations of wildlife laws with mandatory revocation of licenses, permits and tags; requires civil forfeiture of certain devices upon third conviction within 10-year period for violation of provision of wildlife laws or rule adopted pursuant to wildlife laws; expands provisions relating to parts unlawful to be removed from wildlife.
Status: Passed House (52-5). To Senate Committee on Rules on February 22  
Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Senator Arnie Roblan, Member, Oregon Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Exotic Invasive Species
Summary: Urges Congress to ensure continued appropriation of funds to enhance aquatic invasive species prevention efforts and to implement Water Resources Reform and Development Act.
Status: Amended resolution passed in House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on February 23    
Introduced: 01/25/2016
Sponsor: Representative McKell Carter
Issue Brief: General License 
Summary: Clarifies the nature of a license, permit, tag, certificate of registration, point, or credit issued to a person by the Division of Wildlife Resources; modifies procedures for a big game hunting permit; provides for a free fishing day; states a license, permit, tag, or certificate or registration issued to a person by the Division is a privilege, not a right; states that a point or credit issued to a person to improve their chances of receiving a hunting permit may not be transferred, sold, or assigned.
Status: Passed Senate on February 18
Introduced: 01/16/2016
Sponsor: Representative Brian Blake
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Concerns license fees for National Guard members under Title 77 RCW.
Status: Hearing held in Senate Natural Resources and Parks Committee on February 24
Introduced: 01/11/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mike Hewitt 
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding
Summary: Provides funding for steelhead conservation through the issuance of Washington's fish license plate collection.
Status: Public hearing scheduled in House Transportation Committee on February 22   
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Senate Select Committee on Natural Resource Funding
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentive 
Summary: Relates to the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Act; provides for funding of large projects under that act; specifies large projects approved for funding in 2016; requires specified conservation easements to include the state of Wyoming as a third party beneficiary as specified; requires certifications regarding kickbacks and gifts; provides appropriations; provides for reversion of funds; provides for an effective date.
Status: To House Committee on Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources on February 23
Introduced: 02/10/2016
Sponsor: Senator Stan Cooper
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Relates to game and fish licenses; authorizes Purple Heart medal recipients to receive lifetime bird, small game and fishing licenses without charge as specified; provides for an effective date. 
Status: To House Committee on Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources on February 23 
        SCISCI is a proud partner of CSF and
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For additional information on legislation included in this report please contact the appropriate representative: 
Midwestern States Director Chris Horton, at 501.865.1475, or email
Northeastern States Director Brent Miller, at 202.543.6850 x 13, or email
Southeastern States Manager Bee Frederick, at 334.593.6988, or email
Western States Director Andy Treharne, at 303.789.7589, or email

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