Tracking the Capitols is a source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation state policy team to keep you informed of the most pertinent and timely state legislation affecting hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping and other conservation issues. Inclusion in Tracking the Capitols does not necessarily constitute support or opposition to legislation by CSF and/or the CSF States Program. The bills noted in this email represent only a fraction of the legislation that CSF's States Program is monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

Please visit our website for day-to-day updates by CSF's State Program Team on important sportsmen's legislation. To view past bills, please visit the Tracking the Capitols Archive under the Media Room tab on the CSF website.


Note: Bill sponsors who are members of the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses are noted in bold.

Updates for the week of 

February 8, 2016

Introduced: 06/16/2015
Sponsor: Representative Debra Heffernan
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to manage the eel fishery by regulation in order to adopt limits and sizes that are consistent with the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Eel ("Plan").
Status: Signed by Governor (Chapter No. 196) on February 2

Introduced: 01/13/2015
Sponsor: Representative Anthony O'Donnell, Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Relates to Calvert County and St. Mary's County; relates to archery hunting; relates to safety zone.
Status: In House Committee on Environment and Transportation on February 17 

Introduced: 02/03/2015
Sponsor: Representative Eric Luedtke
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban
Summary: Prohibits a person from purchasing, selling, offering for sale, or possessing with the intent to sell specified parts or products of specified animal species under specified circumstances, subject to specified exceptions; establishes specified penalties for a violation of the Act; requires that fines and restitution imposed under the Act be credited to the Department of Natural Resources for the benefit of the Birdwatcher's Fund to be used for the preservation of nongame wildlife species.
Status: In House Committee on Environment and Transportation on February 17 

Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Johnny Salling   
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Requires a person convicted of poaching deer on privately owned land to pay the State restitution in accordance with specified requirements; authorizes a person convicted of poaching deer on privately owned land to pay a specified amount of restitution instead of performing community service under specified circumstances; requires specified restitution collected to be credited to the State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund; requires the Department of Natural Resources to adopt specified regulations.
Status: In Senate Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs on February 9   

Introduced: 01/28/2016
Sponsor: Senator Thomas Miller  
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation of Funding
Summary: Alters, repeals, and reduces specified fees, surcharges, and taxes related to electricity distribution, Maryland Home Improvement Commission licenses, out-of-state attorneys, specified birth and death certificates, cylinder demurrage charges, special vehicle registrations, handgun licenses, licenses for specified weights and measures, wetlands and waterways authorizations, fishing licenses; alters the distribution, transfer, and use of specified revenue.
Status: Hearing scheduled for 1:00pm on February 24     

Introduced: 11/24/2015
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture
Issue Brief: Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact; Enforcement
Summary: Enhances the enforcement of illegal hunting practices.
Status: In Senate. Placed on the Orders of the Day on February 4

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Parent
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Requires that a person wishing to use bait on the land of another person obtain written permission from a property owner; the bill removes the requirement of filing a permit and map with the conservation officer; 16-2007 10/05.
Status: Executive Session on February 18
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Parent
Issue Brief: Bear Hunting   
Summary: Provides that a guide licensed by the fish and game department shall not be limited in the number of bears they may assist in taking but shall be limited to 6 active bear bait sites; 16-2008 10/05.
Status: Executive Session on February 18
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Robert Cushing 
Issue Brief: License (General) 
Summary: Establishes an exotic game hunting license to be issued by the fish and game department, in addition to any other license or permit, for hunting wild boar or elk in a game preserve; 16-2033 10/05.
Status: Executive Session on February 18

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative James Spillane
Issue Brief: Crossbows  
Summary: Allows a person who has purchased a muzzleloader license to hunt deer with a crossbow; 16-2018 04/10.
Status: Executive Session on February 18

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Joe Duarte  
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation
Summary: Inserts statutory fees for licenses and permits issued by the fish and game department which were removed by 2015, 186 (HB 212), and removes rulemaking authority for the fees; 16-2073 10/09.
Status: Failed to pass House on February 10
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Watters, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Establishes the coastal marine natural resources and environment commission; 16-2736 08/09.
Status: From Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Ought to pass with amendment on February 4
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Watters, Member, New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Requires the fish and game department to identify existing and needed wildlife corridors connecting wildlife habitats in the state and to make recommendations to the legislature for changes to Laws; 16-2810 10/05.
Status: From Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Ought to pass with amendment on February 4
Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator Dan Feltes   
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Prohibits the feeding of wild deer at certain times and locations determined by the fish and game department and requires the labeling of wild animal feed; the bill requires the fish and game department to distribute informational materials; 16-2945 10/01.
Status: From Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (Ought to pass) on February 10

Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gary Daniels   
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles
Summary: Establishes an OHRV registration fee for persons who are members of OHRV which is reduced $30 from the increased fee paid by other registrants; the fee provisions take effect upon certification by the executive director of fish and game of the implementation of certain requirements; 16-2939 10/03.
Status: Hearing scheduled for February 16 
Introduced: 01/08/2016
Sponsor: Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal
Issue Brief: Wolf in Sheeps Clothing/Animal Rights Groups
Summary: Includes wildlife animals as those subject to the animal cruelty provisions of the agriculture and markets law.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Codes on February 9
Introduced: 01/08/2016
Sponsor: Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, Co-Chair, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: Right to Hunt and Fish
Summary: Relates to the right to hunt, trap and fish; provides for regulation by the state.
Status: Opinion referred to Judiciary on February 5
Introduced: 02/05/2016
Sponsor: Assemblyman Stephen Hawley, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; waives certain fishing and hunting fees for members of the United States armed Forces and the state militia in active service.
Status: To Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation February 5  
Introduced: 01/30/2015
Sponsor: Senator Robert Ortt      
Issue Brief: Modern Restraining Animal Traps
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; relates to the regulation of live restraint cable devices to take wildlife; authorizes regulations by the department of environmental conservation.
Status: From Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on February 9
Introduced: 02/02/2016
Sponsor: Senator Patty Ritchie, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; directs the commissioner of environmental conservation to create gift cards for hunting and fishing licenses.
Status: To Senate Committee on Finance on February 9  
Introduced: 02/09/2015
Sponsor: Senator Catharine Young     
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Amends the Agriculture and Markets Law; includes game birds bred pursuant to a game bird license within the definition of "crops, livestock and livestock products" for purposes of agricultural districts.
Status: Amended in Senate Committee on Agriculture on February 8  
Introduced: 03/17/2015
Sponsor: Senator John Bonacic, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus     
Issue Brief: Hunting, Angling & Nature Appreciation in Schools
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; requires the commissioner of environmental conservation to promote education in hunting, fishing and outdoor education in high school physical education courses.
Status: From Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on February 9 
Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Senator Frederick Akshar    
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Eliminates the expiration of and makes permanent, provisions of law authorizing an individual to fish with up to 3 lines in freshwater.
Status: To Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on February 3 
Introduced: 02/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator Sue Serino    
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; provides for the issuance of fishing and hunting licenses, free of charge, to volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers.
Status: To Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on February 5
Introduced: 05/11/2015
Sponsor: Representative David Maloney, Member, Pennsylvania Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Hunting, Angling & Nature Appreciation in School
Summary: Amends Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses; provides for eligibility for license; provides for hunter education in public schools.
Status: In Senate. Read first time on February 9
Introduced: 11/30/2015
Sponsor: Representative Barry Jozwiak
Issue Brief: Hunting with Dogs
Summary: Amends Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking; provides for dogs pursuing, injuring or killing big game.
Status: Rereferred to House Committee on Appropriations on February 9
Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Representative Arthur Corvese    
Issue Brief: Crossbows  
Summary: Would legalize the taking of wild migratory birds by crossbow. This act would take effect upon passage.
Status: To House Committee on Judiciary on February 4
Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Representative John Bartholomew
Issue Brief: Tethering of Dogs
Summary: Relates to adequate shelter of dogs and cats.
Status: Passed House. To Senate on February 10
Introduced: 01/18/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to sales tax exemption; relates to gun safes; establishes an exemption from retail sales tax for the purchase of a gun safe with a selling price of $1,000 or less; defines a gun safe as a safe or vault that is commercially available, secured with a digital or dial combination locking mechanism or biometric locking mechanism, and designed for the storage of a firearm or for ammunition for use in a firearm; provides that under the bill a gun safe does not include a glass-faced cabinet.
Status: In House Committee on Finance on February 10
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Ryan McDougle       
Issue Brief: State Management Authority
Summary: Relates to the hunting of coyotes; relates to county or city ordinances; adds the hunting of coyotes to the list of firearm-hunting topics about which a county or city is authorized to adopt ordinances; provides that current law allows the governing body of a county or city to adopt ordinances prohibiting hunting with certain types of shotguns, permitting groundhog hunting under certain conditions, permitting hunting with muzzleloaders, and specifying permissible ammunition types.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources on February 10 


Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Tommy Hanes
Issue Brief: College Student Hunting/Angling Licenses
Summary: Relates to hunting and fishing; authorizes a nonresident student at an institution of higher education in this state to purchase resident hunting or fishing licenses under certain conditions.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on February 9

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Tommy Hanes
Issue Brief: License (General) 
Summary: Relates to reciprocal agreements with Florida exempting persons age 65 or older from state fishing and hunting licensing requirements; allows the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to enter into a reciprocal agreement with any state to allow a nonresident person 65 years of age or older to hunt in this state if the person has a valid hunting license in his or her own state of residence.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on February 9

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Will Ainsworth
Issue Brief: General; Hunting with Dogs, Exotic Invasive Species
Summary: Relates to feral swine; declares that feral swine are a destructive and invasive species; requires the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to adopt certain rules to reduce the feral swine population and protect public health and property; prohibits the transportation of feral swine within the state; prohibits the possession of feral swine.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on February 9

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Reed Ingram  
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Prohibits the nighttime hunting of protected birds and animals unless authorized by rule of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; defines nighttime hours.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on February 9

Introduced: 02/02/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Whatley
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding
Summary: Relates to issuance of stamps for waterfowl hunting; raises the stamp fee and to authorize periodic adjustment of the fee.
Status: To Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry on February 2

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Kionne McGhee
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentives  
Summary: Relates to conservation easements; deletes requirement that a property tax exemption for a conservation easement must be renewed annually.
Status: In House. Placed on Calendar on February 10  

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Representative Matt Hutson
Issue Brief: License (General)
Summary: Relates to identification cards and driver licenses; provides for a person's status as a lifetime freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, hunting, or sportsman licensee, or boater safety identification cardholder, to be indicated on his or her identification card or driver license upon payment of an additional fee and presentation of the person's lifetime freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, hunting, or sportsman's license, or boater safety identification card.
Status: To enrollment on February 10

Introduced: 01/12/2016
Sponsor: Senator Miguel Diaz  
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access   
Summary: Relates to dredge and fill activities; revises the acreage of wetlands and other surface waters subject to impact by dredge and fill activities under a state programmatic general permit; provides that seeking to use such a permit consents to specified federal wetland jurisdiction criteria; authorizes the Department of Environmental Protection to delegate federal permitting programs for the discharge of such material; deletes certain conditions limiting when the Department may assume federal permits.
Status: In Senate. On Committee agenda for February 11

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Bill Heath, Co-Chair, Georgia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus; Member, National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses
Issue Brief: General    
Summary: Urges the United States Congress to enact legislation for the purpose of enhancing hunting, fishing, recreational shooting, and other outdoor recreational opportunities, as well as strengthen conservation efforts nationwide.
Status: In Senate. Read third time. Passed Senate on February 9  

Introduced: 02/05/2016
Sponsor: Representative Bryant Clark
Issue Brief: Enforcement; Off Highway Vehicles
Summary: Allows all-terrain vehicles to obtain a certificate of number; requires all all-terrain vehicles used on public lands to obtain a certificate of number; authorizes the Mississippi department of wildlife, fisheries and parks to issue the certificates; provides that the certificate of number shall be placed on the all-terrain vehicles; provides a penalty for violations.
Status: To House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks on February 8

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Outdoor Sporting Goods Tax Holiday  
Summary: Revises the time for the sales tax exemption for retail sales of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies from the first weekend in September to the last weekend in August.
Status: To House Committee on Revenue and Expenditure General Bills on February 8

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason White, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Extends the repealer on the provision of law that prohibits the importation and transportation of any live feral hog, wild swine or Russian boar, and provides that such wild hogs may be caught, trapped or transported by permit holders.
Status: To House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks on February 8

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Andy Gipson, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Guns (General); Firearm Suppressors
Summary: Brings forward section 97-37-31, Mississippi code of 1972, which regulates firearm silencers, for purposes of amendment.
Status: To House Committee on Judiciary B on February 9  

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jim Barnett, Member, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Authorizes the Mississippi department of wildlife, fisheries and parks to shorten or close any open season when any game or fur-bearing animals are forced out of their natural habitat; provides a penalty for violating the shortening or closure of an open season.
Status: To House Committee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks on February 9

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jason Dawkins
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Recommends the assessment of the economic value of the natural resources of the state.
Status: Additionally referred to Senate Committee on Environmental Protections, Conservation and Resources on February 9  

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Brice Wiggins  
Issue Brief: Catch Shares
Summary: Revises the prohibition on the commercial taking of redfish and the penalties therefore.
Status: To Senate Committee on Ports and Marine Resources on February 9    

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Joshua Seymour
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation Funding; License (General)
Summary: Provides that certain residents possessing fish in the marine waters of the state shall obtain a saltwater sports fishing license.
Status: To Senate Committee on Ports and Marine Resources on February 9    

Introduced: 01/20/2016
Sponsor: Representative Bill Hixon, Member, South Carolina Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to terms and their definitions contained in the South Carolina marine resources act of 2000; provides a definition for the term Southern Cobia management zone; relates to certain federal fishing regulations; provides that these regulations do not apply to Cobia located in the Southern Cobia management zone.
Status: To Senate Committee on Fish, Game and Forestry on February 4

Introduced: 01/19/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jay Reedy, Co-Chair, Tennessee Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: Invasive Species  
Summary: Relates to Game and Fish Laws; creates a nine-member task force to make recommendations for statutory changes to protect the state's wildlife and waterways against any detrimental effects of invasive Asian carp.
Status: To House Committee on Government Operation on February 10   

Introduced: 01/15/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Steve Westfall
Issue Brief: Fishing Reciprocity; General 
Summary: Enters reciprocal agreements to recognize hunting, fishing and trapping licenses issued by other states.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 3  

Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Delegate Bill Hamilton, Member, West Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus  
Issue Brief: Crossbows 
Summary: Relates to crossbow hunting.
Status: To House Committee on Judiciary on February 10   

Introduced: 01/15/2016
Sponsor: Senator Craig Blair
Issue Brief: Licenses (General)
Summary: Provides all hunting and fishing licenses are valid for one year from date of issue.
Status: To Senate Committee on Government Organization on February 4

Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Senator Robert Karnes, Member, West Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: Off Highway Vehicles
Summary: Establishes regional recreation authorities and areas.
Status: To Senate Committee on Natural Resources on February 3 

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Robert Karnes, Member, West Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: License (General)  
Summary: Allows residents to purchase senior hunting, fishing and trapping licenses at the beginning of the year they turn 65.
Status: To Senate Committee on Natural Resources on February 8  


Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Senator Neil Anderson
Issue Brief: Hunter Recruitment, Retention, Reactivation
Summary: Amends the Wildlife Code; provides that a resident youth 18 and under may apply to the Department of Natural Resources for a Youth Trapping License, which extends limited trapping privileges; provides that the Youth Trapping License shall be renewable and expire on the March 31 following the date of issuance; provides that possession of a Youth Trapping License shall serve in lieu of a valid trapping license, but does not exempt the licensee from compliance with the requirements of the Code.
Status: To Senate Committee on Assignment on February 3  

Introduced: 01/11/2016
Sponsor: Representative Sean Eberhart, Co-Chair, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to natural resources; relates to the flood control program and revolving fund, forest and wildlands classifications, requirements for aft lights on boats, flotation devices, rail use tags for non-registered off-road vehicles and snowmobiles, taking of wild animals on historic site properties, habit restoration stamps, hunter orange requirements, airport trapping rights, ginseng for sale or export without a license, liens on past coal mining land and wastewater treatment system loans.
Status: To Senate Committee on Natural Resources on February 8

Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator David Long
Issue Brief: Right to Hunt and Fish
Summary: Prescribes the ballot language for the proposed constitutional amendment concerning the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife.
Status: To House Committee on Election and Apportionment on February 8

Introduced: 01/05/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mark Messmer, Member, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: High Fence  
Summary: Provides that the department of natural resources may not regulate certain privately owned captive bred wild animal hunting preserves; establishes licensing requirements, inspection requirements and fees; exempts licensed hunting preserves and cervidae livestock operations from certain licensing requirements; requires a transportation or cull tag be affixed to each animal taken on a hunting preserve; prohibits computer assisted remote hunting on hunting preserves.
Status: To House Committee on Natural Resources on February 8

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Senator Michael Crider   
Issue Brief: High Fence
Summary: Removes language that exempts wild animals that are being held in captivity under a license or permit from being the property of Indiana; amends the department of natural resource's duties to provide for the protection and proper management of all legally and publicly owned wild animals in Indiana; provides that the specified fish and wildlife Laws do not apply to legally owned captive bred cervidae.
Status: To House Committee on Natural Resources on February 8

Introduced: 01/15/2016
Sponsor: Representative Matt Windschitl   
Issue Brief: Firearm Suppressors
Summary: Relates to possessing and transferring firearm suppressors; provides penalties; includes effective date provisions.
Status: From House Committee on Judiciary: Do pass on February 4

Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Representative Greg Heartstill     
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to tagging requirements for deer carcasses; includes penalties.
Status: To House Committee on Natural Resources on February 4 
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Curt Hanson    
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the number of bobcats that may be harvested; includes penalties.
Status: To House Committee on Natural Resources on February 8  
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Zach Nunn    
Issue Brief: Ivory Ban
Summary: Prohibits the sale of ivory and rhinoceros horn with certain exceptions; provides penalties; includes effective date provisions.
Status: To House Committee on Commerce on February 9   
Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Representative Quentin Stanerson      
Issue Brief: Hunter Education
Summary: Waives certain hunter education requirements for residents who are active duty military personnel or honorably discharged veterans.
Status: To House Committee on Veterans Affairs (Subcommittee assignments: Kaufman, Watts, Kearns) on February 4 

Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Senator Dick Dearden, Co-Chair, Iowa Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: General; Right to Hunt and Fish  
Summary: Proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa providing that the people of the state have a right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife.
Status: In Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Environment (Subcommittee assignments: Dearden, Brase, Shipley) on February 9   

Introduced: 01/06/2016
Sponsor: Representative Linda Black, Co-Chair, Missouri Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Imposes civil penalties for poaching certain animals.
Status: House Hearing to be held at 12:30pm on February 16

Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Representative Lynn DiSanto
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Requires the Game, Fish and Parks Commission to provide for an earlier archery deer hunting season.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 3

Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Representative Dick Werner, Member, South Dakota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Authorizes the use of handguns in the hunting of game birds.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 3

Introduced: 01/25/2016
Sponsor: Senator Corey Brown 
Issue Brief: Fishing Tournament
Summary: Limits certain liability for hosts of fishing tournaments.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources on February 9 
Introduced: 03/27/2015
Sponsor: Representative Kathleen Bernier, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: Knife Ban Repeal; Knife Preemptions     
Summary: Removes the use of the term switchblade in provisions of existing law that define weapon; revises the provisions regarding the carrying of a concealed knife.
Status: Signed by Governor (Act No. 149) on February 8

Introduced: 07/29/2015
Sponsor: Representative Nick Milroy, Co-Chair, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the color of clothing required to be worn during the season for hunting deer with firearms.
Status: Signed by Governor (Act No. 131) on February 4  

Introduced: 10/15/2015
Sponsor: Representative Joel Kleefisch, Co-Chair, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to back tag requirements.
Status: Laid on the table on February 9  
Introduced: 10/30/2015
Sponsor: Representative Ken Skowronski, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Enforcement 
Summary: Relates to wild animal protection surcharges for game fish and a higher wild animal protection surcharge for certain animals of a larger size.
Status: From Assembly Committee on Rules: Placed on Calendar on February 9
Introduced: 11/18/2015
Sponsor: Representative Joel Kleefisch, Co-Chair, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Authorizes a person to shoot to kill an animal wounded by another person while hunting; provides for youth hunting.
Status: In Assembly. Read third time. Passed Assembly. To Senate on February 9  

Introduced: 01/13/2015
Sponsor: Representative Alvin Ott, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the date on which the annual open season for hunting and trapping wolves begins.
Status: In Assembly. Read third time. Passed Assembly. To Senate on February 9  

Introduced: 10/14/2015
Sponsor: Senator Richard Gudex
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access
Summary: Relates to an exemption from civil liability related to the placement of certain structures in navigable waters and wetlands.
Status: In Assembly. Read third time. Passed Assembly on February 9

Introduced: 12/07/2015
Sponsor: Senator Tom Tiffany, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus       
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Exempts the naturally shed feathers of a grouse, partridge, pheasant, quail, or wild turkey and the feathers of a lawfully taken of these same species from the current prohibition on the sale, purchase, barter, or trade, the offer to sell, purchase, barter, or trade, and the possession or control for the purposes of selling, bartering, or trading of any wild animal.
Status: In Assembly. Read third time. Passed Assembly on February 9
Introduced: 01/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Tiffany, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus   
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the date on which the annual open season for hunting and trapping wolves begins.
Status: From Senate Committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry: Recommended passage. Available for scheduling on February 9
Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tom Tiffany, Member, Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus    
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Relates to shining wild animals.
Status: From Senate Committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry: Recommended passage. Available for scheduling on February 9


Introduced: 01/19/2016
Sponsor: Senator Barbara McGuire
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Relates to Game and Fish (G&F); relates to licenses; relates to veterans.
Status: From Senate Committee on Public Safety, Military and Technology: Do pass on February 10 

Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Senator Gail Griffin, Member, Arizona Legislators for Wildlife
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to Mexican wolf; relates to Game and Fish (G&F) approval; relates to reporting.
Status: Held in Senate Committee on Rules on February 8

Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member Jim Wood
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Requires the Fish and Game Commission to allocate a specific number of elk tags to federally-recognized Indian tribes in the state for the purposes of cultural or religious ceremonies or celebrations.
Status: Introduced on February 4
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Assembly Member James Gallagher, Member, California Outdoor Sporting Caucus
Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military, Hunting and Angling Privileges
Summary: Requires the Department of Fish and Wildlife to reduce the fee required to obtain the hunting and sport fishing licenses by an unspecified percentage for a person who is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States and is a resident.
Status: Introduced on February 9

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Yeulin Willett 
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Concerns changing the legal starting date for the black bear hunting season.
Status: To House Committee on State, Veterans & Military Affairs on February 4 

Introduced: 02/04/2016
Sponsor: Representative Don Coram, Member, Colorado Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General 
Summary: Concerns additional methods to manage forests to secure favorable conditions for water supply.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources on February 8   

Introduced: 01/19/2016
Sponsor: Senator Kerry Donovan, Member, Colorado Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Concerns Wearing fluorescent pink garments to hunt big game.
Status: To House Committee on Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources on February 10  

Colorado S 119
Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: Senator Mike Johnston  
Issue Brief: License (General) 
Summary: Concerns the species of animals that are excluded from the landowner preference program for hunting licenses.
Status: From Senate Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources & Energy: Postponed indefinitely on February 10

Introduced: 01/21/2016
Sponsor: Representative Cindy Evans
Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License  
Summary: Establishes a state apprentice hunting license to authorize persons without a hunting license to hunt under direct supervision of a licensed hunter.
Status: To House Judiciary Committee on February 8  

Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Representative Angus McKelvey
Issue Brief: Freshwater Angling Access; American System of Conservation Funding 
Summary: Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources, with the collaboration of the Department of Agriculture, to identify, purchase, and rehabilitate freshwater reservoirs in central Maui suitable for fishing, agriculture, and aquaponics; authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds to fund the purposes of this Act.
Status: In Committee: Hearing scheduled for February 5 

Hawaii H 2023
Introduced: 01/25/2016
Sponsor: Representative Kaniela Ing
Issue Brief: Angler Access 
Summary: Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to designate and adopt rules for the management of no fewer than five community-based subsistence fishing areas; establishes designation process and rule requirements.
Status: In House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources, and Hawaiian Affairs: Voted do pass with amendment on February 10
Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Representative James Tokioka 
Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License
Summary: Establishes the state apprentice hunting license program; provides for the issuance of the state apprentice hunting license to program participants; establishes requirements for program participation; exempts holder of an apprentice license from taking the required hunter education class prior to licensure.
Status: Rereferred to House Committee on Water and Land(Subsequent referral set for: House Committee on Judiciary; Subsequent referral set for: House Committee on Finance) on February 5
Introduced: 01/20/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ronald Kouchi 
Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License   
Summary: Establishes the Hawaii apprentice hunting license program; provides for the issuance of a Hawaii apprentice hunting license to program participants; establishes requirements for program participation; exempts holder of an apprentice license from taking the required hunter education class prior to licensure Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Status: To Senate Committee on Ways and Means on February 5  
Introduced: 01/20/2016
Sponsor: Senator Tulsi Gabbard  
Issue Brief: Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact    
Summary: Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to enter into the interstate wildlife violator compact or similar agreement for mutual assistance in the enforcement of wildlife laws.
Status: To Senate Committee on Ways and Means on February 5  
Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ronald Kouchi 
Issue Brief: Public Access to Private Lands    
Summary: (Governor) Requires hunters to obtain written permission from landowners or occupiers or holders of private lands to hunt on private lands; effective July 1, 2016.
Status: To Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor on February 5   

Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: House Resources and Conservation Committee
Issue Brief: Hunter Education
Summary: Amends existing law to clarify that the Fish and Game Commission shall prescribe and administer education programs in trapping.
Status: Passed House. To Senate (70-0) on February 5
Introduced: 01/26/2016
Sponsor: Senate Resources and Environment Committee
Issue Brief: General  
Summary: Amends existing law to prohibit the use of unmanned aircraft systems for hunting, molesting or locating game animals, game birds and furbearing animals.
Status: Reported out of House Resources and Conservation Committee with Do Pass Recommendation on February 10 
Introduced: 02/03/2016
Sponsor: Representative Carlos Cisneros
Issue Brief: Public Access to Private Lands    
Summary: Relates to taxation; exempts from the gross receipts tax the sale of access to private land for hunting or fishing purposes.
Status: From Senate Committee on Committees: Do pass germane on February 4

Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: General   
Summary: Ratifies decision of State Fish and Wildlife Commission to remove Canis lupus from state list of endangered species; prohibits commission from including Canis lupus on lists of threatened species or endangered species unless certain criteria met; declares emergency, effective on passage.
Status: Passed House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee with Do Pass Recommendation on February 10 
Introduced: 02/01/2016
Sponsor: House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: Enforcement
Summary: Increases damages for unlawful taking or killing of wildlife; punishes certain violations of wildlife laws with mandatory revocation of licenses, permits and tags; requires civil forfeiture of certain devices upon third conviction within 10-year period for violation of provision of wildlife laws or rule adopted pursuant to wildlife laws; expands provisions relating to parts unlawful to be removed from wildlife.
Status: Passed House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee as amended on February 9 

Introduced: 01/25/2016
Sponsor: Representative Mike McKell
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Clarifies the nature of a license, permit, tag, certificate of registration, point, or credit issued to a person by the Division of Wildlife Resources; modifies procedures for a big game hunting permit; provides for a free fishing day; states a license, permit, tag, or certificate or registration issued to a person by the Division is a privilege, not a right; states that a point or credit issued to a person to improve their chance's or receiving a hunting permit may not be transferred, sold, or assigned.
Status: From Senate Committee on Natural Resources. Agriculture and Environment: Reported Favorably. Placed on 2nd Reading calendar on February 5

Introduced: 01/22/2016
Sponsor: Representative David Taylor
Issue Brief: Public Access to Private Lands
Summary: Prohibits the Department of Fish and Wildlife from requiring public access as a condition of owners receiving compensation for wildlife interactions under chapter 77.36 RCW.
Status: Public hearing scheduled on February 4
Washington S 6308
Introduced: 01/13/2016
Sponsor: Senator Dean Takko, Co-Chair, Washington Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: License (General) 
Summary: State migratory bird permit fee is increased from $15 to $25. A migratory bird account is created for revenue collected from the migratory bird permit.
Status: From Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Parks: Do pass substituted (7-0) on February 4   

Wyoming H 12
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Jim Allen 
Issue Brief: General     
Summary: Relates to game and fish; authorizes the taking of mountain lions by traps and snares as specified; requires rulemaking as specified; provides for an effective date.
Status: Failed Introduced on February 9 
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: House Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee
Issue Brief: Budget Bills
Summary: Relates to game and fish; authorizes the game and fish commission to establish fees and time periods for special management permits as specified; specifies the use of the fees collected; provides for an effective date.
Status: Introduced on February 8 
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Andy Schwartz
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to game and fish; provides for the protection of big game animals from harassment and disturbance as specified; authorizes rulemaking; specifies applicability; provides definitions; provides for an effective date.
Status: Introduced on February 9 
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Representative Ken Esquibel
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to game and fish; establishes residency requirements related to vehicle registration laws for resident hunting and fishing licenses as specified; establishes a violation of residency requirements and vehicle registration Laws as specified; provides for penalties; provides for an effective date.
Status: Introduced on February 9 

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Representative Albert Sommers
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Requests Congress to enact legislation to remove the gray wolf and grizzly bear populations from listing under the endangered species act and to assist in funding programs and services for gray wolf and grizzly bear management.
Status: Introduced on February 8 

Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Senator Ogden Driskill, Co-Chair, Wyoming Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Enforcement 
Summary: Relates to game and fish; creates a new hunting prohibition; requires revocation of hunting licenses, loss of preference points and forfeiture of devices and equipment for hunting violations as specified; specifies Prima facie evidence of hunting; provides for an effective date.
Status: Introduced on February 8 
Introduced: 02/08/2016
Sponsor: Senate Select Committee on Natural Resource Funding
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentive 
Summary: Relates to the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Act; provides for funding of large projects under that act; specifies large projects approved for funding in 2016; requires specified conservation easements to include the state of Wyoming as a third party beneficiary as specified; requires certifications regarding kickbacks and gifts; provides appropriations; provides for reversion of funds; provides for an effective date.
Status: To Senate Committee on Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources on February 8  
Introduced: 02/09/2016
Sponsor: Senator Paul Barnard
Issue Brief: American System of Conservation of Funding; License (General) 
Summary: Relates to game and fish; authorizes the game and fish commission to issue combination elk, deer and antelope licenses as specified; specifies fees; provides for an effective date.
Status: Introduced on February 9    
        SCISCI is a proud partner of CSF and
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For additional information on legislation included in this report please contact the appropriate representative: 
Midwestern States Director Chris Horton, at 501.865.1475, or email
Northeastern States Director Brent Miller, at 202.543.6850 x 13, or email
Southeastern States Manager Bee Frederick, at 334.593.6988, or email
Western States Director Andy Treharne, at 303.789.7589, or email

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